me out on this one UPDATE


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Duct tape has soooooo many creative uses doesn't it? :D

I understand where he's coming from, he is always the one that is asked to wait for things, to be patient, and he has been told my my POS doctors that if I just change my birth control AGAIN and give it 6 more months it'll be alright. It is just as frustrating for him as it is for me cause I have been snappy and defensive and generally pretty foul about the whole situation cause I just don't know how to fix it.

I keep telling him that I can't just flip a switch and make everything okay again. He is just tired of not knowing how to fix it either. He has made the comment several times that if we could just get that part of our relationship fixed that everything would be perfect for him. He needs to know that he is enough for me and that he is attractive and sexy too. It's just as hard for him cause he doesn't know how to fix it either.

Don't feel bad QA---he pisses me off sometimes too! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
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Southern Washington State
The process of sex, love making, or whoopie is very very important to many many men. It defines their manliness and shapes their love (hopefully) for their partner.

My DH is a nice man, loves me dearly, yet after 20 years of being married partners, parents, entrepreneurs, enduring losses, enjoying successes, and more, his only regret is that I'm not into the whoopie part. :idunno


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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lorihadams said:
Don't feel bad QA---he pisses me off sometimes too! :lol:
You know, I posted that and then we left to go get some information for Becca and to taker her the nesting box E made her today. I was sick to my stomach the whole time worried that I had shot off my mouth too much and had offended you! :hide :hide

I came home ready to apologize and beg your forgiveness.

I'll keep you and this situation in my prayers, and I'll pray for your husband to have patience.


p.s. I do want to say, I'm so very glad that my husband doesn't put the same amount of importance on sex as other men. Neither of us *has* to have it. I mean, we like it, just not all the time and it's not that high on the scale of importance. Especially not after having kids walk in on you multiple times at different times....I'll never forget the morning our DD came in our room before day break and said, "Mom, what are you guys doing?" :hide


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Lori, I wouldn't rule out going to the ND just becaue of no prescription meds. This fibermyalgia thing, maybe she/he can help you figure that one out. Medical doctors really don't have a clue, absolutely none... except for the few that do alternative medicine also.

Some doctors are finding out that a pathogen underlies fibromylagia and chronic fatigue as well. Some cases of fibromyalgia have turned out to be lyme disease and if it is no regular doctor will every help you figure that out. You would have to be tested by a lyme literate doctor... they are finding that many many people have lyme, including those who don't remember getting bit by a tick and those who never had the bullseye rash. something to think about.

Although fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are two separate things but sometimes they go to gether. Chronic fatigue is often caused by epstien barr which is mononucleoisis that never went away but went into a chronic state. Some people never even recognize that they have or had mono. Only a few things cure it that I am aware of and neither will you get from a medical doctor. Regarding your fatigure and heaviness of the legs and not wanting to get up, that is chronic fatigue like stuff. Get checked for the epstien barr virus. If you have it then I can tell you how to fix it.

If you don't have it then I would seriously think about getting checked for Lyme. You must find a Lyme literate doctor to really get that done right and that takes a little work to find.

Vaginal dryness is a sign of low testosterone. possibly progesterone.

Testosterone, when levels are up, might alleviate depression.

Wish I knew more about endomeitriosis (can't even spell it) but I don't.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I had endometriosis also. Fortunatelly my pregnancy took care of that. I had forgotten all about it. Sex was definitely better after that.
I recently found out I have a seriously inverted cervix/uterus. It basically points toward my belly button and therefore gets in the way .... and that is painfull. It wasn't always like that, that is something that changed as I got older. At a recent checkup, the nurse practitioner couldn't find my cervix to do the pap test. She called in the attending doctor and even she had a hard time finding it. They had me in a rather unusual position in those stir-ups :lol:
I told them I definitely had one, I have a daughter to prove it :lol:

Most of my pain issues have been resolved by me taking a tincture of cannabis. I take less than 1/2 tsp most days. Now I rarely have joint pain, numbness nor the excruciating back pain I had all my life. I can even sleep through the night, if I don't have to go to the bathroom :rolleyes: Of course I have a prescription for it. Thank goodness it is legal for medicinal use in CA.

I also recently started taking vitamin D and noticed a change for the better in my energy level. This week I started taking a B complex and these past two days I did not need an afternoon nap.
I just keep reading and looking and trying different stuff that makes some sort of sense.
I remember my grandmother doing the same thing. Too bad she did not have the internet available to her, she would have loved it. But she did find what she needed and it helped her. She lived to be ninety something. So I try to follow in her footsteps. :)


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I take a multivitamin now and I have tested vitamin d deficient before. I get bit by ticks all the time and have never had the bullseye thing. How much vitamin d should I take and what kind of supplements do you guys use? I am currently taking NatureMade multi for women liquid capsule.

I also need to cut out fried foods. I ate a piece of fried chicken last night for dinner and woke up this morning sore and achy in my joints.

Okay, so Mackay, give me a list of tests that need to be done so I can suggest them to my doctor. Please and thank you! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Well, if you have been bitten by ticks I certainly would ask for the lyme tests. You may or may not have lyme and not having the bullseye means NOTHING... Those critters carry OTHER bacteria also and they are simply called co infections with lyme. (complex names I don't remember) You could just have a co infection and not the lyme.
All of them need to be treated. People can have them for years and not know what is wrong with them, and then sometimes they don't feel sick. Its like the immune system mounts to the challenge, they feel better for a while, but then they get weak again. Because lyme is such a complex disease you need to find a lyme literate doctor. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH A GENERAL PRACTITIONER WHO DOES NOT SPECIALIZE IN LYME. People who have fibromyalgia symptoms sometimes really have lyme. Back pain and trigger point pain so often goes with lyme.

Also it can get confusing if you take a bunch of antibiotics for something like pneumonia, bronchitits, UTI or whatever and you get to feeling better in ways you did not anticipate... like some people who have arthritis will find that their pain goes away when they are on antibiotics... well, that is because many cases of arthritis are caused by a microbe... but they don't hook it up... they don't understand what is happening to them.

You have to understand, fibromyalgia is not a disease. It is a name for a particular group of symtoms, (same for chronic fatigue) If you ask the doctor what the disease is they will not be able to name it becaue they have not found it. They might say that Oh this inflammatory process is happening or this glitch in your ATP or glutathione is happening or something like that but they can't name the disease, what is causing it. I assure you. there is a cause, and if you don't believe me just ask your doc as he is BS-ing you what the etiology of the disease it... he may throw you out of his office.... or he may admit that he does not know.

I will tell you what causes it. Microbes cause it. It could be lyme or a co infection or some other microbe. Many people who have had fibromyalgia have gotten rid of it with MMS. MMS can kill those microbes that the doctors can't find. They can also kill the lyme or tick borne microbes also but treatment is more complex than just mms... there are a number of pathways to healing for that that have to worked together.

Ask for these tests and I am hoping you have insurance. If not let me know and I will cut it down.

B12 if borderline or low get B12 shots, and methycobalamine is the type of B12 you want. One a week should bring you up. Then one a month for a while. Some docs will let you get a large bottle and self administer at home. This med can be takne subcutaneous. (into the fat) not necessarily a muscle. That makes it easier.

Vit. D3 - you need to be 60 to 90 in range. I don't give a flip what your doctor says. If they say lower is OK they are wrong. You want the 25 hydroxy vitamin D test. You do not want D2 pills or injection. It is worthless.

CRP - this just checks to see if you have high inflammation levels in your body.

Epstein Barr virus: there can be several variants of this virus. If you have one it may be part of your suffering. Many docs can do this in the office. I doubt they will have a treatment for you. I do not recommend antiviral drugs... they won't work for this but there are other options.

a folate level

a homocystine level

just as a general check get your cholesterol levles done. Don't just take a pill for cholesterol because they tell you to either. You have many options and those pills are dangerous.

A testosternone level. If you are borderline low beg for a low dose treatment.

A DHEA level.. this is a hormone from the adrenals. It can be supplemented. Some people are significantly deficient and as you get older levels do drop... I doubt you need it yet, but you never know with the way you have been run down. read this article. many docs are not hot on DHEA supplementation but some are. I've been on it for almost 3 years. You do not need a prescription for it but you do need to know what your levels are before taking any. never more than 5mg for someone your age. It can boost testosternone and my levels were borerline low. My doc says it will help testosterone

Estrogen and progesterone levels... but if you are going to stop the pill you may need to wait till things even out. Talk to your doc about how long to wait.

Remember, you may have more than one thing going on at a time so you need to systematically check a lot of stuff and possibly treat for multiple problems

To add to your supplements I suggest Jarrow Brand Whey. One or two servings a day. Do a search on whey to understand why. has best prices. put in my code BAR967 and I think you may get a discount if its your first order from them

Oh, and the tipped uterus thing can be fixed. there are two ways that I know of... some massage therapists know how to do it but it is a very specialized knowledge for them so you may have a hard time finding someone who knows how, then there is surgery, it is a matter of tightening the ligaments.... but not a simple surgery. I have a friend with this problems also. She is just thinking of having the uterus removed as it causes her a lot of pain. I would not recommend that. God gave you a uterus for your whole life. I think there is probably a reason... that is male oriented thinking... a womans part of her body gives her a problem.. well, heck. no problem. just cut it out... thanks but no thanks for me.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
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Santa Barbara
I have a longer reply but am only on my BB...

Isn't Nature Made what you get from a regular store?? Please get off that!! Find a high end vitamin...and preferably not a multi. Not everyone is made the same, being 20 years old, no children, a horseback rider and working retail my needs are very. Very different from anyone in here.

I love Dynamite products, I have 4 reps I rotate between, so when I'm on my laptop ill send you websites :)


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
A friend of mine swears by a company called Swanson Swanson Vitamins. She has been a faithful customer of theirs for many years. She claims they are a high end vitamin at a bargain price. Anyone here ever had any dealings with them? What do you all think?

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