me out on this one UPDATE


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Going to my OB, the PITA from last year, in about an hour. I have now been off the pill for 5 months and I am going to request more bloodwork, we'll see how that goes. If she doesn't cooperate this time I'm done with her.


Power Conserver
Nov 7, 2010
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North Western Montana
I wish I had the attention span to read through all of the posts, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. I scanned over most of them, but I just can't read them all!

My ND recommended taking a Natural Progesterone cream when I consulted with him regarding my hormone problems. He also recommended a book by Dr. John Lee-What Your Doctor Might Not Tell You About PREmenopause (Not Perimenopause which is the few years before Menopause.). I highly recommend borrowing or buying it-amazon has used copies for a penny.

Good Luck!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ok, I just read most of this thread. And, I have a BIL w/MS. I don't know if he's ever been tested for Lymes, so I just might suggest that to his wife. We're going to their house for Thanksgiving, so I just might copy that one article.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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still waiting for test results. She was going to test my thyroid, estrogen and testosterone levels although she still doesn't believe that there is any physical issue. :rolleyes:

With tears in my eyes I said "can we just do the tests to rule it out please, I don't know what else to do"

I told her that my family doctor tested them 5 months ago and my testosterone was low and she said "that's cause you were on the pill, it's supposed to be low, that's what the pill does"

She also said that if my periods were regular then it was likely that everything was normal.

She also wants me off the cymbalta, she hates it.

I don't know what to do now. my husband is more frustrated than ever and I don't know what else to tell him other than I don't want to do anything....I don't want to be touched, I don't want to be kissed, I don't want anything to do with anything physical at all.

I'm tired all the time, he made the comment the other day that I slept more than any human being he had ever known. I just get exhausted sometimes and all I can do is lay down and sleep.

I don't know what to do. I bled all day after my checkup which is not normal for me. Bright red blood.

I don't know what the deal is. My last period came one week earlier than normal and my first day I was spotting, then bled for about 12 hours and then stopped for 24 hours and then started bleeding again for about 3 days and then spotted for 2 more. It has gotten painful to insert and remove a tampon.

I don't know what to do....hopefully the tests will show something is awry. I am holding out hope for something physical to be wrong so that someone will believe me when I say that it is just not there. I cannot have an orgasm and any stimulation just either feels like nothing or like you are poking a bruise.

I have dryness issues and she says that is from the mental part of it cause she believes something is going on that is preventing me from getting into it and even though I have been in counseling for 2 years she still believes I need therapy.

what would you do?


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California

You are in a hard place. Here are a couple of my thoughts....

First off, I know that we all talk a lot about diet, but I can't remember where you are in the spectrum of things. Can you drop all sugars and grains? I got so much of an energy boost when I eliminated that stuff from my diet! I can not even begin to explain the profound impact it had on me. Now I can tolerate it some, but mostly I stick to a tsp of sugar in my morning coffee and that is it. On occasion I will have bread or GF pasta or a treat but that is maybe 2-3 times a week.

Secondly, you need to put in the effort for your Hubby's sake. Even if you don't feel like it, keeping that intimate connection is important to you both.
(something that I need to work on myself!)



Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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Dace said:
Secondly, you need to put in the effort for your Hubby's sake. Even if you don't feel like it, keeping that intimate connection is important to you both.
(something that I need to work on myself!)

I went to a For Womens' Health conference and sat in on a talk about bringing the passion/sex back into a relationship. The speaker was AMAZING. She said something about how the person who does not want sex should not control the sex in the relationship. Meaning, just because one partner doesn't want it doesn't mean they get to control the sex. She said if the person who isnt' in the mood should give a 20 minute honest effort to get in the mood. If after 20 minutes they're not at all interested, then stop trying and try again another time. Kinda like the saying "smile until you mean it", she said many people will eventually start feeling interested.

I don't know if that helps. I also know that sex when you're not really in the mood just doesn't feel that great. :/


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
aggieterpkatie said:
Dace said:
Secondly, you need to put in the effort for your Hubby's sake. Even if you don't feel like it, keeping that intimate connection is important to you both.
(something that I need to work on myself!)

I also know that sex when you're not really in the mood just doesn't feel that great. :/
True, but I do find that sometimes feelings come through action....if you know what I mean. I may not be in the mood but when all is said and done I am glad I pushed myself to *try* to be in the mood.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I've tried that....I just can't seem to get into it.

My hubby tries oral on me and after 20 minutes....bless his heart....I just have to tell him to stop cause it starts to hurt.

He gets upset most of the time because he wants me to enjoy it and I just don't. I try but I just don't enjoy it like I should. I'm constantly feeling like I have to pee, even if I emptied my bladder before, or I have an "indian rope burn" kind of sensation. It hurts.

I know some of that is the dryness issue. I can't make him understand that he has not done anything wrong. It is not that HE doesn't turn me's that NOTHING or NO ONE turns me on.

I'm trying to eat better...I usually eat a sandwich for lunch but otherwise no bread the rest of the day. Sometimes we do pancakes for breakfast or eggs. I have stopped eating cereal altogether. I have started making and drinking my own kombucha (thanks BB) and I have kefir too but I don't like it much.

I try to eat lots of fruit and veggies and stay away from sugar but when the weather gets colder it gets harder. I have had serious issues with coffee the last month. I have done well, none today so far and only 2 cups yesterday.

I know I need to cut back my sugar intake....its so hard cause it is just in everything.

I haven't tried taking any herbs or anything cause I was waiting to see what several months off the BC pill would do.

urban dreamer

I wanna farm
Apr 1, 2010
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Sherwood, Arkansas
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs

I'm so sorry your going throught this crap lori. IMO, being pushed to therapy just makes things worst. I've been on several anti-depressants and they just p*** me off. It really gets me when my MIL asks me if I've "taken my drugs" and "you know you need them". She even calls in my prescriptions for me! <- That is about to stop because I don't want them. And I don't want to have a prescription crutch to blame a bad day on. Little does she know, I've been off the Depo shot for 4 months now and haven't taken any anti-depressants in a long, long time. I started feeling alot better after I had my first natural period in three years. When I was on the Depo, I had no drive and was a complete B whenever DH asked for intimantcy. Sometimes I'd just let him do it. It's better now. I had a difficult childhood and they have suggested therapy for me and I flat said no. I do not like to be pushed into anything and if I feel threatened by you or if I don't like what your telling me, I done. I hope you can find a solution. Mabey you need to work on just loving your hubby first? Remember why you fell in love? Ky is good for dryness too. Mabey some uh, adult toys might help? I don't know, I wish I could offer more than good luck. :( :hugs :hugs :hugs I don't think you could get enough hugs.

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