Letter to Obama from 4th Grade Teacher


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Aly, great post and great letter! :) I happen to agree with the lady...or the sentiment, if it was wrongly contributed to this lady. ;)

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
The basic insurance she had as a small child vansihed as soon as the ex lost his job.

That was a good plan too..so it really sucked. Private school teachers back then rarely were offered insurance, my job didn't provide it. When I did get health insurance for her through a private co. it didn't cover pre existing conditions. Now why a heart defect was considered a pre existing condition is beyond me.

That money went fast...in the blink of an eye. And after that I couldn't even save the 10% I would normally save because monthly medical bills were so big after the crappy (yet very expensive) private insurance kicked in their little bit.

I was blind sided by how expensive health care was for a sick child.
(I come from a very healthy family.) The money I had in savings would have been great if she were a normal child.

Thanks for your concern, for us the hard part is over.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 21, 2009
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Pragmatic Country
DrakeMaiden said:
Doesn't the "upward economic spiral" depend upon a growing population of working people . . . ? So how does that work if 1. unemployment numbers are rising and 2. the population is aging (the largest population segment is nearing retirement)?
Good questions. A national market economy that sells more to others, than it borrows, would be a start. We had that once, not too long ago.

But most likely, your questions should be directed at those who have based one third of our economy on debt and promissory spending. Hey I have an idea! Lets ask those who repealed the legislation which prevented such practices in the first place.
HINT: The last straw was in 1999, before Evil Bush, Jr. was prez. It begins with the Glass-Steagle Act of 1933

You might be surprised to learn that mean, old Davaroo believes we should have functional, blanket health care for America's citizens. We should have a meaningful retirement system for those who have worked all their lives here. We should have an educational system that is fully funded for all students. WE should help one another get ahead.

But we cannot, I repeat, cannot fix these things if WE do not fix the underlying problem. Had we not based our practices of the last 40 years on debt management, instead of hard growth economics, we probably would have enough to go around.

My greatest wonder is that we look to the same sort of people who have foisted all that on us - to solve our current problems.

"The problem with politics is politicians" - D. Hutton
Jan 24, 2009
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reinbeau said:
Dave, I never signed that contract ;) I'm pretty sure a contract is made and agreed to between two parties. What's wrong with this picture is the people haven't signed onto the current contracts being offered by the government.
At this point, the majority of the people have. I'm not talking a huge majority but greater than 50%. The majority of the opinions expressed on this forum are expressed by people that represent the minority of the American public at this time. In the US the majority rules. I am not being rude I am just stating a fact. I do understand your perspective I just don't agree with it.
Jan 24, 2009
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noobiechickenlady said:
allow neighborhoods, frats, business owners, union workers, (whatever the group may be) to buy in quantity among themselves, instead of restricting groups to employees or religious groups.
Would 312 million Americans be a big enough group?
Jan 24, 2009
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big brown horse said:
reinbeau said:
Before Obama fixes health care, how about fixing the things that make us less healthy - like the deplorable state of our food in this country. What people have been advised to eat (that has more to do with what big-ag wants us to eat than what is good for us).
I agree with you about that fully. What do we tell parents with children with serious heart defects in the mean time?
Tell them to hang tight. Help is coming. Hopefully it will get there in time.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Big Daddy said:
reinbeau said:
Dave, I never signed that contract ;) I'm pretty sure a contract is made and agreed to between two parties. What's wrong with this picture is the people haven't signed onto the current contracts being offered by the government.
At this point, the majority of the people have. I'm not talking a huge majority but greater than 50%. The majority of the opinions expressed on this forum are expressed by people that represent the minority of the American public at this time. In the US the majority rules. I am not being rude I am just stating a fact. I do understand your perspective I just don't agree with it.
That is not true, you're pulling that 50% figure out of thin air, there's no facts behind it at all. Your perspective is clouded by your own views. There is no majority in this country that has signed onto this ridiculous health care garbage. As for the majority of opinions on this forum being a minority, I guess that - includes - you, doesn't it? Nice to know you're marginalizing people like Big Brown Horse with that broad brush you're using.
Jan 24, 2009
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I can understand your logic on the health savings plan. If you started saving say 15% of your net income at 18 and it grew at 8-13% it would be quite a nest egg by the time you were 50. f you maintained a healthy lifestyle and carried a high deductible health policy for catastrophic illness it might just work. Of course this is all dependent upon earning a respectable salary. What about the 50% of the population that is under the median of 44k? What about the people that lost 50% of their investments in this last fiasco? It's a great concept but it's geared towards above median people like most conservative concepts. What about someone in my position? I make above median, but I am 51. By the time I'm 51 I could save enough to cover a couple of minor operations. There's no way I could get any other coverage. So if I developed say prostate cancer I would die. It is one of the most easily cured cancers if caught in time. Yet I would die.

The system works for those with a lot of money. Other than that it's broke. As a famous philosopher once said. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". Live long and prosper.
Jan 24, 2009
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reinbeau said:
Big Daddy said:
reinbeau said:
Dave, I never signed that contract ;) I'm pretty sure a contract is made and agreed to between two parties. What's wrong with this picture is the people haven't signed onto the current contracts being offered by the government.
At this point, the majority of the people have. I'm not talking a huge majority but greater than 50%. The majority of the opinions expressed on this forum are expressed by people that represent the minority of the American public at this time. In the US the majority rules. I am not being rude I am just stating a fact. I do understand your perspective I just don't agree with it.
That is not true, you're pulling that 50% figure out of thin air, there's no facts behind it at all. Your perspective is clouded by your own views. There is no majority in this country that has signed onto this ridiculous health care garbage. As for the majority of opinions on this forum being a minority, I guess that - includes - you, doesn't it? Nice to know you're marginalizing people like Big Brown Horse with that broad brush you're using.
I'm not marginalizing anyone. The majority of the people in this forum are conservatives. If the majority of the country is conservative then we would have McCain and Caribou Barbie in the White House. There are numerous poles that show a majority of the country is for health reform. Look up majority in Websters. It says over 50%. I knew I could count on you to make it personal when I was being totally polite.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Doesn't matter how polite you are, if you make erroneous statements and claim them as fact, then you are still wrong and you can be called on them.

I am a conservative, and I don't think the majority here are at all, there are some conservatives, many independents and some of liberals here. Self-reliance cuts across all lines.

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