Letter to Obama from 4th Grade Teacher


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
davaroo said:
What we need to do if we are to survive is make it our driven goal to be the best. The global community should look at us and say, man, they are the best - we should try to be like them.

But, I don't think reaching out in diplomacy is all about image. It is actually, really, truly trying to develop relationships.

I would LOVE to see us lead the way in many things--healthcare, workable globalism, education, a "green" revolution.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
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Springbrook, Ontario
Big Daddy said:
eggs4sale said:
Yes, wonderful.

A year ago, I spent time showing my oldest son photos of the cemeteries of American soldiers that are all over Europe.

That means something to me.
What it means to me is that we should be real thankful that the USA is located where we can easily defend against invaders. Those soldiers died all over Europe helping the countries drive Hitler and Mousollini back. They were very grateful to us for the help. We did it for our own self interest though. As George would say fight them there so we don't have to fight them here. If we would have gotten in a couple years sooner then Hiter would not have gotten as far as he did and there would be a lot less dead Jews and whoever else Hitler felt needed exterminating.

Obama and Hillary are doing a great job of improving the image of the USA around the world. Believe it or not we are a part of the world community. After 8 years of Bush and Cheney we were in dire need of a face lift. We can't be an isolationist nation. It's time to get rid of the ugly American image.
For the most part USA was neutral until they were directly threatened, think Pearl Harbour.. I agree, for USA's own self interest, if it weren't for Pearl Harbour there would have been absolutely no US intervention at all.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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I do think that its wrong when Americans say they are better than everyone else, something the email oozes of. A lot of it just comes down to the bigger kid on the block.

Lupin, I so agree with you. We went to Italy to visit my sister and her family when they were stationed over there. We recieved ungreatful glances everywhere we went. A drunk went up to my mom and started swearing at her about being American. Just totally unpleasant. And they could tell by just looking at us. Most wouldn't acknowledge us or pretended they didn't understand us, but my sister said most in the area knew English. Later we travelled through Austria and stayed in Germany. Big difference in atmosphere, the Germans were much much nicer to us, compared to Italy. When we got back we were told by some friends that went there that we should say we're from Canada, not America, big help that was after the trip. However, my sister and her family are now stationed in England, if we visit I might have to remember that I'm Canadian. ;) I guess I'm close enough. :rolleyes:


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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lupinfarm said:
Big Daddy said:
eggs4sale said:
Yes, wonderful.

A year ago, I spent time showing my oldest son photos of the cemeteries of American soldiers that are all over Europe.

That means something to me.
What it means to me is that we should be real thankful that the USA is located where we can easily defend against invaders. Those soldiers died all over Europe helping the countries drive Hitler and Mousollini back. They were very grateful to us for the help. We did it for our own self interest though. As George would say fight them there so we don't have to fight them here. If we would have gotten in a couple years sooner then Hiter would not have gotten as far as he did and there would be a lot less dead Jews and whoever else Hitler felt needed exterminating.

Obama and Hillary are doing a great job of improving the image of the USA around the world. Believe it or not we are a part of the world community. After 8 years of Bush and Cheney we were in dire need of a face lift. We can't be an isolationist nation. It's time to get rid of the ugly American image.
For the most part USA was neutral until they were directly threatened, think Pearl Harbour.. I agree, for USA's own self interest, if it weren't for Pearl Harbour there would have been absolutely no US intervention at all.
I think you might be right on that. I know they denied almost all Jewish refugees access to land, even before Pearl Harbour happened. I'm sure they didn't know that half of it, but someone had to know something about what was going on and failed to care..

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
me&thegals said:
I would LOVE to take American and world history again!! I either was not interested or had bad teachers in school, and I remember exactly nothing from that time.

These days, I try to read historical books to get some of it back again, but it's very focused and not a general overview. I would really like to find some excellent textbooks on history that could give that broad, timeline view of history.
My American History class was taught by a coach. :/

I learned more about American (and world) history in my Art History Survey classes in collage (and even more in my Montessori training for kindergardeners) than I did in that coach taught class.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 21, 2009
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Pragmatic Country
Blackbird said:
I do think that its wrong when Americans say they are better than everyone else, something the email oozes of. A lot of it just comes down to the bigger kid on the block.
There is a difference between saying you are better than others and being the best.
(I've been to many places in the world - I can assure you we ARE better than many others.)

What we must face is that there is going to be a top dog, a big cheese, etc. There always is, no matter what you call it - that is inescapable. So I ask: Who would you prefer it to be?

Lets put this another way. Lets say you go to your children tomorrow, as they leave for school and say,

"Kids, I want you to go to school today and be nothing special. Dont try to excel, don't try to do even an ounce better than anyone else. Simply blend in.
I dont want you to achieve anything special, either. No awards, no good grades - none of that. Don't do anything to be proud of."

That which we complain so loudly about, all that is wrong with the world, will remain status quo unless someone does something different.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
davaroo said:
Blackbird said:
I do think that its wrong when Americans say they are better than everyone else, something the email oozes of. A lot of it just comes down to the bigger kid on the block.
There is a difference between saying you are better than others and being the best.
(I've been to many places in the world - I can assure you we ARE better than many others.)

What we must face is that there is going to be a top dog, a big cheese, etc. There always is, no matter what you call it - that is inescapable. So I ask: Who would you prefer it to be?

Lets put this another way. Lets say you go to your children tomorrow, as they leave for school and say,

"Kids, I want you to go to school today and be nothing special. Dont try to excel, don't try to do even an ounce better than anyone else. Simply blend in.
I dont want you to achieve anything special, either. No awards, no good grades - none of that. Don't do anything to be proud of."

That which we complain so loudly about, all that is wrong with the world, will remain status quo unless someone does something different.
I realize that, but I wasn't even talking about the country, I was refering to the people. Its like a highschool lunch room. Most Americans tend to see themselves as the jocks and cheerleaders, and we all know how they are. That is what is wrong.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Blackbird said:
davaroo said:
Blackbird said:
I do think that its wrong when Americans say they are better than everyone else, something the email oozes of. A lot of it just comes down to the bigger kid on the block.
There is a difference between saying you are better than others and being the best.
(I've been to many places in the world - I can assure you we ARE better than many others.)

What we must face is that there is going to be a top dog, a big cheese, etc. There always is, no matter what you call it - that is inescapable. So I ask: Who would you prefer it to be?

Lets put this another way. Lets say you go to your children tomorrow, as they leave for school and say,

"Kids, I want you to go to school today and be nothing special. Dont try to excel, don't try to do even an ounce better than anyone else. Simply blend in.
I dont want you to achieve anything special, either. No awards, no good grades - none of that. Don't do anything to be proud of."

That which we complain so loudly about, all that is wrong with the world, will remain status quo unless someone does something different.
I realize that, but I wasn't even talking about the country, I was refering to the people. Its like a highschool lunch room. Most Americans tend to see themselves as the jocks and cheerleaders, and we all know how they are. That is what is wrong.
Right BB, I agree with you on our image...


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
central WI
Right, great image, BB. Who do you like best, Davaroo? The person who really IS the best at everything and lets you know about it all the time, throwing their weight around? Or, the person who is really best at most things and quietly, humbly just does what they do?

I know which way I would prefer our country and political leaders to behave. The first type of person gets everyone else's back up, makes them feel defensive and spoiling for a fight. Think of how Ahmadinejad (sp?) has been acting. Not impressive at all.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Pragmatic Country
me&thegals said:
Right, great image, BB. Who do you like best, Davaroo? The person who really IS the best at everything and lets you know about it all the time, throwing their weight around? Or, the person who is really best at most things and quietly, humbly just does what they do?

I know which way I would prefer our country and political leaders to behave. The first type of person gets everyone else's back up, makes them feel defensive and spoiling for a fight. Think of how Ahmadinejad (sp?) has been acting. Not impressive at all.
Who do I like best, the braggart or the silent type? Neither.

I prefer those who know they are good, and are not afraid to admit it.
There is a rash of AmeriGuilt going around in this country that says because we may have done some things wrong - we must be ashamed.
It says that you musn't offend others by being an improvement over the commonplace.
It says that because we have become affluent - we must bow down and beg forgiveness.

T o whom?

What we need to accept is that it is OKAY to be a winner. It is okay to get good grades and to excel in science. It is okay to give your food to the hungry and to have industry others want to purchase from.
We as a nation of people must want to lead, even if it means someone thinks you have your nose in the air. As the saying goes... "Good is good. 'Taint bragging, ma'am - it's just fact."

Looked at another way, if you are content being in the middle of the herd, then the view never changes.
Only by pushing your way to the front, will you see where you are going.