Crazy Cat Lady
The difficulty there is that what the US government, and many (certainly not all) Americans themselves, want to be best AT is not necessarily something admired by much of the rest of the world.davaroo said:What we need to do if we are to survive is make it our driven goal to be the best. The global community should look at us and say, "Man, they are the best - we should try to be like them."
Like stepping in to cause or mess around in other countries' issues, just because the US happened to want to, for various US-centric ideological or practical or economic reasons.
Like also mass-marketing American culture and selling it to all the world, to the considerable detriment of many places' existing culture and economies.
There are certainly reasonable sounding justifications for these things... but there are also quite reasonable sounding *objections*. And I think that a lot of people all round the world have pretty good REASON to take a rather jaundiced eye of America's idea of "success" and "being the best".
So, it is unfortunately not as simple as you might wish.
(Please note, by the way, that I am an US citizen and lived there for nearly all my life, and am only in Canada b/c I happened to marry a Canadian.)