Letter to Obama from 4th Grade Teacher


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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lupinfarm said:
Ohhh Italy, Italy is a rather unstable country to visit considering their government is threatened on a weekly basis :D
Is it? I guess I don't pay that much attention.. I was only there half a week anyway. For the record, I never denied being American when I was over there, its very sad that people will lump everyone into one group when they know nothing about the person. But they probably wouldn't like me anyhow. :p


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Blackbird said:
I don't think anyone is questioning being in 'the lead', just that perhaps we should be a bit more responsible for our actions on this entire planet.. Whether we are being the biggest and best or not.
Thank you for saying exactly what I was trying to find the words for. This whole "top dog" talk is getting a bit annoying. And the entire point, I think.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
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Springbrook, Ontario
Blackbird said:
lupinfarm said:
Ohhh Italy, Italy is a rather unstable country to visit considering their government is threatened on a weekly basis :D
Is it? I guess I don't pay that much attention.. I was only there half a week anyway. For the record, I never denied being American when I was over there, its very sad that people will lump everyone into one group when they know nothing about the person. But they probably wouldn't like me anyhow. :p
There is always a plan to overthrow the government in Italy LOL its about as common as metro strikes in Paris :D
Jan 24, 2009
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davaroo said:
BTW, it never occurred to me to apologize for being an American where ever I've gone, nor to hide behind another nation's flag. Shame on her.
As liberal as I am, I didn't like that she did that. I told hr she should be proud to be an American. We have a lot of room for improvement but we can be a great country too. I told her she should have shown what a non ugly American acted like. The only time I've been in other countries was while I was wearing a uniform or visiting at same time. Even when you don't have on the uniform you are representing your country. So I was always very respectful and acted as I should.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 21, 2009
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Pragmatic Country
...I told her she should be proud to be an American. We have a lot of room for improvement but we can be a great country too. I told her she should have shown what a non ugly American acted like.
Well said. All of us, as Yanks, have nothing to be ashamed of. That offenses have been perpetrated in our name is what it it is. There is no nation on earth that has achieved anything of note that can claim any better.
That more good than most of us can recount is attributed to our cause is something we should spend more time contemplating.

What we must stop doing is listening to the "experts" who say we must apologize for who we are. Turn off the T.V., stop listening to the likes of Madonna or Bono and drop your AmeriGuilt tendencies. One of the things I liked about George Bush was the fact that he didn't make apologies, where none were needed. One of the most disconcerting things about Barak O'bama, whom I genuinely like, is that he perpetually does so.

This started over a letter (wrongly attributed), by someone who wants her leader to stop doing that. I cannot help but agree.

If you have skeletons in the closet, you may as well make them dance - - George Bernard Shaw


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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a teacher supposedly wrote this?
brain-dead and idiots
this is the content one would ever write to a President?

We are not a Christain nation. Our Constitution was not founded on religion. Most of the signers were Diests.

This is simple google stuff. Google Constitution and you will find out that our Constitution was not founded on Christianity.

BUT of course I hope our country adheres to basic Christain goodness.

Obama is not a bad guy at all. He is the President of the US and he was elected above all to be the leader of this country.

NOW all we can do is sit back and see where it leads at this point. You can not be blaming Obama for much just yet, he has been in office only like 100 plus days and ALL of these problems are from the past that he is now going to try and fix.

We must look to the future. The past while is a great learning tool, doesn't exist anymore. Big changes must happen for the entire world ahead. Move forward and help your country instead of bashing.

Every country has problems. The US is no different. We are not special in this big world. While we are a great power our country should be in a better internal financial stiatuation now and we are not. We could fall.

Hang in there people...bumpy ride ahead but there is nothign one can do but bite the bullet and try to fix our countrys problems.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Well said, FarmerChick and everyone else, really.

Here's one thing I don't understand: People thinking that love of country and critique of country cannot stand side by side. I adore my kids beyond measure. Yet, I certainly can see their faults! I am NOT one of those parents who absolutely refuses to see that her kids are not perfect.

Same with my country. I LOVE this place. I have no desire to live anywhere else right now. BECAUSE I love my country so much, I want to see it do the best it can. I want it to behave in a way that I can be proud of. I want it to "play nice" with all the other countries of the world. I want it to be responsible for its actions and clean up its messes. I want it to have a healthy sense of pride in itself and a healthy sense of humility (no country has stood forever). I want its leaders to acknowledge that we now live in a global community. We can neither be isolationists or conquerors.

I think an incredibly unhealthy attitude would be one of blind faith in the country, its leaders and its future. Anything that is true and strong can take the scrutiny.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 21, 2009
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Pragmatic Country
FarmerChick said:
a teacher supposedly wrote this?
brain-dead and idiots
this is the content one would ever write to a President?

We are not a Christain nation. Our Constitution was not founded on religion. Most of the signers were Diests.

This is simple google stuff. Google Constitution and you will find out that our Constitution was not founded on Christianity.

BUT of course I hope our country adheres to basic Christain goodness.

Obama is not a bad guy at all. He is the President of the US and he was elected above all to be the leader of this country.

NOW all we can do is sit back and see where it leads at this point. You can not be blaming Obama for much just yet, he has been in office only like 100 plus days and ALL of these problems are from the past that he is now going to try and fix.

We must look to the future. The past while is a great learning tool, doesn't exist anymore. Big changes must happen for the entire world ahead. Move forward and help your country instead of bashing.

Every country has problems. The US is no different. We are not special in this big world. While we are a great power our country should be in a better internal financial stiatuation now and we are not. We could fall.

Hang in there people...bumpy ride ahead but there is nothign one can do but bite the bullet and try to fix our countrys problems.
You are generally right in this, with only a few exceptions. Fair enough, then, in my book.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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Odd letter.
I agree with FarmerChick's questioning the rhetoric of the supposed "teacher".

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