Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks. It's not really the construction I am concerned with. I have decided to use the turkey hut I built last year. What I am wondering is when yo put the bird out, did you use a lamp, did they have sleeping quarters?

I can's stand these things in the house. I am putting them out asap. Little Piranhas that they are will outgrow my brooder in no time.

I moved the hut up in the yard near my house and patio. This way I have electric. I figure if I start with the tractor near the house I can have electricity for at least the first week. Maybe put the dog crate in the hut with the light?

I don't know.



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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We do not put any housing inside at all. We attach the brooder lamp to the center support with zip ties so that we can slide it up or down as needed and we use heavy duty extension cords. We leave them on the light for about a week or until they are feathered out or the daytime temps are warm enough and then switch to just at night. We will peek in on them in the evenings after dark to see if they are even using the light at all and if they aren't under it then we will go to every other night with the light for a few days and then take it out completely.

They'll be okay....and you will too, once they are out of the house :lol:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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This weekend was crazy. Hubby did lots of tree work this weekend, all day Sunday at a friend's house and at his aunt and uncle's house. His uncle is giving him the hickory tree that is coming down and he is going to take it to have it milled and probably make some furniture out of it.

We had a birthday party yesterday and my Goddaughter was here until 1:30. Lots of running around. The party was good and I may get some side work from the birthday boy's dad. He caters events and his business is really picking up and he may need someone to help out serving food or washing dishes or bartending so I gave him my number. I have worked with him one time before and they paid me $20/hr for the event so this could be a good way for me to make feed money for the critters.

Today I was going to do laundry but I am thinking I'm gonna hold off until tomorrow. Chad's first softball game is tonight at 8:45 and I am going to have to wash his uniform when it is all over so I may wait until tomorrow. We are supposed to get some hail tomorrow from that line of storms that just moved through the midwest so that nixes any plans I had to put my strawberries in the new bed.

Chad finished the stanchion yesterday and got my supers put together for the bee hives but I still have to paint them. It is so cloudy today I may hold off on painting them cause with the storms coming tomorrow they may not dry out.

The good news is that the temps are supposed to hold in the upper 60s/lower 70s all week. I have got to get my tomato plants in the ground but I have to get some plastic to cover my beds to protect them from the wind until they get a little bigger. My peppers finally came up and I have around 8-10 little ones....no true leaves yet but at least they are up out of the dirt.

I need to clean the house but I am just not motivated to do a dang thing. My back is still killing me from moving all that dirt Saturday. Chad wants to dig a french drain around the front of the barn to help with the rain runoff. The last storm we got wasn't too bad so we really couldn't see how well the load of topsoil I put in there was gonna work to help with drainage.

We still don't know where we are going to put the bee hives. Now we are thinking of moving them to the front of the property, away from the goat barn and constructing some sort of windbreak around them with either a fence or tall shrub of some sort in between the two sugar maples we just planted. That is one of the only places they will get full morning sun and some afternoon shade where they won't be close to the house or barn and be in our traffic pattern.

Gonna look online today to see what sort of shrub I could put up that won't look horrible from the road.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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oh man I had tons of days like that when building my farm biz
so glad it is over :p LOL

hard work is hard work but the payoff in the end is nice BUT then again, I am glad I am done :lol:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, my husband just called and our friend is "supposed" to come dig the footers on Wednesday but I have heard that before. Chad wants to take off Wednesday to be here to help him if needed. He is also taking off Thursday and Friday to film some turkey hunts for Zink calls. They are sending one of their field staffers down here and Fred wants Chad to film for him. We have our own camera for Webfootmafia and a film editor lined up. Chad works on the side as a pro staffer for Zink selling calls. He's been trying to line up a trip to Ohio for the longest time to go see Fred and Dawn and maybe do some sort of hunt with them but we just can't swing it.

He also wants to go fishing down at the pond this evening so I am at least doing two loads of jeans to put on the line since the sun is poking out and then I guess I'm gonna go dig up worms :p

Man I need to start up a worm garden again!!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Yeah, Chad didn't seem too pleased but that is cause he doesn't like me being gone at night by myself to various places. I worked two events with my friend, the cake lady, and the catering gig is with her partner A and he is very nice but Chad has worked with him as well on a bigger event as security and he knows how crazy some of these events can be. I think he just doesn't want me to get burnt out but it is so sporadic that I think I could handle it.

We also have a meeting on Wednesday night with a landowner down the street. He is putting up additional fencing on his property and knows we are looking into getting cattle or meat goats so we may go in with a friend and lease the property to run some cows. He wants to do meat goats but I don't think he realizes how long it takes to build up a herd that would actually turn a profit.

I threatened to get in touch with Farmerchick and let her talk him down since she has been there and done that and is scaling back now. :lol:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
So I have 4 loads of laundry on the line drying now that the sun is out, I planted the strawberry plants, planted carrots, painted the bases and supers for the beehives, rearranged the water hoses so they reach the chicken run and the garden now, moved the waterers and duck "pond" so they reach the hose, and I also have to go out in a few minutes and cut back all the liriope so the new shoots can come out. Oh yeah, and go dig up some worms so we can go fishing this evening.

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