Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Happy Birthday Lori! I hope you have a blessed day! :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
Hey Lori, Happy belated Birthday! Sorry things have been so rough for you. I can relate to how you feel. I sometimes take Zoloft for those really bad months. It helps me to not yell so much. It won't help with the sex drive, AT ALL. But when it comes to that I've also found that giving my DH a BJ every now and again keeps him pretty happy. (sorry if that's too blunt :hide )....but it works for us.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone and Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads out there!

I ended up going to Books a Million Saturday and shopping a bit, had to get hubby's father's day gift too, and got a GF cookbook and a cheesemaking book!!! I really like this GF cookbook cause it uses the "all-purpose" GF mixes that you can already buy so you don't have to mix like, 6 different flours together.

Then I met hubby and the kids at the pool and read my library book for an hour, swam with the kids while hubby worked out, then got everyone showered and changed and went out for Chinese food. Yum.

Sunday I moved my broody hen into the isolation pen with her 5 duck eggs and this morning I added one more. I gave her food and water and hopefully she'll do her thing. It will either help her settle down and set those eggs or break her, either way I'm okay with it.

Then we got everything ready to do the bees....it was really cool. The stronger hive has already started drawing out comb in the upper deep and we found larvae in the upper deep as well!!!

Hive #2 is doing well too and I took a spray bottle of sugar water and sprayed the outer frames to help encourage them outward. They have drawn out the middle 6 frames but I would really like them to get a move on on the rest of them. Hopefully the sugar water on the frames will help coax them outward. I really do hope I can add a second hive body on it before too long. There was brood in there and some more larvae that were pretty fat so it looks like there may be more bees in there soon.

We ended up at Target for Father's day. :p Nothing says happy father's day like watching your 4 yr old try on 18 bathing suits and modeling each and every one before she finally settled on 2 of them. :lol: We got Tyler another bathing suit that came with a uv shirt to match and a baseball hat that looked like daddy's :D Then we went home and just hung out, hubby watched the UVA baseball game and then cooked hot dogs on the grill for him and the kids, I ate leftover chinese. We played frisbee in the yard while Chad napped and then he took the kids out back and hit golf balls around the yard while I finished my library book.

Today we were going to the pool but alas, it is raining. It is a gentle drizzley slow raind that looks like it will continue all dang day long. At least it didn't rain while I did my morning chores. So it looks like we'll play inside all day. Right now we are watching a Scooby Doo movie until I can get my bee pictures loaded up and on the other thread.

I'm actually cold today like, with a blanket wrapped around me while on the computer, cold.

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