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Always doing laundry
Wow, it's been a while since I posted. We've been busy around here. The ducks are getting big and starting to feather out nicely. We are having to move them to fresh grass daily now. The second batch of 6 replacement mallards are doing well and should be big enough to go out with the rest this weekend and we can get started on the shelving for the garage.
We had our final inspection and it failed.
Looks like in the midst of my husband "helping" the electrician 4 of the outlets got wired backwards and won't trip the ground fault indicator. So the electrician is coming back out this evening to fix it. The inspector is coming out tomorrow to redo the final and it should pass okay, which is good cause then we can get the money from the bank and pay off the construction costs we had to pull out of our savings account and pay off the home depot credit card too cause we put all the electrical supplies on there.
I am loving having power to the barn, more than I thought I would and I'm sure that come wintertime I will really be glad to have it. I also love having the faucet out there too. It is making things so much easier.
We had my husband's cousin and his family over all day yesterday after church and cousin B helped us work the bee hives....he also got stung
I opted for a t-shirt this time cause the humidity was awful. I am happy to report that both hives look good and my weaker hive seems to be trucking along. They are working the outer frames some and I'm thinking that I might be able to get another hive body on in the next two weeks if they keep up this pace.
Today is the first day of VBS for the kids at our church and it started off a little rocky. Tyler is cutting his back molars and is complaining of his mouth hurting so I gave him some Tylenol this morning. He has run a fever off and on for the last couple days and is really grumpy. We took all the kids fishing yesterday evening and he caught the biggest fish, a 2 1/2-3lb largemouth bass, all by himself
I'm glad to have some time to myself without yelling at my children this week. Next week Maddie starts swim lessons and the week after that Tyler has soccer camp at church for the week. Gonna be a lot of running around.
My mom's church is doing a cookbook dedicated to the kids as a fund raiser for VBS so I sent her 5 or 6 recipes yesterday that are kid friendly and some that are also GF.
I also took some pics around the homestead here at Swingin' Tree Farm and I'm waiting on photobucket to upload them so I'll get them on in a bit.
We had our final inspection and it failed.

I am loving having power to the barn, more than I thought I would and I'm sure that come wintertime I will really be glad to have it. I also love having the faucet out there too. It is making things so much easier.
We had my husband's cousin and his family over all day yesterday after church and cousin B helped us work the bee hives....he also got stung

Today is the first day of VBS for the kids at our church and it started off a little rocky. Tyler is cutting his back molars and is complaining of his mouth hurting so I gave him some Tylenol this morning. He has run a fever off and on for the last couple days and is really grumpy. We took all the kids fishing yesterday evening and he caught the biggest fish, a 2 1/2-3lb largemouth bass, all by himself
I'm glad to have some time to myself without yelling at my children this week. Next week Maddie starts swim lessons and the week after that Tyler has soccer camp at church for the week. Gonna be a lot of running around.
My mom's church is doing a cookbook dedicated to the kids as a fund raiser for VBS so I sent her 5 or 6 recipes yesterday that are kid friendly and some that are also GF.
I also took some pics around the homestead here at Swingin' Tree Farm and I'm waiting on photobucket to upload them so I'll get them on in a bit.