Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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It was, there are places in the river where the water is only 12-18 inches deep. You have to wade out from the island to get to it but once you get there it is really fun for the kids. They kept jumping up in the air and letting the current take them downstream until we yelled "that's far enough" and then they would flip over and stand up! We had a great time. :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Lori, great pics!!! I love it when families have simple fun together! Your camera takes great pics. I didn't know you were so beautiful! I'm envious....... :plbb :D


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Beautiful family Lori! I love summer! I miss my kids being that young when mommy and daddy were thier universe! When they get to be teens they ditch you so fast your head spins:>) LOL!
I have had my problems with dogs here too...they really do suck!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

Well, Morel, I didn't have to wait until my dd was a teenager for her to ditch me! My granny called on Sunday and said that Papa wanted to come get the kids for a week if that was okay with us and if the kids wanted to come. We said that was fine so they said they would come get them that night. Well, I got the house picked up and started doing laundry and Tyler said he wasn't going, typical, but Maddie was jumping up and down and screaming "I want to go to granny's house". I figured they would stay the night since it would be around 8pm when they got here. Nope! They stayed an hour and then ran off with my child! Who knows when I'll get her back! They tried their best to get Tyler to go but he is a mama's boy :lol:

Anyway, we are getting to spend some quality time with our son. I took him back to the river this morning and we went exploring. We had a good time, he helped me do the morning chores with the animals and when Chad gets home tonight we are going to plant pumpkins. My broody hen is doing well, she ate one of the brown eggs but I was iffy as to whether or not it was fertile anyway. She has 4 eggs left in the nest, 3 of which I am positive are fertile. She seems to be okay in her own coop.

I'm worried about Chad. He goes to see a specialist for his elbow on the 10th. He is having trouble doing simple things any more. He couldn't even tuck in his shirt last night. He is forcing himself to use that arm anyway, though. I'm worried that he is going to mess it up so bad that he is going to have to have surgery to repair it. He won't let it rest. He is a very bad patient!

We are looking for ducklings, Chad wants silver appleyards or a crested runner.....figures he would pick something rare and impossible to find. I want chocolate runners or khaki campbells or maybe cayugas. I want something that will be a good layer though and he wants something heavy that we can eat. He wants to try to get a pen done for them this week while we are without Maddie. She is a major distraction when trying to work on anything construction related. Tyler is old enough that he can actually help us.

I have to dig up some monkey grass (liriope) and transplant it this evening. All the monkey grass that I transplanted a while ago up at the sign at the front of the development has died. Don't know why. I don't know if something chewed it at the roots or what. When I went to touch the leaves it just came out in my hands and it had turned yellow. I dunno. Lord knows I have plenty to share so I'm gonna dig up some more and try it again.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Please tell me how you killed your monkey grass! :lol: Mine has taken over everything. Around the edge of the pool, it is taller than my knees.

Great pics! Glad ya'll had such a good time.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
punkin-- I don't know how it died! :lol: I was driving home and noticed that it had turned yellow where before it had been pretty and green. I stopped the car at the sign to the neighborhood where I had transplanted it and went to touch the leaves and it came out of the ground in my hand. 4 whole plants gone. I don't know it something ate the roots or what but I'm trying again cause I have plenty!

And now........AussieSharon, she is one of the mediators on Pet Chickens of Virginia and lives down the road from me (about 10 minutes at the most) just shot me an email and said that she just put Silver Appleyard eggs in the bator yesterday!!!! I told her I wanted 6 ducklings. Soooooooooooo excited! They will be ready in 27 days or so and that will give us plenty of time to get the pen in order. I feel like Quail!!!! The euphoria is wonderful! Chad is on a call with the rescue squad so he doesn't even know yet and I can't wait to tell him! :celebrate


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

Got my pumpkins planted yesterday and watered the garden.......wait for it..............and then it rained :th

Isn't that always the way?

Our neighbor had a bobcat and let us use it for a couple of hours last night so Chad pushed the brush out of the way and cleared the last of the trees that we cut down before the storm came. Now we have a perfect place for our duck house/yard!!! The spot we are going to put it in is right up the hill from the garden so Chad is going to put a drain in the baby pool I got yesterday and that way the water will flow downhill and I can use it on the garden! He is really excited. There is enough shade on that side of the property that we should have a nice place to sit and watch them play in the pond.

Cukes are coming in like crazy and I am finally getting tomatoes. They aren't ready to pick yet but at least now they have started. I am so excited about our garden.....it feels so good to produce your own food. I want to plant some blueberry bushes next year and maybe some strawberries, we'll see. I want to do another separate raised bed just for lettuces and that way I can put some other veggies in the main beds.

Bf and her family are coming over for dinner tonight so we are going to grill some chicken and pick some fresh salad from the garden. She is bringing brownies for dessert. Gotta think of one more side....I'll rummage and see what I can find. She's having her annual 4th of July party Saturday so we'll be going to that. I have to think of something to make for that too. Gotta get a few things from the store tomorrow anyway, used the last of the wheat flour this morning for bread.

Broody hen is doing well, got an extra kiddie pool for the labs too and they are thoroughly enjoying it, couldn't get Charlie out of it yesterday evening, until the storm.

Heard from Granny this morning and Maddie and her have been swimming all week and having a grand time! I can't wait till she comes home....we all miss her when she's gone.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

Happy 4th of July everyone!

things have been kind of crazy around here. Got a phone call last night about 10 pm that the nurse had to call 911 for Chad's nanny. She gave her her sleeping pill and about 5-10 minutes later she went back to take her to the bathroom and she was unresponsive. She had a very weak pulse and gave us quite a scare. They took her to the hospital and are ordering all kinds of tests for her. They apparantly think she may have had a seizure but won't be sure until all the tests come back. Chad got home at 4:30am and I let him sleep until 9 cause he had to get up and go into town to feed/water our friends' dogs this morning. Then he was going back to the hospital to check on Nanny.

Going to go to BF's house this evening for a cookout....made coleslaw last night and I will be making peach cobbler this afternoon as well as bringing her some lettuce out of the garden for the hamburgers. Hope everyone has a good 4th, be safe! :)