Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, we got a really good deal on a new windshield from Glassmasters (what grandma says grandma does!). It only cost us $25 to replace. Chad got in behind my lead foot of a father Sunday and he kicked up a bunch of rocks and cracked the windshield on the new suv. Way to go dad!

Chad is really happy about it cause it has tint on the top and our old one didn't so we actually got a better windshield! We're hoping to pick up the Intrepid tonight but we'll see how that goes, mechanic hasn't called us yet.

Madelyn has funky tummy from cutting her eye teeth...every time she does this she ends up with a diaper rash too. She keeps bringing me diapers and saying "diapa, mommy, lucy hurts". I hate it when this happens. She gets a rash so easy that she has prescription medication for it. I hate to use it because it is steroidal but sometimes I just have to. She screamed her little head off last night when Chad gave her a bath. Poor thing.

Let the chickens out this morning and they were okay with the rain until it started to get really heavy and we got 3 eggs yesterday!!! I usually get 1 or 2 but I guess someone stepped up to the plate yesterday.

We talked to our real estate agent last night about looking to move and she sent us some listings...nothing good. Chad asked me if I would homeschool if we needed the extra time. Tyler doesn't start school for another 1 1/2 yrs so we have some time. I will if I need to, I was just looking forward to having a break and maybe getting to go back to work.

I could probably swing day care or preschool for 1 but not 2. Just not cost effective. I don't know where I would work anyway...my last job was a 5 yr stint as a Hooters girl (even though I don't have any...got hired by a butt man!). I am definitely a pear shape and even more so after 2 kids! Used to be a size 5 and now I'm a 7 on the top and a 12 on the bottom! I hate to shop, nothing ever fits.

Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their day and I'll talk more later!



Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Good deal on the windshield.

What type of diapers do you use?
That diaper rash thing is horrible. My son (now 33 and would kill me if he knew I even remembered that he ever wore a diaper) use to have diaper rash so bad that when I put him to bed most of the time I just had to leave the diaper off. I tried everything and that was the only way.

I would have to get up in the middle of the night several times to change his sheets or put down clean pads. It was rough on me but it sure helped his rash. And with the funky tummy it will be even harder. Maybe at nap times or something you can try the no diaper so her bottom can get some air and dry out.

Poor baby, you know it has to hurt.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Yeah, I know...before and after her bath we let her run around the house naked for a while to get some air. She's almost 21 months and we are hoping to try potty training when she turns 2. She is telling us when she has pooped so that's a good first sign that she's getting there. Sometimes she'll tell us when she pees too but not as often. We've tried sitting her on the potty because sometimes she wants to do what her big brother does.

We're crossing our fingers that she'll be as easy to train as her brother was...he was done in a week...no diapers no pullups or anything...not even when he napped or overnight! He was 2 1/2 when he decided that he didn't like diapers anymore and his best friend Shelby was getting a party every time she went to the potty! Jealousy is a powerful thing!


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
I had to laugh at that jealousy part. My son was no trouble to potty train but wow that daughter of mine. Head strong and stubborn. She walked in on her brother one day in the bathroom and watched him standing up to go to the bathroom. That was the end or her training for a few weeks. She was determined that she too could do that and there is no reasoning with one that age. Had to put her back in diapers and wait a while to start all over.
Kids are so funny.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Lori, I used cloth diapers with my first one and wound up with a couple of massive diaper rashes after antibiotic usage...sort of like the one you described. I found a powder called Caldesene(pink bottle), after trying all the usual things like Desitin(can we say glue?). This stuff is wonderful and the bottle lasted for all three of my boys....clears it almost completely~ overnight! Even the rashes that are so raw they are bleeding!

Been a nurse for 15 years now and haven't seen anything to beat it for performance. :) After the first raw and bloody episode and Caldesene to the rescue, I started slathering vaseline to their bottoms with every diaper change, just to protect against further damage~especially during antibiotic usage!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well Maddie is doing better this morning...rash is almost gone. Got a phone call from the mechanic and SURPRISE...car won't be ready til monday and it's going to be another $130 for a total of $730.

It will get better...it will get better...it will get better....it will get better...

I just have to keep believing it...I am so not in the christmas spirit...I dread it more and more every year. It just seems so trivial anymore...we cram 10 people in my 1100 sq ft house for 2-3 days, sleep on air mattresses and on the floor, get way more stuff than we can possibly fit in the house and go crazy in the process. It is fun for the kids but its so hard on us.

I have one really close girlfriend and EVERYTHING that her 3 yr old daughter is getting this year is secondhand. She saved all of her barbies from when she was a kid and she is putting them in a huge box so that Shelby can go nuts! She's gotten other stuff from other friends for free or really cheap and I just wish I could do that. I have all of my old Cabbage Patch kids and barbie stuff and Strawberry Shortcake stuff at my mom's house. My kids are going to get it...probably next year...but this year I just don't know what to do. I'm so stressed about it it's ridiculous.

Chad thinks that its horrible to get secondhand stuff from people...he looks at it like we're begging. I told him not to think of it like that...other people have things we can use and vice versa...why pay to get something new when you can get it somewhere else for free or cheap and keep stuff from sitting in a landfill forever?

I told him to think of it as recycling...now that money is tight he is starting to get the picture and accept it as okay but he told me last night that he wanted me to go to a salon to get my hair cut. Now why pay $100 when I can either go to the high school and get a beauty school student to do it for 10 or get my mom to cut it for free?

Now if he wants to get me a massage...then we'll talk! :thumbsup


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
lorihadams said:
I told him to think of it as recycling...now that money is tight he is starting to get the picture and accept it as okay but he told me last night that he wanted me to go to a salon to get my hair cut. Now why pay $100 when I can either go to the high school and get a beauty school student to do it for 10 or get my mom to cut it for free?

Now if he wants to get me a massage...then we'll talk! :thumbsup
Do you have a massage school near you? We used to go to Great Lakes in Erie, PA and get full body deep tissue massages for $25 plus tip! ;)


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, I am just going to scream!

Our neighbors down the road have a male chocolate lab that constantly breaks off his chain and comes over here and now my direct next door neighbor's dog, Cheyanna, is running around my front yard with him chasing my chickens!!! :somad

I managed to get 7 of them back in their run but my poor little banty roo Buddy is holed up underneath my front porch scared to death. Hopefully I can get him back into the pen later.

The thing that makes me so mad is that the last time my husband put this lab in our truck and took him home the guy says, "man, he's broke off of his lead like 4 times this month". Well, keep him in the house and walk him on a leash or put his behind in a pen. Anyway, Cheyanna's owner just walks up and down the road in front of my yard clapping at the dog and squeeking "come on, girl, come on" even though I have told them repeatedly (this happens at least twice a month) to just come in my yard and get her. Well, she couldn't get her to come back to her so she just LEFT HER in MY yard. Meanwhile, the lab is trying to "get some" in between chasing the chickens.

I hate it when people don't take care of their animals. My dogs have run off occasionally but they are never gone for long...like 30 minutes...they usually run to the creek and back and don't bother anyone. I hate it when people's animals hang around for days...just last month we had someone's beagle camp out on our porch for 3 days. Still don' t know who he belonged to.

GRRRRR....just needed to vent.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

The kids had a good time yesterday at church...the play last night was a success. Maddie was a Sheep and Tyler was a donkey. They all sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and baaad and hee hawed. Too cute! I'll post some pics later so you all can see how cute they were.

Chad is fighting the chest congestion today. He called in sick today in the hopes that a day or two of Mucinex and rest would clear it up. We're still at Granny's house and we'll be going back home in about an hour or so...got to check on all my animals! 2 days is about all I'll leave them for. I loaded up on food and water before we left Saturday morning so everyone should be fine...I know the chickens and dogs and cats will be fine but the rabbits will probably be out of food...left them with two full containers of water though so they should be okay.

My poor mom cried and cried when she had to leave the kids yesterday. She loves her babies...it kills her that we're so far away (2 1/2 hrs). We've talked about moving closer to Smith Mtn Lake to be closer to them but Chad has to be able to transfer with Verizon. His benefits and pay is so good that we just can't afford to move and start all over again. I don't know, we'll see what happens.

Today will be a lazy day for sure...I'm glad, we need a break, especially Chad. I gotta rest up for Christmas!!!
Hopefully we can go get the car tonight and it won't cost us an arm and a leg...then I can finish up Christmas shopping this week.

I hope everyone has a good day...talk to you later!



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Hope he feels better soon and ya'll don't get it!

yea this is not the time to move and monkey with jobs and finances right now unless you truly have the bucks to be safe. time to set still......I know. I would love to sell this home and build at my other farm property but it just can't happen now.....oh well, our time will come.

Can't wait to see the pics. I bet the outfits were great!

OH--I meant to comment on the other post about dogs running loose. Me, I shoot them...yup, there is only a few chances then poof.....but I have farm animals and I can't and won't risk them for a loose mutt.

but this seems more like a neighbor letting loose the dog situation, it is harder. Call the pound each time. That is what I did on a neighbor who's little mutt kept running my horse in the pasture. Yup, that little mutt kept chasing the horse and the horse should have stepped on it, LOL, but never did.....so I asked the neighbor but of course it "kept getting loose"---yea, I see her open the door and let it out loose....so much for telling the truth.....well anyway, I called the animal control, they came out and come to find out, I have the right to shoot that dog on sight since it is harrassing my livestock....hmm....but he went over there and must have told her a mouthful cause that little dog was on a long leash the next time it came out the front door.

Honestly gal, you do not have to put up with loose dogs. It is not your pet, you don't want it, it screws up your little piece of heaven on your property, and others should not ever let their pets screw up your life. I know...I can't stand loose dogs period.

So my nerves are always on edge with loose dogs....drives me big time insane also! :barnie

Thing is, how far do you want to press the dogs owners. Me, I have no problem with applying all pressure to keep people's mutts at their own home..HA HA HA

rambling...oh well.....

safe trip home!!!!