Lupin Farm ~ Updated photos of the goat pen in progress


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I really love the colors and especially the track lighting and the stairs!

My D1 has a really LONG narrow hall in her house. SO boring. We punched it up with a light track and pendant lights of various kinds in white and royal blue. What a difference it made!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
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Springbrook, Ontario
lol farmfresh, our current house upstairs has a 30ft hallway! And the kicker is that its probably only 4-5ft wide :D It also only has 2 windows, the dormer and the one at the end, neither face south. We have 2 wall lights and a very bright ceiling light at the end so it does get well lit.

Right now we're making our way back to Monaghan Lumber and wasting more gas, but we're going to get a full price out on our banister stuff. Weeee. See you guys in a bit! I'm bringing the camera so I can get some great photos of the banister stuff.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
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Springbrook, Ontario
We went to look at getting prices for the banister railing stuff today, so far total it'll be about $600 for the stairs, I have pictures of what we're doing so I'll post those later.

How sad is it that I can't afford to go to the dentist? lol.. I've always hated the dentist and I have really soft teeth so I get cavities really easily despite brushing my teeth twice a day and using flouride (uck!). A few months ago I noticed that it felt like one of my fillings fell out, but we don't have health insurance anymore so I can't afford to go to the dentist, not that my health insurance covered much anyway. And to top it all off I think I have a dead tooth now, ugh, for a while theres been what I can only describe was a "hole" in one of my upper ... molars, I think? And now it doesn't feel the same.. like numb maybe? But other times it doesn't so it looks like I'm well on my way to having a root canal LOL.

I'm pretty needle-phobic too which has also prevented me from going to the dentist, I think it has something to do with when I had braces and had to have 2 teeth taken out and the dentist shoved the needle right through my gums to the otherside! There is a dentist in Madoc that will gas you, so I may consider signing up, going for the appointment, and just sending the bill my dads way lol. I know there is quite a bit of damage and my dentist said not to be surprised if by the time I'm 40 I need dentures because my teeth are just so soft I can look at food and I get a cavity. It's something I've been dealing with my entire life and having braces made it worse because I got all these nasty marks on my teeth from where the braces were and where I couldn't brush. To make it all worse I have this stupid retainer on the back of my bottom front teeth that I can't brush or floss around really and it has to stay there.

My teeth aren't even really straight anymore! My mouth is really crowded, I have small teeth but I got my wisdom teeth last year and now my top fronts are crowded again and my wisdom teeth are impacted. Its just all so darn expensive and being a poor student with no health insurance, I really can't afford any of it. I need to do something about this funky tooth though, so I might go into the dentist office in Madoc later this week and get an appointment set up.

Aside from that I think Black and White mancat has made babies with Fluffy girly cat lol. Fluffy girly cat showed up about a month ago on the driveway, frightfully skinny, probably about 8 months old and super friendly/adorable. I don't think shes fixed at all, so I scooped her up and put her in the garage and fed her up. She disappears off somewhere most of the time but comes back maybe daily to weekly to stuff her face with smokeycat and spottycat (both fixed males, who wait very patiently for fluffy girly cat to finish eating). Black and white mancat (its his official name LOL) showed up much earlier than her, he's definitely unfixed and he's feral, super adorable little mancat. He has tux like white markings and he's just super super super cute. He seems like he wants to be friendly, last night he came meowing up the hill and got pretty close to me. Anyhow, last night there was a kittycat convention on the front porch as Spottycat, Smokeycat, Fluffy Girly Cat, and Black and White mancat showed up to munch on some kitty food. I picked up Fluffy Girly Cat and she felt wicked heavy. Way heavier than when I last picked her up, she did seem like she had more fat on her spine but she was definitely heavier. That is when black and white man cat showed up. So I'm thinking he made her a momma lol, and that kind of excites me. We have only our fixed barncats and black and white mancat and her, so I'd be super pleased if we had babycats! As soon as I can afford it I'm going to take her in to the vet and get her fixed and get her shots done, but if shes pregnant I'd be just as pleased to have some kittens!

Smokeycat and Spottycat need to be trapped with the havahart and given their shots and wormer, and I'm going to try and catch black and white mancat and do his shots and wormer.

So maybe we'll have black and white fluffy cats?! Anyone know how long a cats gestation is?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I feel your pain with the bad teeth deal. :/ I go to the dentist regularly and constantly pay to get them fixed but I have similar enamel and seem to easily get cavities no matter what I do. Looking back I think it may have to do with me being a Celiac. Since I don't absorb minerals properly I don't think my teeth turned out like they could have.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Farmfresh said:
I feel your pain with the bad teeth deal. :/ I go to the dentist regularly and constantly pay to get them fixed but I have similar enamel and seem to easily get cavities no matter what I do. Looking back I think it may have to do with me being a Celiac. Since I don't absorb minerals properly I don't think my teeth turned out like they could have.
I have no idea why my teeth are soft. The dentist said it was probably a problem in utero, that calcium wasn't absorbed evenly or enough. My brother on the other hand is 15, doesn't like ever brush his teeth, and hasn't got a single cavity. So unfair lol oh well, one day I'll have artificially perfect teeth and I'll be happy enough with that haha.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
I sympathise about the teeth, have had many problems with mine. I seem to have grown out of them (the problems), but I am getting close to sixty! :lol:
Not trying to be snarky here, but am truly curious - you speak of no insurance, but live in Canada. I thought you had universal care there. Or are there different rules for students?
When you catch your black and white mancat (LOVE the name!) are you planning to redo his plumbing as well as shots and worming? It would be a good thing for other "not yet mama cats" in the vicinity. -- Don't get me wrong; I love kittens, and one of my favorite cats ever was a tuxedo boy! But this world has so many unwanted cats, it seems a shame to encourage the birth of more of them.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Great do have quite a talent! And how great that you have been exposed to so much reno work, I bet you have picked up some excellent skills that will serve you well your whole life.