Lupin Farm ~ Updated photos of the goat pen in progress


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
This morning mum was on a rampage saying how I'd eaten all the apple sauce and now she couldn't make anything like muffins, etc etc etc. I hadn't eaten any apple sauce in months, but she kept on blaming me. Just now she admitted that she had found the apple sauce, but kept on at it to prove a point to my brother.

-_- LOL seriously?!?!


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
lupinfarm said:
This morning mum was on a rampage saying how I'd eaten all the apple sauce and now she couldn't make anything like muffins, etc etc etc. I hadn't eaten any apple sauce in months, but she kept on blaming me. Just now she admitted that she had found the apple sauce, but kept on at it to prove a point to my brother.

-_- LOL seriously?!?!
Haha...when I was young and living at home, being the eldest I got the blame for everything...including eating all the olives...which I hated...gosh I can't even stand the smell of olives...hate them, hate them, HATE them! But everytime my glutton of a brother ate them I got a spanking...sheesh! Never did I ONCE have them at dinner, never did I once show any interest in this day i hate those God awful green slimy nuts with rooster combs in the center...(yup, that is what I always told my kids the pimentos were:>) BAD MOM! Haha! Less olives on the dinner table I'd hoped...but they love them too...
Anyway, bottom line is...I know how you feel Lupin!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
MorelCabin said:
lupinfarm said:
This morning mum was on a rampage saying how I'd eaten all the apple sauce and now she couldn't make anything like muffins, etc etc etc. I hadn't eaten any apple sauce in months, but she kept on blaming me. Just now she admitted that she had found the apple sauce, but kept on at it to prove a point to my brother.

-_- LOL seriously?!?!
Haha...when I was young and living at home, being the eldest I got the blame for everything...including eating all the olives...which I hated...gosh I can't even stand the smell of olives...hate them, hate them, HATE them! But everytime my glutton of a brother ate them I got a spanking...sheesh! Never did I ONCE have them at dinner, never did I once show any interest in this day i hate those God awful green slimy nuts with rooster combs in the center...(yup, that is what I always told my kids the pimentos were:>) BAD MOM! Haha! Less olives on the dinner table I'd hoped...but they love them too...
Anyway, bottom line is...I know how you feel Lupin!
LOL I have one of those brothers too. Except he loves everything, and if he doesn't like it, but there is nothing else he'll eat it. He ate all mums chocolate chips! We had like 20lbs of chocolate chips! And get this, he's 15 years old, 6'2", and probably 130lbs. Omg. He's a stick!

The Vail Benton's

Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Arizona
lupinfarm said:
This morning mum was on a rampage saying how I'd eaten all the apple sauce and now she couldn't make anything like muffins, etc etc etc. I hadn't eaten any apple sauce in months, but she kept on blaming me. Just now she admitted that she had found the apple sauce, but kept on at it to prove a point to my brother.

-_- LOL seriously?!?!
:lol: That's hilarious... but NEVER argue with a mother's logic!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
lupinfarm said:
Oh I know, we're probably going to donate the ones that are saveable to the habitat for humanity restore.
It's too bad you didn't live closer... I'd take those cabinets in a second! Here's my kitchen (our budget to buy a house was $25,000):



We plan on tearing this completely off the house and re-building a new addition. The floor slopes 13 inches from the cabinets to the other end of the room, which is why the cabinets don't actually close.

I LOVE your house... it's got so much character, and tons of potential (although it already looks great in the photos).

The colour of your room is gorgeous, and I really like the desk in the alcove.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Now THAT looks more like my old kitchen! Except my cabinets were painted a dark dark brown.

That was also more like my budget. We did not pay much more for our house (although it was 20 years ago :hide). I am a FIRM believer in the sweat equity thing. :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
hwillm1977 said:
lupinfarm said:
Oh I know, we're probably going to donate the ones that are saveable to the habitat for humanity restore.
It's too bad you didn't live closer... I'd take those cabinets in a second! Here's my kitchen (our budget to buy a house was $25,000): old house/Cupboards.jpg old house/Stove.jpg

We plan on tearing this completely off the house and re-building a new addition. The floor slopes 13 inches from the cabinets to the other end of the room, which is why the cabinets don't actually close.

I LOVE your house... it's got so much character, and tons of potential (although it already looks great in the photos).

The colour of your room is gorgeous, and I really like the desk in the alcove.
;) In Southern Ontario you can't even buy a decent plot of land for $25,000. A while ago a house on my brothers friends road was for sale, the thing was pretty much on the ground lol and was being sold "as is" on 15 acres of land (13 useable) but the point still was that the house deffo wasn't liveable by any stretch of the imagination. They were asking $87,000... About a month later the house burnt to the ground, and now there is a super adorable house going up in its place, now they want $209,000.

The 3 acre serviced plot that was recently built on on my road sold for $37,000 yikes, not even a house on it! It takes guts to do a total home renovation lol


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Your home is gorgeous! So much character and potential! I love it :)

Are you guys having fun with the renos? I know it can be stressful.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Dace said:
Your home is gorgeous! So much character and potential! I love it :)

Are you guys having fun with the renos? I know it can be stressful.
lol I think we'd be having more fun if my dads line of business allowed us to do more at one time than it currently does. Since he's self-employed we sometimes have to wait until we get a decent sized paycheck before doing anything. This year our projects that are getting doen are...

Upstairs, which includes the flooring and banisters for the stairs (not windows yet!), painting, built-ins, light fixtures, etc. We're already got the painting more or less finished, the light fixtures are done, we're just waiting on the flooring for the banisters.


Pouring a concrete slab in the garage so we can start the process of turning half of it into a kennel for the dogs to use during the winter months (there will be a doggy deck on the back since we have some seriously talented digging poodles lol) and a workshop for mum's business endeavours (she builds tack lockers, schooling jump standards, and is getting into small dog houses and small chicken coops as well).


The barnyard for the horses, and putting the tackroom and perhaps one stall in the barn. But at the least we need to clean out at least half the hayloft and replace the floorboards, and replace barn doors and take the huge boom off the barn and get the barnyard in. We're also buying a roundpen next month instead of building one because we don't have the soil to build one where we need to put it.

Lots of fun, I've been living in a renovation site my entire life. At 15 I was doing wiring, laying tile, and installing bathroom fixtures. I'm 21 now and its something I definitely enjoy. My parents keep me around, I suspect, for my design capabilities. I'd never make a career out of it because there are just too many people doing it but I enjoy doing it as a hobby.

This is what I did at our old house in Bowmanville, I pretty much designed the entire thing. All the rooms. The only thing I didn't have much say on was the kitchen cabinets, because they were installed when I was quite young so I had to design around the kitchen when we did the last renovations before moving.

Living Room/Dining Room at my old house


Family Room (Farmfresh, this is the room that had the two tone orange shag LOL) The fireplace was actually deemed unusuable shortly before we moved, we had no idea it had been installed incorrectly by the owners before us and had infact had chimney fire in it but the new owner put in a gas insert so it was allllll good.


Master Bedroom


Kevin's Room


My Room


Upstairs Loo


Downstairs Loo, I know how tacky stencilling can be but I saw the stars in a Debbie Travis book years ago and I thought it'd be fun for a downstairs powderroom and turns out everyone, including the real estate agent, loved it. Lol, the cat had fun with the toilet paper...The flooring was real terracotta tiles, which we got on a major deal because the tile place messed up and didn't realize they sold them for the same price as ceramic....


Kitchen (lol someone left the cabinet open)


Upstairs Hallway


Stairs down to the family room, which were awful 70s oak before we got to them lol.


And my dads office, don't mind the mess. I think this is the only room I didn't have a choice on the colour in. I was never a fan of the colour but the new buyer liked this room mainly because it was a fully serviced office and as a fully serviced office you could claim it on your taxes.
