Lupin Farm ~ Updated photos of the goat pen in progress


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Accio has been really moody lately and today he started peeing blood again. Except this time its worse than before. He's been on a good food for the last few months, Royal Canin for indoor kitties and he's been doing well on it. His original urinary problems cleared up with the food and some antibiotics. He's been doing nice big pee's in his litter box for months now and then today he went pee on the bathroom floor. It was clear, but he went on a newspaper on the table earlier and its bright blood red. Tiny drops of it. He's been in his litter box too a few times since and on a pair of shoes, same blood.

I've booked him in for an appointment this afternoon at 2:30pm. I'm just so upset, he's got a nasty attitude but he's my cat and I love him. I paid for everything for him myself, and took care of him when he was so little because my dad wouldn't let me have a cat. I hid him in my room for over a month until my dad found out, and he's the only cat that hasn't been terrified of the dogs. He's my little baby and I don't know what is going to happen to him. I'm so worried because earlier this year the vet came out after seeing Accio at the office to give Luna her shots and told us about a cat named Mikey who had awful urinary stones because the ladies husband fed him some Whiskas instead of the good stuff he was eating and he had to be put down. He was at the point where he was peeing blood, and just tiny amounts as well.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
don't panic yet, honey. it can take a while to get to the point where the other cat was at - remember you dont know the whole history.

if you've been feeding your pal well and this just started.. he's probably ok. but he definitely needs vet attention. its not unusual to have blood in the pee if he has an infection.

some of our boy cats have had problems - it seems to be common and just needs to be actively managed.

let us know what the vet said.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
It was blood in the pee before the holidays, just pinkish and he recovered but now its actually blood. no pee. just blood. and little tiny amounts.

we're leaving in an hour, for now though i'm letting him just run around the house and do it as he needs. he's crate trained but i don't want to panic him and lock him up right now.

i know the vet will ask what he's eating but i can't say for sure he hasn't gotten in the dog food on occasion. its possible. he's a crafty little cat. he can open doors, ect. the dogs are also on royal canin for doggies.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Well... he's nice on his terms, which is not very often ;) he sleeps on the bed with me at night, but if I move even an inch he sinks his claws into me. He can be sweet sometimes though.

The last week he's been super moody. More so than usual, if you pick him up he's growling within seconds and usually it takes a little longer. He hisses when you let him go and walks away, and usually will attack one of the dogs on the way out. This is unusual behaviour for him, but I didn't think much of it because Kevin has been "usin' and abusin'" the cat since he was old enough to not die from being "Kevin-ized" (my brother was diagnosed ADHD but is going in for re-diagnosis as there is some suspicion he might actually be Autistic). Accio was once used as a pump action gun. He was even purring, he loved it.

:idunno I just don't get it. He's been on good food, and within 2 weeks of switching foods he made a great turn around. The vet was going to take some urine last time we were there but he couldn't get Accio to let go of any even though he palpated for several minutes. So Accio might end up staying overnight for observation. $$$$$ unfortunately, but what choice do we have? I don't want him to suffer.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I hope Accio is going to be just fine real soon. :hugs

We have cermudgeony cat as well. It is near impossible to take him to the vet. :rolleyes:


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
It will likely take him more than two weeks on good food to get healthy. A holistic vet told me 3 months is the average. So hang in there. We brought our Topaz to this vet to be put down. She was the fourth vet we tried. Topie never had another urinary issue since, and it has years? He is about 12-14 years old, too. Waltham, Hills, Iams....none worked. A grain-free diet did.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Update on Accio...

Freemotion, its not diet related as it happens. at all. He's on Royal Canin which is the topmost quality food you can buy, and the same brand the vets recommend. Unfortunately earlier in his life we tried Wellness and some other high quality holistic foods which gave him incredible diahrreha. He's an ex-barn kitten so he doesn't have the gut for that nice stuff lol. I was seriously hoping he wouldn't have the runs on the Royal Canin and we got lucky.

Anyway we're back from the vets office. We were there for 2.5 hours total. Accio first went in, they took his temp, looked at his weeney bits to make sure he didn't have any trauma to the weeney area (he tries to...err... love the lady miniature poodles here) which he didn't. The vet said "well, his penis looks as normal as a penis can" haha. Then they palpated his bladder, nothing came out, so she brought in a litter tray with some "no-absorb" litter in it, which is plastic litter. He went almost automatically thank heavens and they did a urinanalysis. Came back with no crystals present. The vet then suggested perhaps it could be stones, so we did an x-ray which revealed not a single stone (but that he did need to go for a poop soon LOL). So we get back into the exam room and she says that she's going to give him a shot of antibiotic because there is a possibility given his history of urinary problems that it could be a case of chronic urinary inflammation combined with a urinary infection (in this instance he would have had an infection that keeps getting irritating by urine which makes it bleed). He was sent him having been given an anti-inflammatory, and a 3 day course of anti-inflammatories and some noabsorb litter so we can take another urine sample in 10 days. After that depending on how the sample comes back (ie. if it is normal urine or if it is blood again) we may have to look at having him ultrasounded and investigate the possibility of a mass. In which case it may be kinder to him to just have him euthanized. I've seen what happens to a cat whose owners are not ready to let go and it has to suffer. My dads friend had a cat for his son that he wracked up $12,000 in cancer treatments on just to save his sons feelings. The cat keeled over in the litter box one day. The cat had absolutely no quality of life.

So that is the update on Accio. Right now he's relaxing upstairs, he's going to be in solitary confinement for the 10 days to keep things quiet and keep him un-stressed. Its not just blood in the urine, its just BLOOD. Nothing else.

As an aside, while we were there mum heard this MAAAAAAAAing and I went out into the lobby to look. There was a lady there with a little goat kid, I think it was a little buckling. He was cute as a freaking button, but he quite clearly had pneumonia. He had mucus around his nose, having trouble breathing, and was maaaaaaaaaaing like there was no tomorrow. Poor dude was not feeling good. The lady bought him from the local livestock auction, which is normally pretty good about animals and disease, ect. but she realized after she bought him that he came from a batch of animals that had been sold by a man who is known to sell off sick animals. I couldn't believe how people were so ready to pet him! I felt so bad for the little guy and everything, and I hope he gets better, but I didn't get within 10ft of him. I even came home and soaked my boots in Virkon and washed my clothing and had Kev feed the goats instead of me.