Lupin Farm ~ Updated photos of the goat pen in progress


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
SKR8PN said:
Down here I would just go ahead and drive on the expired tickets, and if I got stopped again, show the nice officer the first ticket, explain your situation to him and hope for the best. Most all of our LEO's would be pretty understanding.
lol I wish that were the case here. We were stopped and ticketed by the OPP which police Marmora, we'd still have to go through 3 more zones of police LOL. Stirling has its own cops, but they're unlikely to pull us over because they have like 2 squad cars and never seem to be out doing anything except radar gunning people in Springbrook in the summer months, then its OPP before Belleville again, and then Belleville Police in Belleville.

Yikes, lots of different police outfits haha.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Ohio
Well, at least your dad is going to take care of it. He can't leave his family without some type of transportation! ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
When did they expire?

My license tags have expired, but they are the right colour for 2010, just the month printed on them is February... I don't usually worry until they aren't the right colour (although I will get them as soon as I can afford the $100)

Do you have safety inspections there? We have them yearly, and if you are stopped with that expired they call a tow truck and impound your vehicle... not fun... I'm always really careful with those :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
The truck is a 2008, so it doesn't need a safety inspection :) The tags were DEC 09 tags!

We got stopped during a routine ride check -_- I totally thought they were on there, like genuinely thought they were. I wasn't driving but you should have seen our faces when the cop said they weren't. Shock doesn't even begin to describe it. I was horrified he didn't buy them, even though he renewed his license and the papers came at the same time.

I'm getting a lot of hassle from people on a horsey forum saying I'm just trying to absolve myself of blame, and how I should be paying into it, and they're just all up on their soapboxes preaching. Either way, my dad would still have to pay for the stickers no matter who drove it, or if no one drove it.

I don't just drive it to hang out with friends or party, I drive my parents places for the most part, my dad can't even really drive.. he has a gammy leg from his brain tumor and his right leg sometimes slams down on the accelorator without warning. My mum has awful vision and while she does drive, I get all the nighttime duty and I drive most of the time anyway because the road system in Belleville freaks her out lol. So its not like I'm abusing this awesome priveledge my parents have bestowed upon me. I haven't seen my friends since last September lol and I'm not complaining. I even took the year off to help at home, getting the fencing set up and the goats set up and helping my mum find a horse in the fall for herself.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
The last few days have gone somewhat smoothly. Feed the horses, come in and do whatever.. usually scout materials for the house renovations online or paint my room or whatever. Winter is the time of the year we just vege on the sofa here, there is nothing we can do outside and until next year the horses won't be doing anything over the winter.

Today at dinner feeding for the horses I took some photos of them up close and personal :)







When mum gets paid we have to get Luna a new halter, a brand spankin' new padded leather one because hers is too tight and she has to wear one all the time.

Oh and I've been planning our barnyard stuff for this spring/summer. The footing is going to be pea gravel, and it will have 2 sections to it so I can close one horse in one side and the other in the other side for feeding time. There is a gate by where the round pen will be, a gate between the 2 sections, and a gate by the barn door to the stall area/tackroom/pump. All that concrete will be gone, as will the fugly chicken shack and the boom on the barn.

View from the house..


All that area in the foreground is the goat pasture..

View from the driveway... in the background you can see the goat pasture and what we affectionately call "the bunker" which is actually the foundation of an old rabbit barn (disused for over 70 years) which I'm removing the walls on and slowly filling so we can encorporate it into the goat pasture.


And this is the view from the round pen area..


You can see my riding ring in the background (120x60ft) which is also going to get boards on it this year! :D But they'll only be 1x6" rough cut because there won't be horses turned out into it and anyway.. most people I've noticed are using the 1x6" because as we allll know, even a 2x6 won't stop a horse ;) Mylie went right through 3" round cedar rails LOL that 2x6 would be nothing.

And just for kicks this is a view across Mylie's current field, and you can see the west field and the upper field which we're expanding in a year or so into the laneway up there for more barnyard type area as its well sheltered naturally up there (by the veggie garden). That horrible black strip in the background is the infamous grove of yew topiaries. Well out of the way of my horses of course, but they're probably being ripped up by the farmer who owns that land this year thank god.



Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Ohio
Looks good. Sounds like you will be very busy this summer. At least you got a break from problems. :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
ksalvagno said:
Looks good. Sounds like you will be very busy this summer. At least you got a break from problems. :D
Sure did :D We even went to look at hardwood flooring today for upstairs to see if we could find solid hardwood Maple cheaper than $5.29/sq. ft. and it looks like we will :D Wahoo.

Lots of work lol but it never seems to end here. That doesn't even include the new chicken palace going up and the goatie ladies moving into the old chicken house right next to the house.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
I'm feeling inspired by Farmfresh today ;) We too are renovating our farmhouse here at Lupin Farm and in the last month or so we've been picking out hardwood flooring, contacting restoration companies (looks like we're going with Eastern Restoration for the brickwork and window/door at the front of the house).

For reference these are the before shots of the house..

Front of the house


Kitchen, the stove was coated in probably about 4 inches of grease and one day actually blew up in my mums face! Yikes! The cupboards are greasy and we, as a collective family, HATE oak, the floor is gross, and the sink cabinet is moldy. The fridge is old and doesn't work properly and needs to go. Under the stairs there is a nook, we are taking the cabinets out of it and putting in a marble worktop in there and shelves, putting a door on it, and calling it our cold storage/pantry area :) Its a great spot too.


Living Room (looks way better than it actually IS, under that ceiling tile ceiling is solid wood tongue and groove ceiling that is painted in hospital green paint *barf* and that laminate floor was coming up, didn't even meet the walls!! The window was put in without a header, just the old brick one, and is pretty much falling out LOL).


"Office", this area will be included into the bathroom (which I dare not shock you with right now, you all may actually have heart attacks and die upon seeing it) to give us space for a 2 person glass shower, dressing area, and double vanity.


Extension, this is my parents room... it was actually built 20-25 years ago by the owners before the Bulgarians as a living room that could be turned into a master bedroom when the husband got older, and my parents use it as a master as my dad has a gammy leg and can't get up the stairs and anyway he's 6'7" which I can tell you doesn't agree with a 1 1/2 storey house! Those floors are solid Maple, they're getting refinished to match upstairs, all we're doing in there is replacing that awful 90s propane insert with a victorian styled one and some painting really.


Laundry room is off the extension and has a door to the small side deck and laundry line, it just needs new flooring, appliances, cupboards and some paint really.


Kevin's room, this room looks small but its actually 14ft by 20ft, its the original master bedroom and it has a huge double closet.


My room. This room is 14x11 but its very irregular... You'll see what I mean when you see some of the inprogress photos LOL.


The sewing room, also used as a guest room when needed. This room is the smallest, I think its 9x11 or 9x14... one of those. Both the rooms on my side of the house have 2 smaller windows. Both also have enormous closets and the only part of these rooms that is original really is the floors and the ceilings which are plaster (in the sewing room only half the ceiling is plaster, other half was replaced with drywall in the 90s). This is an awful photo of it lol but its the only picture I have of this room.


I don't have a photo of the upstairs bathroom, but it had a tiny dwarf shower (my mum is 5'5 and she couldn't even stand upright in it or turn around in it) that didn't work because the Bulgarian family that lived here never once put softener salts in the water softener lol we hit the pipes with a hammer by accident and it started working when we were taking it out hahahaha. Also had a tiny vanity that was a mere 6 inches from the opening to the shower, and a toilet that leaked like no tomorrow. It smelt like a farmers buttcrack in this house, the floors were covered upstairs in plywood and "wood floor stick down tiles" lol and as you can see, the paint colours left a lot to be desired.

Next is inprogress photos...


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Ohio
Interesting that your brother got the pink room and you got the yellow/green room. :gig

It is more important to buy what you can afford. You can always paint walls and stuff. :p