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Quilting Extraordinaire
It has been a very busy spring! Wow, when does it end? My grandaughter is doing wonderful, she is the apple of Papas eye...even though he wanted a boy!
I've been working like crazy on that garden I started last summer. This spring we got half the grass ripped out of it and boxes put in that half. The other half will get done eventually...Here is a pic of what we have accomplished so far...it has been a vision of mine for a long time!
Had a baby shower for DD a couple of weeks back...if you all want an interesting game to play at a baby shower, bobbing for nipples is it, if you can convince the ladies to do it, haha! All the ladies at my shower declined, but me, my daughter, my sister and my neice had a grand old time showing them how it's done! And I won! Heehee!
I am still working on that quilt I started for the art show...remind me never again to take on a project like that in the summer! Baaaahhh all I want to do is get outdoors and get all THAT stuff done, not be stuck at my sewing machine! I still have to sandwich this and quilt it but the top is finally completed.
I got my rabbits! a New Zealand trio...two blue does that are 3 months old and a black buck that is 7 months old. How I am going to be able to kill off thier young when it is time I seriuosly don't know...they are really too cute to even think of eating...but I will find the strength somehow when the time comes. So I have been building an indoor/outdoor home for them along one side of my coop. My gosh that coop has undergone alot of construction this spring. It is a 10x10 shed. Earlier this spring I built a 3x 10 row of three brooders along the north wall, and under that is a 3x10 pen for my brahma bantams. THen the 7x10 that is left is for my bigger birds. NOW I am starting my rabbit pens on the other side, 48" off the ground so it doesn't take up floor space for my birds. Each pen is 2x3 and a bit along the South wall. They are each going to have access to the outdorrs through a hole and into a large hutch that I am building on the outside of the wall. I'll take pics of that setup when I am all done:>) which will hopefully be SOON!
This is the North wall with the brooder/broodies 3x3 pens and the 3x10 pen for tyhe banties underneath (which is currently housing all my spring chicks and is getting seriously overcrowded!
This is it looking straight in the door, the brooders on the left and the bunnies are going up top on the right when that bit of constuction is finished
And of course, my two new does Lilah and Zoe in their temporary brooder pen:>)
I've been working like crazy on that garden I started last summer. This spring we got half the grass ripped out of it and boxes put in that half. The other half will get done eventually...Here is a pic of what we have accomplished so far...it has been a vision of mine for a long time!

Had a baby shower for DD a couple of weeks back...if you all want an interesting game to play at a baby shower, bobbing for nipples is it, if you can convince the ladies to do it, haha! All the ladies at my shower declined, but me, my daughter, my sister and my neice had a grand old time showing them how it's done! And I won! Heehee!

I am still working on that quilt I started for the art show...remind me never again to take on a project like that in the summer! Baaaahhh all I want to do is get outdoors and get all THAT stuff done, not be stuck at my sewing machine! I still have to sandwich this and quilt it but the top is finally completed.

I got my rabbits! a New Zealand trio...two blue does that are 3 months old and a black buck that is 7 months old. How I am going to be able to kill off thier young when it is time I seriuosly don't know...they are really too cute to even think of eating...but I will find the strength somehow when the time comes. So I have been building an indoor/outdoor home for them along one side of my coop. My gosh that coop has undergone alot of construction this spring. It is a 10x10 shed. Earlier this spring I built a 3x 10 row of three brooders along the north wall, and under that is a 3x10 pen for my brahma bantams. THen the 7x10 that is left is for my bigger birds. NOW I am starting my rabbit pens on the other side, 48" off the ground so it doesn't take up floor space for my birds. Each pen is 2x3 and a bit along the South wall. They are each going to have access to the outdorrs through a hole and into a large hutch that I am building on the outside of the wall. I'll take pics of that setup when I am all done:>) which will hopefully be SOON!

And of course, my two new does Lilah and Zoe in their temporary brooder pen:>)