Moved away from Mainstream (medicine)


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
I'm not feeling bad about my decision. I simply stated that I vaccinate and I would do it again if I had to. I did research when my kids were young, I talked to health professionals. i am too lazy to look up the facts now, simply b/c I have no need to. I feel I made the best choice for my kids, and you can have your debate without me. I will not bash you for your decision to NOT vaccinate your kids-please have the same regard for MY decision.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Thank you Ann, this is what I have been saying all along.
No where in any one of my posts did I say I was against vaccinating.
I am against the vaccine schedule and the ingredients in them.
I have said that repeatedly, but for some reason certain people keep responding with anger that I question their safety and pick out odds and ends to keep discussing the merits of vaccines.
No one will ever convince me that what we have implemented is safe.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
miss_thenorth said:
I'm not feeling bad about my decision. I simply stated that I vaccinate and I would do it again if I had to. I did research when my kids were young, I talked to health professionals. i am too lazy to look up the facts now, simply b/c I have no need to. I feel I made the best choice for my kids, and you can have your debate without me. I will not bash you for your decision to NOT vaccinate your kids-please have the same regard for MY decision.
Who bashed you? I have not seen anyone bash anyone for vaccinating and I have reread this entire thread several times.
I believe the discussion is and always has been about the safety of the current vaccine schedule and its ingredients and the need for it to change for the children's health.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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I will never believe that a virus can cause cancer. Do you know that we all have cancer cells in our body? Weather we get cancer is determined by how these cells act & if they do mutate in to a full fledged cancer. Think about this one: avoid radiation & toxins as best you can because they cause cancer. But when you get cancer what is the first thing they want to do? Raidiation & toxic chemicals injected into your veins.
There are some Docs in Phoenix who have been using a new treatment over the last few yrs. They treat the cancer patient as a diabetic keeping their bloodsugar levels low. then the chemo they give is diluted by at least half with a high glucose solution & the cancer cells go crazy gobbling it up because they thrive on sugar & love it. So they are having a better cure rate than conventional chemo. Not to mention they are pushing total organic diets & chemical free homes for their patients. There are people flocking from all over the country to them.
So a vacine to prevent a cancer I just don't buy it & my dd will not get it period! And another thing why only women & girls under a certain age? I know I am considered to old to "need" it. But the reality is women my age have sex too! And there are men & women who are not monogomous, correct? So who is to say they can not develop HPV? Not everyone has sex with someone their own age. A lot of women(cougars) go after young men, who are also having sex with young women. So can it not spread? And not everyone uses condoms.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
the simple life said:
Who bashed you? I have not seen anyone bash anyone for vaccinating
Can't speak for miss_theNorth, but I would say that

"I think its ironic when people brag about how they feed their kids organically, and raise them in a "green" environment but will gladly hold them down while they are injected with proven neurotoxins."


"Oh and I am glad you feel safe with "99.9 percent" of mercury removed from your child's vaccines.
A little mercury certainly never hurt anyone."

do not sound all that accepting and friendly to ME.


the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
Again I believe that is in response to the people that want to tell me that we should all be vaccinating our kids with todays vaccines.
I think that the mercury issue had been rehashed over and over to the point that *someone* is trying to say that since 99 percent of it was removed from vaccines then we should all be responsible and vaccinate our kids regardless of the point that we still do not feel that aluminum and the like are safe.
Again the question also directed at miss the north was who bashed her?
No one did. People on this board stated that they vaccinated their kids but still did not feel the vaccines are clean and are unhappy with that fact.
No one was directing anything at her and I think you know that.
In fact, I know that you know that I was responding directly to a comment made by someone else and it was not directed at anyone else but that person.
But hey anything for a little more heated debate right?
I have yet to hear anyone say that their children have never recieved any vaccine of any kind and are totally against it as a whole, aside from the person that started this thread.
I noticed that person that started this thread did so just to ask if anyone else did not vaccinate and /or had an exememption only to have someone harp on her because he felt it was unfair to his friends with impaired immunity.
If anyone was pointing the finger and being judgemental.....


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
the simple life said:
miss_thenorth said:
I'm not feeling bad about my decision. I simply stated that I vaccinate and I would do it again if I had to. I did research when my kids were young, I talked to health professionals. i am too lazy to look up the facts now, simply b/c I have no need to. I feel I made the best choice for my kids, and you can have your debate without me. I will not bash you for your decision to NOT vaccinate your kids-please have the same regard for MY decision.
Who bashed you? I have not seen anyone bash anyone for vaccinating and I have reread this entire thread several times.
I believe the discussion is and always has been about the safety of the current vaccine schedule and its ingredients and the need for it to change for the children's health.
Okay--maybe bashing was the wrong word to use. this is a personal decision, and all your facts (whether they are from reliable sources or not--I'll never know, b/c I am not interested enough at this point to verify them) are not going to make me feel bad about the decision my husband and I made.

This was not a decision that we made lightly. So you choose not to vaccinate--good for you, I guess.

And to quote the op:
Now I guess this post could cause some heated reply's.

Anyone not Vaccinate their children?

My children are 9 and almost 5, they have not been vaccinated, not been on antibitics or anything like that. (nothing stronger than a pain killer - and only my son (9yr) has had those)

My son is 9 - he's been to a medical doctor twice, once at 2 weeks and once at 2 years old.

My daughter almost 5, was born at home, and has never seen a medical doctor.

The discussion was supposed to be about whether you vaccinated or not and whether your kids went to conventional doctors.

I guess I saw it when you throw all these facts out, (and like I said--don't know whether they are accurate or not, b/c you can find facts to say whatever you want them to say on the internet), one might interpret that to be bashing for lack of a better word.
and what Pat said.


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Nebraska Sandhills
This wasn't intended to start arguments or to make people feel bad.

I simply wanted to find out how many others go as far as not vaccinating at all. And also who goes further and uses alternate medicine, chiropractors, midwives etc... (I guess those are still ALTERNATE - LOL)

Anyway - I don't want anyone's feeling to get hurt that is not what this is about - its about learning, understanding others etc....

THe best thing to do if you see something you don't like is to move on and ignore it.

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