Murphysranch - Bank blues and garage sale thoughts


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Back again. Was at my Mother's for over a week, while organizing the memorial service for my stepfather. It went well. There were over a hundred ppl there to honor him. Why is it that we all turn out for that, but not for when the person is alive?

The food we prepared went quickly, as did the beer and wine and water and coffee. I started the speeches, by providing random thoughts about the man I knew since 1973. His quirks such as his love for calculators & sliderules; his adoration of my daughter when she was 2 and we lived with them; his wise counsel for my career and investments; about his distain of pets; his winetasting group; his nuclear energy accomplishments; his EE fellowships; etc etc. Several other ppl stepped up and said nice things too. His remaining sibling, his brother by 20 years younger, came out from the East to attend.

Then tragedy....DH left on Monday to come home, while I went over to my daughter's to pick up my 4 yr old GD and then head back home. While pulling up the drive (maybe 300 yds or so), all the dogs, as normal, came rushing out to bark and greet the car. Well, my darling 8 mo old red cattle pup got caught under the front tire of DH's car, because HE WOULDN"T STOP>>>>HE KEPT DRIVING, even at 5 mph. He always said that the dogs should learn. BUT FOR GODS SAKE - Driver was 8 months old and about 4-5 yrs old in human terms. I have screamed at him, threatened him, gotten out of the car on him, since we moved up here in August. STOP THE CAR, let the dogs get settled at seeing who is in the car, and then creep forward. BUT NO>>>>>> he ran over my puppy. He rushed him to the vet, who said that there was no hope. DH called me while I was still driving home, sobbing that he was so sorry, that he should have listened to me. yep.

I'm, of course, devastated. I had to pick up his body on Tuesday. We buried him next to our wood duck pen, where he loved to look and torment the wood duck and mallard. GDaughter picked daffodils and placed them on the dirt pile. She even kissed the dirt pile to say goodbye. She brings up Driver a couple times a day, as she processes the loss. She's the one that named him back in sept when I adopted him. But she hadn't seen him since then.

GDaughter and I went to the Murphys Irish Days parade yesterday. There were 100's of ppl there and the parade was cute. Everyone was wearing green and it was in the low 70's. She threw a few tantrums, thrashing on the street, but I'm wise to her, so even tho ppl glanced at this 4 yr old carrying on, it didn't phase me too much. But boy, am I glad "those" days are over with for me.

Today, I told her we're gonna be farmers. Getting the seeds started. I've never done this before, but I think that I've read enuf to give it a try. Bought some more flourscent fixtures and bulbs at the Wal Mart, to hang on a rack set up in the dining room.

Two questions tho:
1. Diff seeds require diff starting times, etc. I find it very confusing to determine which ones to start first, how to space them, etc.
2. Do I start them in smaller flats and then transplant into larger spaces later? I've been saving flats and pots for about a year, and we have the left over flats from the yr old wine grape plants we put in over a year ago.

Lastly, how in the heck do you all change the title in the journal heading? Seems many of you change it to suit the most recent post contents.

All for now, from the Sierra Foothills, where I'm sure missing my wiggle butt, lover boy, happy heeler, Driver.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
oh geez... sorry for the loss. what a shame...your poor little friend. i'm sure you are heartbroken...

as for the gardening..

1. geez you probably have it easier in a milder climate... but most of the time i stack the seeds in a couple piles by "start inside date" on the packages.. such as pile #1 is "start inside 6 weeks before frost", pile #2 is "start inside 4 weeks before last frost".... and mostly its kinda a guessing game. you can do all the planning in the world and then poof! one last sneaky frost gets you.

2. shhh... do whatever is easiest for you. i've tried starting in flats, then transplanting.. the putting them outside and for me.. i just start in flats, harden off, then put outside. and when all else fails.. just do what Sunset Magzine says

to change the title in your journal, go to Page 1 first entry and see at the very bottom there is an "edit" option in the bottom right of the post.... give a click.. then you can put your cursor in the title and change away!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I am so sorry to hear about your puppy. It's just heart breaking. :hugs

good luck on your seed starting. It looks like everyone has spring fever.



Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
ohiofarmgirl said:
1. geez you probably have it easier in a milder climate... but most of the time i stack the seeds in a couple piles by "start inside date" on the packages.. such as pile #1 is "start inside 6 weeks before frost", pile #2 is "start inside 4 weeks before last frost".... and mostly its kinda a guessing game. you can do all the planning in the world and then poof! one last sneaky frost gets you.
That's what I do too... I put them in piles, then I write on my calendar what I'm supposed to plant when, and how soon things can go outside (some can go out before last frost, others on last frost, others two weeks after)... so I just check my calendar and follow the directions I made for myself while I was bored and stuck inside during the winter :)


Apr 4, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, so sad to hear about your puppy. :hit I doesn't get easier- we let these animals into our hearts and you miss them terribly when they are not there anymore.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Prattville, Alabama
I'm so sorry about your puppy :(
Losing a pet just completely sucks, I hope you find some peace about it soon. Reading the rainbow bridge story helps.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Sorry about your puppy.

As for the seeds. We start everything we can this month in flats and whatever pots. We put them in our makeshift greenhouse until it gets to hot for them in there. We usually don't get out field plowed til May. Often we transplant from the little pots or flats into 1/2 gallon pots, before we can plant in the field.


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sounds like things have been rough for you for awhile now, sorry about your stepfather and your pup :hugs .


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Back again to post on my thread. I sure do like reading others threads - living vicariously through all of you!! :p

I've had to replant all my seeds. Guess our 60 - 61 degree home was not warm enuf for the ones I planted over a month ago. (saved propane not to turn on the heat). Now that its been nice out every few days, I move all 10 of the flats, yogurt containers, TP rolls, etc outside to the deck to soak up some warm sun. Its been sunny for 3 - 4 days, and then two or three days of cold rain. But the sun has done wonders. I have alot coming up now. Not so depressed about this subject now.

I scrounged some old lumber and shutters from my mom who was clearing out my step dad's garage items. Gonna haul them up to the green house and try to imagine how to build some shelves and such not. My last frost date in mid May, so I won't be moving things up there yet.

I've been in a terrible funk for over two weeks, and not even 4 days with my two grandkids was gonna help it. But DH has committed to getting things done around here, and voila, I was able to unpack 6 boxes the last two days. My china, my crystal, and my serving ware. My beloved serving ware, most of which I picked up at Goodwill over the years. Mix and matched. stoneware and china. Solids and prints. Square, oblong, bowls, platters.....Love those pieces and they feel like old friends. Have been refolding the used wrapping paper, cus when we run outa money for this mortgage, we'll have to sell and move again. So saving paper and boxes and putting them in the garage attic for that time...

I spoke via email with my sis about my funk, and she gave me a huge list of things to do. Its hard, after working since 10th grade with only two maternity leaves (6 weeks) and a couple short lived layoffs, that at the age of 55, I've spent more time waiting and yearning for the time that I'd not have to or being forced to work ( I've always been the primary wage earner). Now that I'm there, I'm so bored and depressed. I've not been able to pull myself up by the bootstraps to get going on things that I've always wanted to do. DH says go find a part time job...what??? and give up my unemployement checks? No way.....I've been waiting all my life to be "retired" and so....

I'm sure it will help to get this dang house finished, the furniture moved in, window coverings up, pictures hung, office organized, etc etc etc. After all, the 100 degree heat up here is just around the corner! Gotta have something to do inside during mid day. Learn to knit, crochet, do the scrap booking thing, dust off the old sewing machine, pull out the 50 craft items accumulated over the years, you know...those things.

Again, thanks for the continued threads you all make. I read almost all of them and then think about what I've learned through out the day. I'll never have goats or ducks, or a cow, or or or...but it sure is fun to read about them!


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