ditto, and moreDenim Deb said:Don't worry about reading journals. Just take care of what you need to.![]()

ditto, and moreDenim Deb said:Don't worry about reading journals. Just take care of what you need to.![]()
MyKidLuvsGreenEgz said:Honestly, I hated hated hated this trip. Not just because it was for my FIL's funeral, but because it was a reminder of family politics, of duplicity, and how sometimes you really can't count on anybody.
My husband finally opened his eyes. His mother continued to say some things that were really hurtful to him. She should never have gone to her ex's funeral. She complained the whole time, kept saying things like "that viewing was stupid, but that's country folk for ya!" and "stop fussing about those guns! You don't deserve them anyway!" ... huh? She even grabbed Hubby's glasses to clean them; she does that all the time. I said something later, asking why he lets her do that. He's 50 Y.O.! He said because it bothers her, when his glasses are dirty. I told him he could just tell her not to look at him. That's what I did 4 years ago and she doesn't bother me about it any more. I'll clean my daggone glasses when I feel like it!
I think now that FIL is gone, MIL is gonna become worse and worse. Already seeing it.
Hubby sat in his father's workshop and just cried. Not just because of his father but because his mother was so hurtful to him, and because she's not supporting him, like any good mother should. She didn't want to be there. It was obvious.
Spent several hours at FIL's farm, going through stuff in the cluttered and packed workshop, and then again in his home. I refused to go into the basement; too many spiders. Took a few boxes, blue post-it stickies, tape, notepad and markers. Stickies went on all the tools and such, ladders, work tables, etc. Packed a few boxes inside the house (I'm thinking he was either a hoarder or a prepper ... vely interesting!). Found some old photos, some paperwork that SIL should need to settle the estate, the gifts my son had given him over the last 4 years, and lots of boots, long johns and hats. Hubby has to go back in a week or two to bring home the boxes of stuff, the tractor, the truck and van. Hope the estate auction doesn't start until after we get everything we want and can use on our little farm.
Didn't leave until early afternoon. My poor Kid was bored with nintendo, and tired of the heat (100's the whole time).
Long drive.
Arrived home, still covered in dust and grime from going through things, and very tired. Thankful to be home. Found a strange car in our driveway. Turns out it was the neighbor who was milking for us.
Told us that our goats had escapated constantly while we were gone. After talking with her and taking a good long look around, it became obvious that the goats hadn't been given any hay while we were gone (another neighbor was supposed to feed adn water everyone). Because they forgot about haying the goats, they got really hungry, figured out how to escape, and ATE MY GARDEN! No more strawberries, blueberries, squash, cucumbers, soy beans or tomatoes. TICKED OFF! ... AND when they got out of there, they went into the open chicken coop and ate the chicken's food which meant those poor things were starving too. And one chicken who was isolated wasn't let out or fed at all. Another group's eggs weren't collected.
Half-assed job.
Very angry.
Should we have expected better from a 4-H family who has alpacas, and who's done it for us before?
We immediately fed everyone, gave clean water, a few flakes of hay and some grain went to the goats. Then watered the garden, what few things are left.
Guess Ill be buying more strawberry plants next year. And blueberries.
I think there's a couple squash, soy and cucumbers plants that didn't get totally eaten.
And guess we can never again all leave together. SOMEONE needs to be here to take care of our critters. Our home. Our lives.
But we're home!
As soon as Hubby and Kid get up, we'll eat then go get the puppy. I'm nervous that he's forgotten all of the training we did.
But at least we're home!
Got a little sleep last night. There was a mouse in my closet but it finally got caught in a trap so fell asleep around 11. Up at 7. Not bad, esp for me!
So much to do around here. Need to make room in our workshop for everything that will be coming in from FIL's farm. Figure out where to put the tractor and see if we can find someone to do some work on it. Make arrangements for a U-Haul. Ginna give livestock lots of extra's today (I have a feeling I'll be making lots of healthy nutrient-packed breads for them today or tomorrow). Clean. Laundry (and unfortunately our washer kinda died the day before we left). Apply stuff to our hundreds of skeeter-bites, and to the sunburn.
And get back to eating healthy. I kept stuffing things in my mouth to prevent me from saying what I really wanted to say to FIL's family and friends. Saying these things would have made things worse for Hubby.
Hmmm... back home.