NH Homesteader's journal

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
Kitchen is half painted! Lol he has been painting at work (nights, when the place is empty), so he's tired of painting!

I have a confession. I've been keeping a secret... we're having another baby. In October. Eeek! DH is excited, I am still freaking the heck out. This was not in my plans, lol. Oops? At least DD2 will be almost 2 when baby comes. Oy... I am SO exhausted. And finally turning the corner on being sick. And changing/putting off some things. Like the sheep? Yeah they've been demoted to fiber pets lol! Still getting my kinder but won't breed Patty again, so just one kidding in 2 years for family milk. Taking it easy . Or trying anyway...

I am not brave, it was an accident lol! I would not have planned it that way!

Let me tell you a little story. Way back in the granola years, hubby and I planned our first pregnancy. All went well. But, that little boy was a little monster. High strung, strong willed, what one might consider to be a very difficult child. So much so, that DH decided that one child was all we could handle. (Our pre marriage, and after marriage plans had always been to have 2 children). So... While I desperately wanted an other baby, that plan was nixed. I would not push for that second pregnancy b/c IMO to have an other child when DH was not on board with the game plan was not a road I was willing to travel. So... I prayed about it. I asked God to handle the issue. I asked Him to:

A: Take away my yearning for an other baby.


B: Change hubby's mind.

Before a single month had passed, I was feeling all of the signs of early pregnancy. I told DH, and we did the home pregnancy test. I was shell shocked to see a positive test. Our monster child was only 15 months old. I went back, and spoke with God. "Hey, God... This is not exactly what I was looking for! Even if we did decide to get pregnant, we'd wait a reasonable length of time. Perhaps 4 years would be good, certainly not less than 3. God, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???" God just laughed. My God has an incredible sense of humor. Yep. You could say that second pregnancy was "an accident". But, with God, there are NO ACCIDENTS! He has a plan for you, and a plan for your baby. (BTW, OUR baby #2 was the easiest baby to carry, to give birth to, and to raise... until the teen years. God blessed us in a mighty way.)


NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks everyone! DH doesn't care though, we are happy either way. Part of me wants a boy but would be easier to have another girl. And cheaper, I wouldn't have to buy much! Lol

I had my blood drawn for my gestational diabetes screening today. Because I had it last time they check early. Awaiting results but I'm fairly confident I failed again :(

DD1 was an easy baby but is not an easy child. Strong willed as they come and SMART! But lovely most of the time. So far DD2 is more active but more easygoing than her. DH is an ADHD redhead and I'm afraid of what his son would be like lol!!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
You need a boy. I once heard it said: God gives us girls to make us proud, and boys to keep us humble. I once had a neighbor who had 2 prim and proper little girls. When I baby sat for those girls, I was in total awe about what little ladies they were. In the mean time, my son was... well... a boy. Nothing proper about him!

She once stood on my front step, looking down towards the garden where my son and a buddy were playing. It was high mud season. The time of the year when the water table is just below the surface of the ground. The ground freezes every night. Then, it usually thaws by mid day. The boys were having a great time pulling corn stalks. The root balls of those stalks would provide so much resistance that when they finally let loose, the boy on the other end may land on his butt in the mud. The stalk would finally come free with a massive ball of mud, and an audible "SLURP". Then... the boys would hang onto the top of the stalks, and spin around until the mud balls were airborne, then release to let them go flying. It didn't take the boys very long before they were as muddy as their corny mud balls.

She was pregnant with her third child. She stood there, with her mouth agape, watching the spectacle before her. She then looked at me, and shook her head. The only statement she could come up with: "Boys are different, aren't they?"

Yep. You NEED a boy.

I can tell you that I was delighted when her #3 child was a boy!!!
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NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
I know some girls like that... lol! But yes, we have friends with boys and we're always shaking our heads at how wild they are. I feel badly for boys who are forced to be so un-boyish for hours and hours at public school.

DH is painting! Woohoo!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Yes, very true. I love homeschooling! Public school... bleh!

DH is cruising along on the kitchen, he washed our cars, we went shopping and got, among other things, paint for the living room :) I had been feeling better the past few days but today I feel like crud again. Ah well, won't last forever.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
That name is so inaccurate lol. I actually feel best first in the morning. Then sick aaaalllll day long... but it's getting better. Thanks :)


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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I know! I had all day sickness :rolleyes: Right until he was born. The doctor praised me for not gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy lol I just looked at him like if only you knew why!

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