Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

Bourbon Red

Power Conserver
Dec 7, 2009
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Hey OFG!!!! I just so happen to be a qualified hog therapist! I just 'treated' another one last night. Should be delicious - errr, ummm, let's just say, "He ain't fakini' it!" We should schedule a therapy session for your hogs - maybe first part of November, whadda you say?

hehehe... Yeah - the precious pet vets can be more than ridiculous. Cousins dog swallowed an acorn - $3k later.... Here we'd have taken that dog huntin'...


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Farm market for me this morning too.

I need a better supply of zucchini .... yes I have to BUY zucchini :hit ... to fill the freezer for the winter.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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are you SURE he wasnt fakin' it?

ha ha ha ha ha ha... i'm telling you - we cant get over that one. ha!

KC - report about your trip to the market. i'm on-farm all day and am aching for tales of The Outside World

free - i've been thinking on this all morning. if you give a goat a c-section... can you still milk them?? where do they make the incision to get the baby out? can they freshen again? or are you stuck with a goat that cant milk anymore?

honestly my mind is boggled.

and i dont think you are mean at all. when i finally got someone to ask about Debbie this spring i asked them "when should we get a gun and the shovel" and she nearly passed out. i guess i was mean too.

for heavens sakes people its not a disney movie!

i think i told you my MIL is all worked up b/c she thinks that Debbie THE GOAT is sad b/c i sold her baby Ginger.

um.. no...she didnt even care.


well i'm gonna make some hard boiled eggs and throw them at.. i mean.. to the pigs.

and.. there is one less creepy meat in the world. dont know if he got smothered in a pile or what. they werent in a heap....so i dont know. hum.

but we moved them to their new brooder and they seem happy...as happy as creepy meat can be.

now i'm enjoying the cool. but someone needs to shovel out the kitchen. (*looks back at dogs*) dont think i'm gonna get any help from them.

thats us!

happy saturday!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
freemotion said:
Yeah, when I told her what would happen to the goat rather than c-section, she said, "You are SO MEAN!" Idiot. It is nicer to put my family out on the street? And send all our animals to the pound? Really? REALLY??? Yikes.

I just got in from giving my pigs a good deep tissue sports massage. They were all stressed and sore from the cruelty of having to break open pumpkins and husk their own corn. Poor little piggie-poos. I put a space heater in their house as the nights are cooler now, and am almost done building the screen house so they can get away from the mosquitoes.

NOT! :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm ever so glad that there are women of common sense on this forum! :love Sometimes on Bawkyard Chickens I feel like a lonely soul shouting for the sound of echoes...."Doesn't anyone hear me out there....there....there......there...............there!"

I've dubbed it the cult of the animal. A pervasive sickness in this land that revolves around the grand showing of compassion for animals instead of humans. Its almost as if they even have bylaws and their own language.

One of the standard comments is,"You mean you eat the chickens you raised yourself? How could you DO that?" Every single person in the cult around here has asked me that question, word for word. Its as if they passed out standard commentary to inflict their ideals on the sensible people of the world. Long live idiocy! :rolleyes: :/ :smack


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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yeah i KNOW! i'm just amazed by the folks over there - it seems to be entirely populated by teenage girls who want a chicken to carry around in their hand bags.

honestly i just dont even know what to say over there anymore. maybe we farmy types need to saddle up and RIDE! ha!

BR and i keep laughing at the hog rescues.. um.. we'd rescue them all right. back up the truck, baby.

what i dont get is ... there are hungry people in their communities...wth??

i guess they can stop at the drive thru and get a $1 chicken sandwich while they drive their booger-drippin hen to the vet for a $100 visit?


its official. people are crazy. maybe its IS endtimes



Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
I am maybe a happy medium between the "boogery chicken" and spending too much on my animals. I don't think "it's a $3 bird" is a logical argument to not tend to a chicken, because you can get a dog for free - but most people would work on a sick or injured dog. I think it is different for folks (like me) who want chicken TV and some eggs. When I got the chickens I knew I couldn't process them myself. Put them out of their misery? Sure. Kill them for food? not until I am hungrier than I am now :idunno
That being said.... $1200 on a chicken? um. No. $1200 on my dog? I'd sell a kidney if I had to. Would I trade his life for mine or my nephews or a stranger? Nah.... he is still a dog. But he takes good care of me so it is the least I can do to return the favor as much as is within my means. (I guess I saw too many people come in to the vet with everything from day old pups to sweet, aged dogs who didn't want to pay more than for a rabies shot, so the animals were put down. Not saying you should get your chicken an crop transplant or prosthetic wing... but non-edible (culturally speaking) animals come with an understanding of certain financial responsibility)

I will say my cousin has had his vet do c-sections on cows and goats. But it wasn't a big deal or a huge $$... and both could be milked after a couple of weeks.

*crawling back under my hidey hole now* :hide

can I still come play? :/


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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hey FF - lemme know whatcha get at the market! i didnt have hardly ANY zucc's.. so i'm feeling your pain

sure, AL, come one out! there definitely is a happy medium and everyone has to find their spot on the continuum.

for us its our cats... we are gaga for them! really we are the looney cat people. i can stand toe to toe with my cat vet and provide all the info they need, argue with them over the diagnosis for an hour, and give my recommendation for treatment, and admin the meds.

and it makes me sick to watch someone i know go down, get some pets from the rescue and watch them run loose and get hit by a car. or throw them away like paper towels.

but pets and farm animals just arent the same thing. and some of us dont take the position that "all living things" are equal. for me they arent. a cat is a cow is a rat is a boy isnt my thing. at all. i think this was what Bee was talking about the cult of animals.

$1000 cow and a $200 goat are worlds apart... especially if you are like me, Free, Bee, FC and others who CAN do their own vet work. its not that we are so cheap that we cant afford it... its just that we are so cheap that we find other ways. and sometimes putting your family's welfare behind a farm animal just doesnt make sense.

and i did a surgery on my $3 chicken.

i think for us 'farmy' types (and remember i WASNT).. after you've been at the game for a while its easier to make determinations. and it starts to make sense where to make economic decisions.

treat living things with respect? absolutely!
do your best with whatcha got? absolutely!
take one for the team - sure when you got to.

calculate value based on value.. yep. otherwise your farm turns into an expensive hobby. for some folks thats just fine. for me, the economics of our farm demands that everybody works.

a prosthetic wing would be hilarious tho.....


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
but pets and farm animals just arent the same thing.
yeah I can respect that.... I do love some steak, hamburger, porkchops and chicken and I am thrilled there are folks with bigger cajones than me who do what it takes to provide it! LOL

Man I had so many zukes my mom was threatening me if I took anymore to her house! Seriously - monster things and they were everywhere! We had intentionally only planted a few plants because we didn't want many, but we ended up with enough to give away. I think I heard my mom saying something about pulling up any that I planted for the fall hahahahaha


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
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pine county, mn
Hey, I'm off to the farmers market too! - because I have town errands to run (recyling, groceries, library, thrift store) and I'm hoping there will be some brussel sprouts.

I shouldn't but will probably come home with some homemade baked goods because I know some of these folks are trying to keep food on their table - not extra $ but the ONLY $ that is coming in.

Lord knows I don't need zukes, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, onions, peppers, kale, garlic, squash, pumpkins, gourds.....can you tell I'm feeling pretty good about that?

I know everyone has to make their own decisions, but for me, it is hard to justify hundreds of dollars on a chicken, or thousands on a cat (as much loved as my cat was) when I have neighbors with kids who aren't getting the proper medical care because of $$. (and yes, I figured out a way to get some $$ to the one family by finding something the guy could do for me to earn $$, pride being what it is - he didn't have to know that the reason for the job was the $$ needs he had).

happy saturday everyone!