It is hard when they get old, isn't it? We are in a pickle because all of our pets are soon-to-be-seniors together, so we set ourselves up for some hard years. It is good you have staggered ages in your pet groups. We didn't plan too well.
Congrats on the pup! Now tie her down so she doesn't blow away today Whew, I was just out battening down the hatches and everybody looked confused as they left their coops/barns. It's gonna be a long day I think.
One of mine wandered over into a field yesterday, got spooked about something and flew screeching right into a barbed wire fence. I swear she spun around that wire like an acrobat. It was funny, but scary too. I grabbed her up and looked to see if she got shish-ka-bobbed, but couldn't find any blood. She had a really dumb look on her face.
i had to look back and see when we were talking about Akitas before. you did make it a whole month before you caved in and got one, which is pretty impressive. i don't think i would have lasted that long... unless i got all particular and just HAD to have a silver brindle. but that probably would have gone out the window as soon as i saw puppies!