Well, at least you did get something you could use if you had to. My in-laws always get us boxes of candy, cookies, etc. that will kill us if we eat it all. Their mother died from diabetes and we are both diabetic and after all this time, they just don't get it. So, rather than eat it all and die, I will take it to my mother and let it kill her! NOT.
Abi beat me to the suggestion I was going to make. Would your pup like a new pink fuzzy pet pillow? Cut it down stitch it up and fill it with an old pillow case full of cedar chips.
Oh my! Sounds like you had a "wonderfull" Christmas at the in-laws. Pink fluffy robe!!??? Umm, wow, I dont think I would even be able to bring that in my house!! Varmits on the loose!?? Hey, I will be right over...with MY new present! Hubby got me a 20 g shotgun, with 75 rounds of number 6 shot! ! I DARE a varmit to cross MY path now!