Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Oooooh pie, ice cream, cake and brownies :drool Y'all are gonna make me make cookies soon.
I read all of OFG's thread too, once I found it. Then subscribed too, so I didn't miss the fun after that.

Popcorn- Welcome to the group. The barn cats count too.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Holy cow I think I just gained a pound reading this journal......I'm just dropping in for a quick bite of pie today before I'm off to visit my granddaughter. Have fun!

popcorn chicken

Power Conserver
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
NE Indiana
morning all!!

We have peeps. WHOOT we put 21 RIR eggs in the bator, and after candling we're down to 19 on lockdown day and so far 5 have hatched. My count must have been off b/c I thought day 21 wasn't until tomorrow, unless we've got a few overachievers :lol:

I do have a question that I was going to ask on that "other" site,but I'll ask you guys.

How do I get the hatchlings out and not mess up the humidity and such?

Glenolam, I'll try to keep my hands to myself, so you don't have to move :p

Happy April Fool's eve!! Whoot


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
PCC - I have my incubator in a bathroom and turn on the shower to really hot water each time I take a chick out.

In reality, you can probably leave them in there for a day or two while the majority hatches and then take every one out....

So....a question for YOU is...why haven't you started your own journal? :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
popcorn chicken said:
morning all!!

We have peeps. WHOOT we put 21 RIR eggs in the bator, and after candling we're down to 19 on lockdown day and so far 5 have hatched. My count must have been off b/c I thought day 21 wasn't until tomorrow, unless we've got a few overachievers :lol:

I do have a question that I was going to ask on that "other" site,but I'll ask you guys.

How do I get the hatchlings out and not mess up the humidity and such?

Glenolam, I'll try to keep my hands to myself, so you don't have to move :p

Happy April Fool's eve!! Whoot
To be honest, when we did incubator hathing we would leave them in for a couple days, to give the others a chance. However, i don't know that the momma's care that much about it out in the coop, so really :hu
I had one egg under momma last week that hatched on monday, the rest didn't hatch until wednesday or thursday :rolleyes: :)


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
there is a principal in business you usually learn on the first day. it goes kinda like this - if a customer has a good experience they might tell a couple people... but if a customer has a BAD experience they will tell about 10 people. i'm guessing that more than 10 people will read this so i'm totally getting my money's worth

we are done with Sams Club and will not renew our membership.

no i dont care about the human rights violations or how they wont give their part time employees health coverage. i just dont like them. i think their service is bad, i dont like their stores, and frankly i never fell for the "better living thru walmart/sams club" marketing thing. and personally I think Sam Walton has done more to ruin small towns in this country than anything else ever has.

we have been teetering on the brink of do we/don't we renew the membership for a while now - its a long drive, the club renewal is about $40, and the prices arent even very good anymore.

right now the prices at Meijer are almost on par for what we buy at Sams...and if we just buy stuff at Giant Eagle grocery store not only do we get "gas perks" but the stores are closer and we have a better section.

today made the decision for us.

my husband has had a "business membership" with them for over 10 years. i got added about a year ago (you can add one person for free - whoever you want) just in case we got separated and i ended up going without him (rarely happens). i never carry the card tho because we are usually together. sometimes i pay, sometimes he pays, we never even notice. normally not a problem.

so just like normal, today we went and loaded up a cart and went to check out. he gave them his club card and i swiped my credit card. the checker asked to see my credit card. i gave it to her. she compared my personal credit card to the business Sam's Club card.

she: it doesnt match
me: well my name is not "Dewey, Frihem, and Howe Crematorium Services" (thats not really our biz name.. i'm just sayin')
she: it has to match
me: it does match - *points to husband* it matches HIS name which is on the card, same last name, same address, do you want my drivers license?

and then she gave me that "you arent a member you're just trying to get our cheap cat food" look

and thats when it went down hill

honestly, i usually let things go. i dont terrorize servers at restaurants, i dont mind being in the trainee line at the bank, and i dont really even care if you call me names.

call me childish and immature and i'll just mock you, call me fat/short/ugly/stinky and i'll probably just laugh, call me stupid and i'll probably just sneer while silently engineering a way to humiliate you in a room full of people.... but call me a thief and act like i'm trying to rip you off?

them's fightin' words.

now i might be short, have chicken poop on my shoes, and smell vaguely like goat pee... but i know more about credit card verification than most folks. so i know the issue wasnt about the credit card.

so it was either a system or a policy issue. since we USED to go to Sam's club every couple of weeks and we do the same thing (his club card, my credit card) every time i knew it wasn't a system issue.

and it wasnt that the system wouldnt let a credit card that didnt match the name on the club card be processed. and my shiny platinum card with a fat credit limit wasnt anywhere near being maxed out.

so what we had here was Policy Polly - the Rules Nazi.

that's right - "no soup for you"

"Polly" and I rarely get along because usually its someone with a "big fish in a small pond" syndrome and for whatever reason - who knows why - i tend to get under the skin of people who think they are the boss of me.

and she just really got sideways with me with that crappy look.

so i got belligerent and LOUDLY asked if i really had to go and get MY temporary card from customer service when i was trying to check out with MY husband when ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE STANDING HERE IN LINE?

from somewhere a manager came running. i think she was about 12.

she took one look at me (seething) and my husband (huge big redneck) turned and ran away.

Policy Polly said she'd go and get my membership verified.

we waited.

she came back and said it would be a few minutes because....

and thats when it happened.

The Big Man freaked out.

not in the Steve Martin from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles in the car rental place freak out - but for him it was pretty bad. without a doubt he is the most slow-to-wrath person i've ever met. for heavens sakes he puts up with me and i cant even bait him into a fight.

Poor Policy Polly chose the wrong time, the wrong day, and the wrong redneck to get all "no soup for you" on... especially when the checkout pad was flashing "Do you want to upgrade your membership?"

i think most of the store was holding their breath when he got to the part about making sure i had the amount credited BACK to my card.

Polly verily flew over that checkstand to get the charge backed out of the system.

our sad cart of cat food sat there forlorn and abandoned as he stormed out of the store with me trailing after him, running, trying to keep up.

we got to the truck. and looked at each other.

and then we went to the Sam's Club gas station when we used HIS club card and MY credit card to fill up one last time before we drove away giving Sam Walton the finger.

smell ya later, Sams...and no we do not want to upgrade our membership.