Java. That's what I did last night. All of the dishes are done and I did a couple loads of laundry to get us by in case the power goes out.
I hate driving in this weather to, people get so silly when it rains. This morning I was stuck on 270E for 30 min because of an accident, and I know if it starts storming I will get stuck trying to get home tonight.
OFG, good luck with the mud fields today. I hope you get something accomplished before the next monsoon hits.
Here comes the big wind. (and that does not mean that I have cut the cheese. But I will be soon)
Man, I need to go find my journal and stop clogging yours up with weather reports
we got the big wind here now too - but most of it is missing us. hopefully tho the wind will drive everything up
SD - me too - there is no way i'm letting anyone visit right what a sticky soup! and i dont wear my barn clothes inside - a total pain but at least i'm not dragging it all over the house.
Batten down the hatches maties, let ye blow away! Whooo weeee! It is windy out there. I sure hope it dries up SOME of the least maybe some!!
Tie a rope to your bum..and hang on!