Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Wifezilla said:
Blue Lake pole beans will grow for me, there just aren't many beans per plant. Chinese red noodle beans get attacked by every bug on the front range. I guess they must be delicious but I will never know :p. The Kentucky Wonder is putting out lots of beans and growing well, plus the bugs didn't strip the plant. That's a winner for Colorado gardening.
maybe you could grow a few Chinese red noodle beans as a trap crop for the pests?


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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Auntie!!! How about peach-ginger preserves and then we'll have some ice cream coffee thingies!!!!


Somewhere in all our junk food binge we'll need something nutritious. Bacon is nutritious. So is chocolate. We'll do cookies.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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its been a hot sweaty past couple of days in the kitchen and i have exactly 4mins 23sec on the clock before i can go to bed.

wow did i get a good deal on the beans as you can see here - and note Nicholas for scale ... but then we got a box of "canning tomatoes" for $8... i didnt know what i was going to end up with.

but wow it was a GREAT deal!

if anyone has one of these guys near them... its a great deal

i dont know if it got seconds b/c they were beautiful - turned out to be 25 pounds worth! so i'm about to turn the heat off on 12 pints and 2 halfpints of sauce.

the maters were not paste/roma's but they were nice and meaty. all in all a good deal

tomorrow we are getting MORE green beans! whoot! so its been a canning kinda week for sure.

and now i'm going to bed.



Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 24, 2011
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SE Ohio
ohiofarmgirl said:
its been a hot sweaty past couple of days in the kitchen and i have exactly 4mins 23sec on the clock before i can go to bed.

wow did i get a good deal on the beans as you can see here - and note Nicholas for scale ... but then we got a box of "canning tomatoes" for $8... i didnt know what i was going to end up with.

but wow it was a GREAT deal!

if anyone has one of these guys near them... its a great deal

i dont know if it got seconds b/c they were beautiful - turned out to be 25 pounds worth! so i'm about to turn the heat off on 12 pints and 2 halfpints of sauce.

the maters were not paste/roma's but they were nice and meaty. all in all a good deal

tomorrow we are getting MORE green beans! whoot! so its been a canning kinda week for sure.

and now i'm going to bed.

That's where you guys got your tomatoes? I didn't think about asking them for seconds! We have those stands everywhere around here too!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
things are really hopping around here.

yesterday i literally raced a woman up to a local orchard to get some hard to find peaches... they were $18 a PECK!!! so i got some seconds for half price. but wow they were flying off the shelves as fast as our orchard friends could pick them. i guess they didnt have a great harvest so folks are happy to get what they can. last year we had so many peaches we couldnt even get thru them all!

then i got some sweet corn

and then we picked up our bushel of beans from our Amish neighbor that i'm liking more and more. i swear this guy looks like a hobbit - he even walks around barefoot and has this fabulous beard. we had a good time talking to him and i think we convinced him that we arent bad for non-Amish. hopefully we'll be able to work with them on trading some stuff. so we were glad to get our beans.

and then when we got home......i was all ready to get to processing......

and then the MIL called all weepy eyed about how we never see them and can they come over b/c they were getting their stupid poodles groomed. you might remember the LAST time they did this we hid from them in the basement. (i'm not kidding). but this time we foolishly answered the phone. dang! so no they could not just come by and hang out but we agreed to meet them for lunch. (just a note: this was not a surprise poodle grooming - they had this apptment for WEEKS)

so what could be so urgent that they called us up at the last minute (we had about an hr's notice)? what did they have to say? what news could be so urgent? what happy and fun thing did they want to share with us?

we literally sat there for 5 minutes at the table before anyone said anything.

i was fuming.

and the MIL was grumpy (or grumpier than normal) and had nothing really to say. so we started the predictable dance where our conversations go kinda like this:

*15 mins of the MIL reciting the family heritage (great great grandmother Vienna was a Jones but not the Madison county Joneses, those sonsagollywhats....
* 10 minutes of her asking about the pigz then hearing about how she'd just be too upset to do any home butchering
* 5 minutes, or until TBM kicks me under the table, of me saying how much i love to pull guts out of (insert various farm animals)
* 13 minutes of TBM and the MIL reciting random facts to each other, usually about airplanes
* 2 minutes of of the husband getting 3 words in (he talks slow)
* 4 minutes of MIL saying how much she doesnt like living in the old farmhouse and/or how much her latest project on the farmhouse cost...b/c it was so bad before and how could anyone live in it?
* me changing the subject before TBM reaches over and shakes her because we lived there in the old farm house for 3 years and it never occurred to her to fix it (b/c it was so bad) while we were there - and it wasnt our house to fix... but now its not inhabitable for HER???
* more random facts, followed by the MIL having an over-exaggerated coughing fit
* me wiping whatever flew off her face, fork, table, glass off my plate...
* us thanking the husband for taking the bill and paying
* the MIL telling us it was HER idea and we should thank her also
* me and TBM staring at her blankly

and then us driving off to in a blind rage toward to serenity of our home and the nearest tequila bottle.

i'm not even kidding. i have a twitch in my eye right now.


i got the peaches done, the corn done, and wow did i enjoys some beans for supper last nite.

today is gonna be all bean snappin' all day.

but now that we are a day behind (grrrrrrrr...) we'll hopefully get caught up early next week. we still have a couple enormous MeatBalls to butcher - and a couple of them roo's are gonna hit the frying pan also.

and we moved The Mob (the chicks that hatched one day at a time) into the hen house - i'm so glad they are out of the basement. they are kinda freaked out but i'm hoping they will settle in soon.

so thats us. bean snappin' and eye twitchin'



Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
OK, this just cracked me up:
a surprise poodle grooming
Those poodles, you never know how fast their fur is gonna grow :gig

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