Always doing laundry
Oh my goodness!!! Can't wait to hear from you and we all are praying for you and the baby and the rest of your family! 
Take care of yourself, darlin'!

Take care of yourself, darlin'!
IF we could not get the bp down then she was going to induce me. She thinks I just needed to rest and that I over did it this weekend.FarmerChick said:glad to hear all is fine.
I THOUGHT you were having this baby....I thought you were being induced and all that and you would report back you had a bundle in your arms.
oh well....I must have read it wrong...LOL
hang in there!!!!
cool deal on the eggs for you!
YAY!!!! This is great news!!! 10 days is not too long to go!I'm Home...again!
I was able to get my bp down!!