Farmer Kitty
Lovin' The Homestead

Oh wow girl!! You got it socked to ya with pre -e will all of them! Bless your heart!!!Yes, I have had pre-e with all my pg. I was able to make it to 38 weeks with DD though! I would have been able to go a few days longer but I had court on Monday and if she did not induce me when she did she said I would be in the hospital on Monday for sure. So, I had her on Thursday morning went home Friday and then spent the day in court on Monday!
I am 35 weeks and I had a steroid shot at 32 weeks to develop the baby's lungs so she is good to go any time.
I have had no problem eating today...after I woke up at noon. I had a two egg omlet with cheese and two pieces of toast.
Then someone from church sent dinner and chocolate chip cookies home with DH last night. Ugh..those chocolate chip cookies are so GOOD!! Thankfully they are just small little things so I do not feel quilty about the 7 I ate today. They also made Chicken Alfredo that I had for dinner, which was yummy!!