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Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
How is that baby doing?

I have a question about your Dr visit billing post. Are you saying that you are not only billed by the Dr. but by the clinic as well?
I was a little confused. But then confusing me does not take much most days. LOL I was also confused about the script for the X-ray. Drs do that? Around here they either do it in their office or send you to the hospital which THEY call and tell the hospital what they want.

Now on to the garlic oil. For some reason I have never heard of this one. (Thats why I love this place). Tell me about this please.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Baby girl is doing MUCH better today! I made myself stay up all night to listen to her. She only did the gagging on fleghm thing like 4 or 5 times last night and as soon as I repositioned her she was fine each time. I could not and do not even hear any snot in her nose today! Praise God! My oldest is holding her and she is sleeping very peacefully right now!

Yep, I get billed by the UPMC that my doctor's office belongs to also!! I think it is totally wrong!!
Yes, she wrote a script on the same paper she writes prescriptions on for the X-ray. Then she said I could go get it yesterday or today to rule out pneumonia. But, I am not going to go get it done because she is doing so good last night and this morning. But, if I think she suddenly gets worse then I will take her in.

Yep, I have used garlic oil in my older kids ears before. The garlic kills the infection. So, I put a drop in each of her ears and I got some baby vick's vapor rub and put that on her chest. You can NOT use adult vick's on babies because it is to strong. The vick's stimulates the mucus membranes and enables them to get it all out verse becoming congested. Regular vick's over stimulates the mucus membranes in wee ones and can cause a lung to collapse or them to not be able to breathe if you can not get the mucus out fast enough. We spent the day/evening sucking out her nose and she seems to be a LOT better today!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Something happened last night...that even my mom was suprised about!! I told my DH that I changed my mind about getting a goat because I have heard that goat's milk tastes oily and it is not very good for making butter. The only things I could think that a milk goat was good for was soap and mozzarella cheese. And that now I was thinking about getting a Dexter cow instead!! DH DID NOT FLIP OUT!!!! He totally flipped about the goat and was giving me a bad time about getting more birds (chickens and turkeys). Lately he has not even been giving me a bad time about the birds! I did tell him that I wanted to cull some of my BJG's and get some chickens that are more of a layer breed because the BJG's are practically eating us out of house and home. I don't need my BJG's to be a dual purpose breed because I order 100 meat birds to come in July. I have been talking about the economy a lot lately and how I would like to become more self sufficient and he has been agreeing!!!
He only said two things about the cow. "Who is going to milk it everyday?" and with a glint in his eye "Boy won't that make the neighbor mad!" LOL!! We would have to put the cow on the side of the house that has a neighbor and we would have to put up a good fence because of their stupid dog!! I told him getting a pig would really tick the neighbor off!! LOL!
DH has even taken into more consideration getting the solar pop can heater thing put on the coops!

And I have also brought my mom over to the dark side....she is now using cloth wipes for tp! My dad made fun of her for wanting to do it and now after a week of using them HE has already noted how much longer the real tp lasts now!!

In other news...the weight loss challenge started on Monday and I weighed in at 189.6. This morning I stepped on my scale and I was 182.0!! I techically feel like I am only down 1.5 pounds because I weighed 183 something before Easter and I ate a lot of homemade bread and gravy and manage to get my weight up 6 pounds.

Our first softball practice is this Sunday right after church. It is looking like there is only going to be one team now and Ron is going to be the coach. I think a lot of people changed their mind about playing.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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keljonma said:
Does your church play other churches? If not, I'm trying to figure how you play with just one team. :)
Yes, we are in a league.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
yeah to the Dexter. Sounds like your DH might like the cow idea better than the goat idea. For some reason people who have never dealt with goats have this really bad impression of them.
I did mention the stop using TP and using the flannel wipes to my DH. After he got through looking at me like I had lost my mind he then informed me that I could make all the wipes I wanted to. And he would use them just as soon as they stop making TP. I on the other hand can use whatever I want as long at the TP is available for him.
My mother said she grew up using the Sears catalog an unless things get a lot worse than they are now - she is not going to give up the TP either.

Now where do you find garlic oil?


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
2dream wrote:
Now where do you find garlic oil?
My dd made her own. 2 cloves garlic crushed and added to a small bowl of warmed oil. You have to make sure you mash the garlic well, and I think dd may have done this in her blender or food processor. Apply a couple drops in each ear.

As dd is LMT, she may have used a carrier oil other than olive.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I just bought a bottle of garlic oil from the health food store.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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:woot :woot

:celebrate :weee I HAD TWO TURKEYS HATCH!!!! :woot
I also had one BJG hatch and I have one BJG pipping.
I am so excited about the turkeys hatching!! I have wanted turkeys so bad this year!! And I am not even sure what kind they are!! LOL!!
I have killed so many eggs this year that it is rediculous! I was begining to think I would never get any turkeys so I am super excited! My dad is also getting me more quail eggs on Tuesday from an Amish guy he hauls.

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