Epicurean Goddess

Am I reading this right?????? are you blaming moi *blinks innocently* for your chicken addictions?????????lorihadams said:Yes......*guilty look* I got 3 new laying hens, red sexlinks. We had one red sexlink before and we were so happy with her we decided to get some more. They are 22 weeks so they should start laying soon. I want to get some different breeds but I want to get some little coops/runs built before we get any more. We are at maximum capacity with our current coop and run now and I want to fence in a big run with some smaller coops inside and get several different breeds. I want some buff orps, some black ostralorps, some cuckoo marans, and maybe some delawares. I am thinking of putting 3 hens per coop cause DH can get free crates at work as well as some pallets and I was thinking of doing a little chicken village.
Edited to add
Quail Antwerp is a baaaaaad influence!!!