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Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Yeah, I just cannot justify that kind of $$ for a toy! Especially legos because the pieces come up missing so darn quick! Once you lose one or two pieces to a toy like that it no longer works. All of the legos and most of their K'nex came from garage sales. I have no problem paying $3 for a tub of legos. I do however have a problem paying $30 for it! I find that we even have several PS2 and Wii games that the boys have never played or just don't like to play. They play the same ones over and over again. I refuse to buy DVD's because the kids will watch them a couple of times and then I will find them on the floor scratched up and no longer playable! It even irratates me now looking at all of the CDs DH and I bought years ago that now just sit and collect dust! They just make the house look cluttered. But, how can you justify throwing them away?? A garage sale is a lot of work and people do not want to give you anything for them because they can just download them off the internet.
Sigh....the money I have wasted! (And DH and I do a lot better financially than most of our friends and we have 3x as many kids as they do!)

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
:old Why when I was a child... Ok my mom's rule was "stay out of the house until the street lights came on". We never stayed in our house playing with toys. We lived on a small farm with most of the animals all of us here on ss have. Even as small children we played outside 90% of the time. My siblings (3) all have a Masters degree, so you know it was just as educational if not more than those expensive "educational" toys. Our so called t.v. was a counter top black and white that only came out of the closet for P.B.S, an occasional Sunday night movie for the folks and the Wonderful World of Disney for us kids.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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Pam -- are there any stores in your area that sell used CDs? You can sell your used CDs to a store that sells them. You won't get much for most of them, but some of them might be relatively valuable (to someone) -- still not worth much, but lots better than throwing them away or having to have a garage sale.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 11, 2009
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Washington State
Pam- I hardly ever played with toys when I was little. I was way more into forts, and exploring the woods, and bothering the animals. I played chicken with the neighbor's horse. Don't do this! I would duck into the field and the horse would try to run me over. I thought it was funny. :rolleyes: I had one Barbie that I never played with, and a headless Ken.

If I ever have kids (IF) I doubt I would buy anything that requires batteries like Gameboy or Leapfrog. No DVD player in the car, either. I love computers and video games, but I'm quite happy I didn't have them when I was little. Kids don't use their imagination anymore!


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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hennypenny9 said:
Kids don't use their imagination anymore!
Agreed. I was thinking about this the other day.

LOL about your headless Ken, Hennypenny.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Today has been a great day. I went garage saling this morning. I got 10 canning jars and three jelly jars for .25 each. Some trays for the kids to use to sit in the living room with or to use with paper plates.
Then DH's cousin called him and asked him to clean out the back shed and we got a half of a truck load of misc 2x4 and such for FREE! Plus a huge pile of bricks that we plan on using for framing out the bottom of our fire pit. I also got about 20 strawberry plants. DH said he would go back and dig the blueberry bushes up for me. This is all from his grandma's old house that his cousin bought and then just lost to foreclosure.
I went inside the house and it was a MESS!!! NASTY! The entire garage smelled like dog poo and pee! The realty company is actually paying them to finish cleaning out the house!
His cousin is not working. Her SO works on commission at a car dealership as a mechanic. I guess one day his paycheck was only $11!! That is not even worth the gas money to go there. I guess he always shows up late to work and the dealership does not say anything because they have other dependable workers and he works on commission so they don't care if he shows up or not.

My cousin, Amanda is 32 1/2 weeks pregnant. It took her 11 rounds of IVF to get pregnant. Ughhh!!! She just aggrivates me so much! Her BP was 155/94 on Wednesday. She was seeing spots and her feet and hands are all swollen. Her doctor told her to go home on bedrest. She took bedrest to mean go home and slow down and put your feet up and rest. I told her bedrest meant actually being IN bed on her left side and not getting up! Oh no her doctor did not say that! Then I talked to her this morning and the doctor put her in the hospital yesterday because her bp was 168/107 and she had a headache!! I told her she had preeclampsia and toxemia. Her response "Well, my doctor did not use those big fancy words". UGH!! Exactly what did she think was going on??? She had trace amounts of protien in her urine. Her doctor said she would probably be delivering early....but she did not believe him she said she is going to full term. I told her that it was really important that she get a steriod shot because she was going to be delivered early....oh no she does not need that because she is not going to deliver early! Just talked to her a little bit ago....the doctor is keeping her in the hospital until at least Monday (because the doctor knows she will not go home and stick to the bedrest!) She got her first round of the steriod shot....gee just like I said! AND the doctor said she was looking at having the baby next Saturday!! Because they can not get her bp under control. But, when I tried to tell her all of this this morning she acted like I had no idea what I was talking about! Hello!! I JUST went through all of this!! I had to just step back and say to myself it is HER baby and HER life so if she wants to act stupid about it I can't stop her!! I just pray that everything is alright with the baby and her.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
Washington State
PamsPride said:
Her doctor said she would probably be delivering early....but she did not believe him she said she is going to full term.
Wow, I had no idea we had the ability to decide when we deliver! :lol: I hope if I ever have kids that I'll be reasonable about it. I may have to wear shirts that warn people not to touch my belly, though. How is that okay?!?


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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Played a softball double header today. We won both games! I cried the WHOLE way home!! :hit
I played AWESOME the first game! I did not make any mistakes when I played second base. I made an awesome hit and got an RBI!
Ok, the part that made me cry....I did not get to play the ENTIRE second game!! I played the entire first game. There was 5 girls. I played the entire first game at second base the other four ladies each traded off playing half of the game. So, during the second game Kim M. was going to play the entire game and I was going to trade off half of the game with one of the other ladies....then the second inning of the second game Katherine showed up so they let her play MY half of the second game. When it came to the fourth inning and I did not get put in I pointed it out to the guy who was in charge of saying who got to play that I had sat out 4 innings he responded that I got to play the whole first game and there were 6 girls. WTH??? I pointed out that Jeremy, TJ, Jerry, and Jeff had not sat out at all and he said "because they are guys!" They take the 3 girl 'minimum' rule as a 3 girl 'maximum' rule! Then he told me "to stop talking because there will be other games". It was all I could do to control my emotions. As soon as I got to the van and started feeding the baby I could not help but start crying.
I thought for sure I was ok with just walking away...but then when it came down to it I was just to upset to make a decision. I just think it is outrageous that the MEN of the CHURCH are the ones that act like this!
My DH is on the phone right now with the guy that made me least I think that is who he is on the phone with. I told him it would go a long way with me if he would speak to them and tell them how wrong it is how they are treating the women on the team. I honestly don't believe God is going to say "Great job on winning the game". He is going to say "You treated those girls so unfairly!" to the guys in charge.
Sometimes I wonder 'what is wrong with ME?' I am the ONLY girl that was upset about sitting so much. I was the only one that went home crying because I had to sit out (even though I sat out an ENTIRE game) and we won BOTH games. Everyone else was happy...but I just could not share in the joy.
I NEED to just walk away...I mean if I can not even enjoy winning then why am I out there. I HATE SITTING THE BENCH THOUGH!! Especially when other people just show up and get to play!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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DH just got off the phone with the guy (Bill) that was so rude to me at the game today and basically the jist that DH told me was that Me, DH, and Bill are going to talk it out on Wednesday at church. DH said Bill said he was upset that I called him out that I was not playing the ENTIRE game and he did not appreciate it so that is why he snapped at me.

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