Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Will do. I never did find that darn harness :/ I may have tossed it already, but was almost sure it was crammed in the back of the junk drawer :p It wasn't.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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its no problem, i picked up a martingale collar today for cheap, hes not a puller, and i dont want to be walking him on a harness his entire life so i figure might as well get started on collar lol. unfortunatly i cant walk him on just a collar because his neck is as wide as his the martingale should work lol.

once hes full grown hell be getting a pretty matching set...for now though its whatever he wont grow out of in a week and this one is a large-xlarge, its about 1/2 an inch too big on its tightest right now ideally, but itll work, and it should last him untill hes full grown :)
there was a pretty little pitbull in petmart today, about the same height as dozer but not as wide in the chest or head...dozer probably outeighed her by about 5lbs...and she was 4 months old! LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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what a day...
got up this morning to a late notice from att on a bill id already paid...*rolls eyes*

spent all morning chasing them around playing customer service tag untill it finally got sorted, i starte the process at 8:45 was almsot 12pm before i had a resolution...
thank goodness for the 1 person in the entire call center who had a clue an got it sorted for me.

because of the futsing i wasnt paying enough attention which led to Dozer having a potty accident...
my fault but still grr arg...i blame att lol

trying to figure out the cheapest way to get car insurance (since i o want colission and comrehensive on my car as its not a clunker yet (despite being almost 10 years old) its still worth enough on KBB to make a $500 deuctable to have the coverage a good idea...probbaly for another few years...especially since i cant afford to replace it if something did happen...
right now geico is winning but its still another $40 a month to go out...not bad realy though considering lol.
still have to get my reg tranfered over to my name (it was in dads for insurance purposes despite me buying it myself) so i can get my TN told that will be another $40 so bucks...
so im hoping when alls said and done at the end of the month i have enough to do my plates and have enough paid off the credit card to pay for 6 months of insurance in full, it saves me about $30 in the long run if i do it in full and my interest rate n the cc is 12months 0% on new i wouldnt be paying any extra n it if i pay it off in the 4 months it would normall take at my usual monthly payment to my cc.

in good news though weve made some Dozer progress...
big ball of mush is afrai of the back door...i open it and he freeks out ive been having to carry him out...hes now 10 weeks old and already 13 1/2 lbs, im not going to be able to carry him across the threshold much longer...treats havent been working, gentle coaxing seemed useless, dragging him out pointless...
well today something seems to have clicked for my little monster...
hes still not sure of the door when i open it, probably because it sticks and i have to give it a solid pull, so i grab his collar so he wont bolt, open the oor and today for the first time ever i didnt have to pul, push or pick him up, he simply walked out on his own when i let go of his collar...hes done it twice so far today!
were also making progress outside...
typically after potty break its a game of keep doens tmatter if hes done or not, how long weve been out or how cold it soon as its time to go in "your comming to get me lady" is the name of the game...not fun when its dark cold wet and i havent picked up the poop from the day *shudder*
short of putting him on the long line getting him to come when called is well...a challenge...

well today, multiple times,
hes gone potty, ill call him and he doesnt respond so i give him a few more mins and let him finihs and once he goes poop ill call him and hell actually come back to me!
not all that fast....BUT i havent had to chase him around the yard today LOL!. he comes over gets a HUGE fuss and then we come in.

now if this keeps up were well o our way...need to face the challenge of not having to carry him in now LOL. hell come onto the back deck...and hes not afraid of going IN the door...but instead its like he changes his mind and would much prefer to stay out longer and off he goes again.

i think im going to have to keep the leash in my pocket and when he comes back ot me clip him and walk him in. hes definatly a new kind of challenge, the cresties are always more than happy to run out do thier buisness and get back in QUICK! lol, theres no hanging about when its cold or wet out lol.
Dozer seems to be a little less effected by the cold...or rain...for now at least lol.

oh well...
time to finnish making dinner...
oven roasted chicken thigh with salt pepper and garlic toped with panko breadcrumbs mixed with italian seasoning, parmesan cheese and 1/2 a teaspoon of butter...
with basmati rice cooked in chicken stock, butter carlic and italian seasonings (i love cooking rice in stock :D)

i DO need to find a source for affordable quinoa, love rice but need to limit myself...quinoa is a little more diet friendly being a complete protein lol.


Jun 27, 2011
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Sounds like your Dozer challenge is still in full swing! I bet he will be a big sweetie when he is grown up!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well last night i had a funky icky dream....the odd part is it was one of those dreams you dont just instead remember that lingering feeling the dream left you with (its odd for mebecause i typicaly remember dreams quite vividly)
definalty left me with a bad taste in my mouth and an already unpleasent start to the day.
i didnt want to get out of bed at all...
got up, took the dogs out and the post man arrived (nothing good :( ) which set the little ones off barking whichrealy spooked dozer who then refused to go potty...
of course came in after 1/2 hour because i was cold he was cold and the nekkid ones were cold...and while i was fixing their breakfast, dozer aparently got over the fright and pooped on my floor...*ugh*
then i almsot dropped the cat food...
jack jack (who comes out every morning and "helps" with breakfast decided to be a brat and get nippy)
i dropped my oatmeal
the second bowl didnt com out quite the same as it usually does and i didnt enjoy it neer enough (stayed too runny)
and im stil in all out war mode with these god damned fleas.

the advantage is due to arrive ANY day, im hoping it gets here on monday...
untill then im pretty much bathing them ALL every other day with dawn, rubbing them down with DE, pumping them full of garlic and brewers yeast and still pulling fleas off them every couple of hours.
my new vacume is great but even vacuming all the soft stuff every day doesnt seem to be making a dent in this issue.

have i mentioned i HATE fleas?

so today im going to run into Henderson to the co-op, they aparently carry a furniture spray that gets good reveiws for killing the eggs and pupae stages...spray it on and just leave it be
i figure spray everythign soft in the house down with that, dust the bedding with DE again to help kill the adults continue untill fleas are gone.
ugh this war is ridiculous and would be completly mute if frontline would have done its job.

once the trio goes to their new homes im going to pack everyone up and set off a flea bomb...but to do that i need to plastic wrap the fishtanks and remove the critters...the cats are easy, theyll go outside...
the dogs dont mind the car so not a big deal then its just a case of jack jack and the linnies i could always lock them in the bathroom close and seal off the door, other than the rug which i can remove, theres no soft surfaces in the bathroom and the dogs dont go in that would definatly be a possibility...
ugh, i hate fleas!

not much going on otherwise.
its cold this morning...need to do some clean up (aka run the vacume round again) head into some dishes and definatly make my next move in this battle...
this afternoon if it warms up a little i might try to pull out some more shingles from a pile i started moving a couple weeks ago...
might also play with the measuring tape and the jigsaw to see what i can make in terms of raised beds for my spring garden out of the scrap wood ive dragged out of there so far.
theres a chianlink gate back there thats been consumed by privet too...might take the machettee to that area and see if i can free it cause that i could DEFINATLY use:D
i could realy do with a deacent pair of loppers...
might see what the co-op has and invest in another garden tool (i have a shovel a rake and a machettee now lol) i need some heavy duty pruning gear even once the goats come because im still going to have to take out what they dont eat/strip. but i could deifnalty put that chainlink pannel to use so liberating it from its privity consumption would be a good thing

sooo much to do...but today aparently i have little to no drive to get off my tuckus! lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Still with the fleas? Sheeeesh. I used to get a flea powder from WalMart that worked wonders on our carpet. I think it was made by Sargeant. you just use it like Carpet Fresh, sprinkle, let sit, then vaccuum up. I dunno what to do about the furniture. :hu Wish I was more help. The Frontline has always worked for us and the Advantix was crap :hu Wish you'd had better results.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well this morning didnt dissapoint in its ability to dirve me nuts...
the flea war means i need something with an IGR to get some kind of hold over this situation...
so i checked the co-op website, they had the produc i was looking for so off i go...
nope, only hartz products (hartz doesnt have one they are horrible and many a pet has died after exposiure to that junk, heck no)
so i stopped at the hardwae store..nope
then the other "farmers supply" they too only had hartz i ended up having to drive all the way to jackson...r&j feed didnt have it to i ended up on the far side of town for tractor supply, who had it but only in the 1 gallon bottle...i didnt realy need that much BUT i need this junk and there the only place that sells it aparently...
dozer was none too happy about the longer car ride but loves the attention he gets at TSC...while in that area i made a stop at petsmart ebcause well i had dozer and dont want to miss a chance at socilization...
the gals that work there LOVE him and one of them had a gift waiting for him...she goes "oh im so glad you got back here before christmas!" and brings out a pig ear with a little red bow on it!

stopped for gas on the way home...pumping pumping click...full tank good so off i go, and no sooner do i pul out do i realize that while it had clicked TWICE to tell me the tank was full, it had infact only 1/4 filled my tank...*doh*
realy frustrating but i said screw it i dont NEED a full tank right now itll wait untill i have to go back up to jackson next week (probably thursday since friday will be nutzo) to return the couple neons that died (and any others by that point)

im not officially, other than atrip next week to exchange deads, NOT allowed to leave my house for anything other than milk before new years...
ive spent way too much money this month made way too many trips (most of the not planned money has been on gas!)
so thats it.
gonna keep myself busy around here untill next month...
when the only "spare" money im allowed to spend will be on supplies to build rabbit hutches and paint for my bedroom...
im cutting myself off!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hear ya on the fleas! I bombed our house 2x when we had them really bad this year. The second bombing did better than the first, but I STILL had fleas, just not as bad. I got some spray in TSC, and kept spraying everyplace I still had a problem. And, I haven't seen a flea in months.

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