Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yeah, I know what you mean. Currently, I'm w/out a dog, and as much as I want one, I'm just not able to get one now.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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actually he could solve your ground squirrel problem lol

my female is a "champion" chipmonk and grey squirrel chaser/killer shell follow them up trees and into ground holes (she can dig like a demon!) (and by up trees i mean literally she botls STRAIGHT up trees when in full run!) shes also good with rats. she hasnt killd a chippy yet, but shes killed many rats/greys.
the male, hes a great mouser he also goes after chipmonk squirrel and rabbit...hes only 5lbs but hes taken out an adult rabbit in the past and has killed a few chippies...he wont go up the trees like ruby does so the squirrels usually manage to evade him if they can get to the tree before ruby joins in.
mice...well forget it, ive seen him and the cat argue about who gets to kill it...he loves mice.

both dogs are regulars on the lure coursing track (though we cna only run for fun as cresties arnt recognized as sighthounds, i think the sighhound people are just upset that my girl outrund the whippets LOL!)

funny part is. both LOVE chickens, my female kind of ignores them unless she things theres danger at which point she bounces at them barking so they run away lol...the male has tried to herd them, but most of them are bigger than him and he gets intimidated if they decide they dont want to go where hes trying to make them go lol.

kinda funny cause the neighbor warned me that theres always been Mouse problems in this house...siad nothing got rid of them, hed hear them in the walls all the time...
between the cats and the dogs, ive had 2 deads indoors and no more scurrying sounds LOL. they all vacated wheni moved 2 cats and 2 ratters into the house! :p they're not stupid.
i told him i wasnt worried about mice or rats...and he looked at me like i was crazy..."fall is horrible, they come in lookinf for somewhere warm" he tells me...
i explained if they survive the cats late night hunting parties...there not gonna survive the dogs. LOL!
so far so good. im hoping theyll manage to keep the squirrels out of the pecan trees this comming year...aparently the squirrels always get the pecans before they are ripe enough for people to harvest...
i should put a "squirrel beware" sign up lol

i knwo the money aspect though lol, belive me! lol.

im one of those "cant be without my dogs" folks, so not having at least one in my house would kill me...
dozer wasnt exactly panned but i dont think i could be without him now lol.
and if it wasnt for the fact i have dozer id happily keep the little male lol


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
To be honest, before Deb even said anything, I was seriously considering it. But I have promised "J" and myself that until my boy Sole leaves us, no new dog.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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side note...
i might have hit on an interesting way to gain easier acess to the junk that i need to get cleared out...
i advertised FREE PRIVET on craiglist...

targeted the add to goat people looking for free brows for their goats...
they come cut out as much privet off the front acre as they want and haul it off...
its win win..ill keep the privet on the back area as early forage for my own goats when they the time i get the front acre cleared of junk so its safe for the goats any privet cut now through spring should be re sprouting and ready for my own goats (and theyd be bushier/greener because of being cut down to the ground lol)
i mean its winter...who DOESNT want free food for their goats?!

speking of cindi, offers obviously open to you whenever you get time/truck usage your welcome to take home any youd like for your goaties :)

they come take it away i can get to everything....
now if i could find someone to long term loan me a dumpster for free/cheap...or like they do at aprtment complexes, drop it off and come every 2 weeks or so to dump it into their truck so i can just keep refilling it untill all the junk is, id be all set!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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they wont pick up at my address lol, i did check into that cause it would pe prefect (though id need about a bajillion) but when i checked their site (and im glad i didn because it didnt even cross my mind about the pick up lol) theres no pick up available in the area.
if i get desperate though i mgiht call them and see why and if theres any plans to change that because its sold in both the local lowes stores lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ugh, woke up this morning and one of the koi angelfishs fins have been chomped on *ugh* i knwo who it was and i just have to catch him.
going to see if petsmart will let me return him, if so will ehad up there today take him and the 3 dead neons back and replace those and use the credit from the mean angle towards a bottle of melafix (will help his fins grow back and prevent infection...
poor guy did eat this morning which is a good sign but hes obviously stressed...:(
and i refuse to keep a fin nipper in the tank. right now only the koi has been chewed on, but it wont be long before he starts on the others.

if they wont take him back ill stick him on craigslist and hell heve to live in an iso untill he finda s home.
stupid fish! i know its not the barbs or rasboras because the guppies have all their fins and the barbs, danios and guppis all favor the same spot in the tank...the guppies would havebeen the first to get nipped...
ive also seen this little angel chasing the koi angels (who are about 3 times bigger than him) so he way or another.

the good news is..petsmart will take the little bully back :)
the bad news i have to go all the way back up to petsmart today *sigh*

so before i do this im going to make a list of everything i need, this is it, this is the last trip into jackson this month...i swear...this is ridiculous!

but i removed litlte bully from the tank and already 2 of the smaller angels have come out of hiding...i havent seen the little blue ghost so im going to have to look for him, but the gold and the marble are actually out of hiding so thats a good sign.
bully it in a measuring cup right now and NOT happy lol, he keeps striking the side of the container...hes feisty!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today wasnt as much of a waste as i thought it would be

whent into jackson, took the 3 dead neons (ther warnettee period is over on the 23rd anyway so ehh...) and the bully angelfish back...she said i could either get store credit or exchange so i took a look, the last of the angels were all golds and lightly marked marbles that looked like golds...i have a goldand a marble and bully killed my little blue ghost so i figured it was a no on the angels
however they had a large number of good looking neons in, so i told her to just replace the 3 neons that had died and use the money form the angel for a 4th neon...
(the angels were on sale and about the same price as the neons lol) so i was going to take 4 neons...she threw in an extra 2 for free i came home with 6 neons instead.

i picked up a bottle of melafix, its a natural antibiotic that helps with fin just HOPING the koi angel that got the snot beaten out of him survives the stress, if he can survive the stress it should take about 6 months for the fins to grow back.

there out and about right now and his tail isnt clamped so thats a good sign (angels clamp their fins when there stressed/ill)

stopped at lowes and found out its 25 cents per cut, which means i can buy the stiff for the hutches and get it home WOOT lol. (thatll be a january project i think)

picked up milk and cat food so i dont have to worry about or go back out for a while lol.

then i came home and thought....hmm what to do...
so i bit the bucket, broke out the tape measure drill, screwdriver and sich and managed to get my tv wallmounted (into a stud no less WOOT! go me and my measuring skillas (and the guy that built the studs 16" on center! yay)
then i decided i was on a roll so i whent and mounted my wallmount drop leaf table in the kitchen too. i need some fold up chairs for in there so i can actually USE it...but its up! SQUEE!

mah so proud of me, not only is it secure, but its level!

table open

table closed

the plate and cups are going to be the inpiration for the kitchen. the green in the swirl perfectly matches the countetop color, the yellow is an almost perfect match for the cabinate color lol (completly accidentally) im thinking of using the copper red as a curtain (and a backsplash in a similar tone, id love to do a red-copper), the lighter green in the leaves is the same color as my kitchen towels and a fruit bowl so im thinking ill continue that with additional green acessories...
im not sure yet what color to do the walls though, i LOVE the light turquouse

and because i "christma-Yule tree"


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the table is 29 wide by 18deep (24" from the wall when up, the little shelf is 6" wide) its not huge but itll comfortably sit 2 and could probably sit 3 cozily lol.

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