Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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unfortunatly most of the wood form the sheds is heavily rotted.
some of it will be usable for small veggie beds, but nothing that has to be "secure" i think.

i did the math on 4 hutches i can build them for about $200 ($50 a peice not to bad, and that includes hardware, screws nails mesh ect...), about $100 less than i was initially thinking.
im keeping my eyes on craigslist though.

as a side note...
idid some looking...
my communal roost of vultures is a Venue, Vault or a Committee...
ill be calling them "the committee" and when i can get back to that specific tree i think im going to hang a sign that says "The Venue at Pink Fox Farm"

oh well, think its time for puppy potty time and then bed.
and on that note...the search for a 36-42 inch create begins...dozer is quickly outgrowing the 24inch crate lol


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Could you use the 24 inch crate for the rabbits??? Maybe with some modification it would be good.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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it would probably be possible for an adult (the spacing a kit could easily wiggle through)
but its only 24" long by 18" wide so i dont think it would be big enough for meaties...
if i decide to break into holland lops though, lol. :)

right now im thinking i might try and put the 24" crate on craiglist and use any money i get form that for a bigger crate for dozer...but at the same time the 24" crates fit perfectly in the back seat of my car (i can get 2 of them in no problems) so it makes the perfect transport cage (i oigionally bought it as an emergency cage for jack jack, because he can rip apart those plastic kennel cabs lol)
the biggest expense for the whole thing is the wire for the floor and front, so im hoping i can pick some hardware cloth up off craigslist to cut that price down and looking at alternate sources for the wire (i need 25ft of wire total for the floor and front, but obviously the wire for the floor has to be fairly small guage (1 x 1/2 max) for feets)
...the next biggest cost is the hardware (locks primarily) for the im trying to fogure out potentiallya better way than i had in mind for securing the cages closed...i was initialy thinking a hinges hasp lock (the kind you an clip a cabara clip through) on the bottom of the 2 doors and then a small bolt at the top but im thinking there must be easier (read cheaper) options.

ive got time, woman im considering for the rex's is fine with the fact that im still in the "looking" stage right now so theres no REAL rush, but i would like to have everyhting set p and the rabbits home so i can plan early spring litters...(im hoping to breed for spring and fall litters so im not loosing babies to the summer and winter temperature extreems) ill be doing the same wiht my meat chickens, a batch that should be ready for the freezer at the beginning of summer and a batch that should be ready for slaughter around now... (also hopgin this will help keep feed costs down because more growth to forrage/graze during spring and fall.

craigslist and freecycle are my frineds...
part of the problem is when i see stuff i coudl use, i dont have a vehicle to go get...
so once the credit card is paid off ill be looking for a SERIOUSLy cheap beater-up but running truck or cargo van so that i can get the things i need without paying delivery charges ect.

tis the way life goes right?! lol.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
I hear you on the vehicle thing! I've got an '84 Dodge van ou there that won't pass smog. It runs, but really needs some work. So I really have NO vehicle. It really sucks when the closest store is 10 miles away! Yet another reason for becoming food self-sufficient!

Thank heavens we have a neighbor who doesn't mind if we tag along when he goes to town.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today is the kind of day where you just want to climb into bed and go back to sleep.
its raining...
this means that ruby WONT pee or poop outside unless shes absolutly desperate...however shes fairly certain she also needs to check ever 5 mins so is contantly pestering me to go out then simply sits there staring and whining at me to go back inside.

aparently the rain also makes dozer need to pee every 5 minutes as were going out every 45 mins or so because of ruby and hes still had 3 pee accidents today! *gah!* i swear im never going to get him housebroken, ive never delt with a dog this difficutl to potty train before *UGH*

rain also means Jasperrefuses to poop outside, so ive cleaned up his morning pop from my kitchen today too...

rain also means dozer wont play outside...usually he goes out runs around, digs a few holes comes in and goes to he wont run around outside because...well...its raining and a concrete patio isnt as much fun as instead hes acting like an idiot INSIDE and getting into all kinds of naughtyness (ive removed an elastic band, removed him from under the chair times, hes whining and putting up a fuss because he wants to play and other than me noone will...

the trio of babies aparently also have some form of cabin fever because there also being crazy wackjobs today which is driving dozer even crazier because he wants to get int here and play with them but he cant because hell squish them because hes all pent up!

the cats are also going nutz because they NEED to be outside....but its raining...and once again, i aparetly own the "stop raining" button but refuse to push it...this means all you hear out of the kitchen is a constant mewing from 2 very unhappy cats.

add to that the koi angel that wasnt doing well yesterday had to be PTS this morning...clove oil and freezing ended his suffering (he got worse overnight and this morning was barely breathing i couldnt leave him in there to be tossed around by the filter current :(
the person i got him off said as soon as im ready let her know shell replace him for me...but still :(

im generally in an i dont feel too hot kinda mode today, im carb craving like CRAZY (which typically indicates a down swing...ugh)

im still trying to figure out the best way to pull off the bunny situation...
my dads talking about comming after christmas which means im going to need to get my butt in gear prepping for that too, whihc means i need ot try and find a recliner or loveseat with delivery for dirt cheap...and it means i have to buy a comforter and sheets for the guest room...
while dads here were supposed to be working on the kitchen...

i told him because of funds it might be better to hold off til spring...but we'll see.
i think he wants to get out now so that he knows if this is an area hed like to consider moving to when he starts looking (probably in spring)

and i trapped my foot in the stupid screen door 3 times today already...i HATE screen doors...
im soooo putting in one of those magic mesh type set ups, because screen doors are not my frineds...they always swing back just as im trying to get groceries inside or wrangle a cat or dog and my ankle ends up cuahgt between the door and the frame...and it hurts! alot.

yup, i just came to vent...please disreguard as the random insane annoyances of a bi-polar person neer christmas time


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well some good came out of today, after some more thinking planning and figuring, i should be able to build 4 hutches brand new for $150, that includes a can of exterior grade paint and lows doing ALL the plywood cuts and halving the frame peices for me (so theyll fit in the car lol) if i use 1x2s and 2x4's 4ft lenghts will fit and theyll be easy to trim down to the 2ft lenghts i need with the jigsaw.
the ply would be a little harder to keep perfectly straight with a hey why not ave lows do it (itll cost me an extra $3 to have them do ALL the cuts as opposed to just doing the ones to make the wood fit in the vehicle lol.

this COULD be a doable project...*fingers crossed*

figure i can get the rabbits mid-end january...
the ones im looking at are currently 6-8 months old,
breed the girls end of jan, babies by end of feb, sell as babies to the pet/breeder market in april-may, butcher any leftovers males by the end of may.
id plan to keep back 4 female (2 from each doe) to mature out, of those ill pick the best 2 and either sell the other 2 as breeders or butcher them as roasters.
I figure it gives me till march to build the doe pen (so i can seperate the baby bucks and does at 6 weeks). at which time i MIGHT add a couple of nz/calis too (im thinking 6 does to 2 bucks should be good numbers and when doing colony its better to introduce ALL does to the community area at 1 time to avoid territorial issues, but im not yet sure if i want to focus soley on Rex or if i want to add in the nz/cali blood for larger average litter size.

least...thats the plan.

of course its all "in theory" lol.
the rabbits might have other ideas!

but i think the 4 hitches then gathering materials to make the doe pen in the spring might be the best idea for doing this affordably.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well dads pestering me about the plates for my car so guess where i get to go on monday...yup off to register my car. they should take my current insurance as prrof of insurance so itll give me a couple of weeks before i have to sign up with geico (trying to wait until january 1st lol) so much for not going out untill the new years though.
thats ok though.
im all set for my skype christmas dinner...
having roasted chicken thigh with mashed taters carrots gravy and cornbread stuffing (or i might do actual corn bread instead...hmmmm) i even have a completly none diet friendly desert lined up.

when i go on monday ill try and pick up a 6 pack of mikes hard for my new years drink (a 6 pack will last me about that many months LOL!) and mabe see if wally world has any after christmas cheapies on lol...make an afternoon of it ya know?!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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am i the only person in the world who DOESNT like crunchy gingerbread....
i like gingerbread housebuilgding for the building aspect...but i hate hard gingerbread cookies...

im thinkin when i go into town on monday i might just have to buy the stuff to make gingerbread...the soft kind :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
i like ginger snaps too :) i like ginger in general, but to me its like "gingerBREAD" should be soft..."gingerSNAPS" should be crisp! lol

todays plan is pretty much non involved...gonna play around online for a bit, scour craigslist and then clean the house (usually a sunday job but tomorrow i think i just want to get up and be 100% totally lazy all day lol, so if i get cleaned up today i wont feel neer as guilty tomorrow lol.

other than that though...nothing going on...

i lost the other koi angel, so im back down to the 2 origional veil angels i got the little gold and the little marble...
im not sure what happend, he was fine before bed, and gone in the morning. unlike his buddy there was no signs...but he was the one that evil angelfish chewed the fins off so mabe that stress combined with the stress of loosing his tank mate pushed him over the edge.
not yet sure if ill try again with more koi from the breeder lady or if ill just see if petscove can special order me a couple of small koi in for the same price as there asking for their veils...since those and the brilliant rasboras are the fish i bought from there and right now there the ones that have dne the best.
gonna leave the tank be for a while though now, lost 2 cherries and a female guppy so ill go back before thier warentee period is over, ill replace the female guppy but try and get credit for the 2 cherries, i like cherry barbs...alot, but the 4 remainding cherries (mabe its 3) tend to cluster in with the brilliants (who stay neer the back of the tank playing in the currents form the filters and bubbles)
the neons stay front and look fantastic so im thinking of replacing the cherries with a group of glo-light tetras instead, ill get the similar flashy red/orange effect, but they may be a little more "visual"
but no more fish in the tank now other than the female guppy replacment (cause otherwise the male guppy will harass the last one to death) ill take the credit for the cherries lost and go from there.

i do know if i dont get any more angels, ive got room for 6 glowlights and 6 corydora without worry of overloading the tank...


im gonna go scour craigslist

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