Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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You're moving right along! I actually thought of you the other day. Someone had a CL ad for free tropical fish. But, I figured it was a bit too far for you to come and get them.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I have about 8 hours worth of work to do in my house now. I can only imagine how bad it will be when I finally get to it :lol: Good job Pinky ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, yeah i think the gas would kinda null the "free" part lol.

ontop of getting stuff clean today i hung a mirror in my bedroom...i realy need to get in there painted to i think this weekend im going to pull out the white paint and put the first coat of white on all the woodwork need at least 3 coats anyway to cover that grey blue (same color as the bedroom)
even if i have to wait a while on the wall color at least ill have made some progress in there and wont have to do that step later lol.

ive also come to the conclusion that i simply DONT like broccoli...
ive tried all kinds of less cooking it more, raw and mixing wiht various things...
tonight i tried adding it to mac and cheese...not even the cheese sauce could make it truly YUMMY...
now dont get me wrong its not gross, its not inedible...but i certainly dont see what all the fuss is about...

i think raw with garlic hummus is about my favorite method...but even that is "ehh"
so i dont think ill be dedicating any personal garden space to the veggie...
i have the same thoughts about cauliflower...i just cant see what the fuss is about no matter how i prep it...

i will be growing some when i put the animal garden together as the chickens seem to like it...
but in my own personal garden space?! ehh.
cabbage also enters the only in the animal garden category...i just dont like it.

speaking of cabbage. grew some last year for mommas garden and had a big issue not only wiht it not growing large but with slugs getting in WAY deep...i dont even know how the got holes to be found but when collecting and cutting up for dinner thered be slugs a good few layers into the cabbage head...ew.... obviously the chickens wont mind (kinda like a special suprise inside lol) but im hoping to eventually sell any "extra" and cant sell sluggy cabbage.
same happend with the head lettuces.

oh well watching a cheesy horror movie on chiller and supping on chamomile and mango tea :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I have to say, I love cauliflower, and I really like broccoli, and fried cabbage is a personal favorite of mine :hide

I am the only one in this house who thinks that way though! I get dirty looks and wrinkled noses every time I eat any of the above!

Painting is :sick We do it so much people think we enjoy it, but we all grumble the whole way through then swear we are not going to do it again :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i dont mind painting the walls...but i HATE doing ceilings (tend to just not do them unless i HAVE to lol) and i dont like doing trim...
i like the end result though so it makes it worth it lol.
im not realy a perfectionist though so sometimes (like in my livingroom) i end up with low spots and touchup areas that end up then getting put off because i dont feel like going back over it lol.

im definatly not anti broccoli or cauli...
me and cooked cabbage dont get along, 100% a texture issue, finely shredded red cabbage in a salad YUM, but beyond that...
its just...
all mu frineds make such a fuss out of things like broccoli and cheese and cauli and cheese ect...
ive tried it and i just dont see the fuss lol. i like the cheese...but theres something about th taste (and likley also tesxture) of brocoli and cauli that doenst work for me...

funny part is i was always told by "those in the know" that given im a sagitarius with alot of scorpio influence (moon and rising) i sould avoid the brassica group in general. we tend to do better with bulb and root crops (onion garlic and carrot being the "picks" and i do so love ALL of those, especially garlic whihc i cant get enough of) and red/orange/yellow fruits (mango and bananna YAY!).
so mabe my distaste for the broccoli and cauli is my bodies way fo saying, Hey were incompatible. lol

thats my excuse and im sticking with it :p

ooo ooo and please keep the fingers crossed for me.
might be picking up a new crate for Dozer tomorrow...
shes gonna measure it for me and if its the right size shell meet me in jackson tomorrow and dozer will have a new "house" lol.
which is perfect because i can then start putting the pups in his crate at night instead of the pack and play and i can get that out of my bedroom, there old enough now that they dont need as much space for night time.

*crossin the fingers that its the right size*


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well she got back to me, itsonly a 32" crate and she wants $40 for it so i told her id pass for now.
i need a 42 for him realy a 36 woudl work but be a little tight i think once hes full grown...
and i can get a 42" double door crate off amazon for $51 including shipping so im not going to pay $40 for somehting thats oly going to work for a few months.
so im going to wait. as of this moment he still fits in the 24, but i think ill be taking up cindi on her offer for the loaner crate for him this week....that should give me at least a few weeks to make sure finances are where they need to be before i gospending $50 on a new one and give time for craigslist to come up with some other options lol.

its a little frustrating because i staye dup ate last night waiting for her reply because she said its one of the biggest ones they make...
well mah dear....a 32" crate is only the 4th size up, its MID range...they have a 36, 42, 48, 52 and 60 all of which suprisingly are BIGGER than sure its certainly not the smallest in the line...(18, 24, 30) but its DEFINATLY not the biggest LOL!

oh well...everyone is fed, fettled and sorted so im sitting down for my brakfast (they actually let me stay in bed till 8:45 this morning!) then its time to get dressed and go get stuf done. i dont want to be out al day today

im going to take Dozer with me so i stick to "the plan" TSC, Walmart and petsmart
from TSC i need: 4 doses of puppy vaccine, and a case of canned dog food.
from walmart i need: puppy pads, a strip of foam for under the window AC unit, some basic small cup hooks (to secure the carport gate now dozer is getting big enough to push it open lol)
from petsmart i need: to return the dead fish, whether i will be replacing or using th refund for something else im not yet sure, itll depend on what they have in stock and whats on sale.

on the way home i will then fill my gas tank...
and then a stop at the post office to post my bill payments...*yicky bills*


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I love broccoli, and cauliflower is good (it makes particularly good "mashed potatoes" which are sweeter than the standard). So you can leave all that to me and I will happily eat it!
I learned to like cabbage, I have a great recipe for cabbage stew and cabbage roll pie.

Bummer on the crate, that is silly!!

My solution for the ceiling is a long handled pole - made a world of difference when I used one for the first time. Otherwise, I mostly like painting, cheap and without too much effort I can have a room that looks totally different! Wahoo!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I LOVE deep fried brocolli, its divine :love Also brocolli casseroles are good if the broccolli isnt over cooked.......


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, ya'll can keep it...
i cant do anything deep fried (or otherwise fried) never sat right in the first place, then after surgery it became even worse *yick*

im proud of myself today...
im offically BROKE, theres $7 left in my bank account to see me untill the 1st BUT...thats with all the bills except my gas bill paid, a fulltank of go-juic in my car and i got almost everything i needed to gettoday and nothing i didn tplan on getting in the first place.

tsc picked up the vaccines and a case of food...good me! no distractions, and it was quiet so we only got stopped by a couple of people.
walmart, in, got the foam and the pee pads but they didnt have an of the little hooks i wanted for gate security...i did not get distracted and i didnt buy anythign else that "might work" WOOT
petsmart, in, browsed a little exchanged fish, got my glo-lights which were on sale...was going to get 3 more neons as they too were on sale but they didnt look too hot. sale is on untill the end of january so no worries...
AND after the glolight tetra were deducted from the refund i still came out with $3 cash...
hit Sonic for lunch: got 2 chicken strip sandwhiches off the saver menue...see you can buy a 3 peice chicken strips (no fries or drink) for $3.89...or you can buy a chicken strip sandwhich which comes with 2 stips for not much over $ i order 2 chicken strip sandwhiches for about $3 after taxes (yup petsmart paid for lunch) tossed the bread, dozer gets one i get the other 3...and save almost $1 in the process!
then to get gas, filled the tank and tada, came home.
post office before hitting my street (its literally at the end of the street) where i sent out the 4 letters (3 bills) that needed to go and then home.

other than the hooks, i stuck to my mental list. i could have been an angel and simply got the cash refund on the fish that died, but you dont see $1 a fish sales often, and i would have bought them normally and it was mney id already spent and would have spent again had i taken a cash refund so yeah...
3 more neons and a schol of corydora and the tank is officially at capacity.
i wasnt paying almost $5 a fish for corydoras though.

i did good...
now im officially broke untill the new years lol.

but yeah!

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