thanks buff, it felt good, the area of ct im origioanly from had a shelter i used to work at and they were soo....well...ugh.
i tried to donate this stuff to them and they wanted nothing to do wiht it because "we dont feed that brand" (its good food too, no corn, no soy, no byproduct...real meat...)
and they didnt want the blankets because "we dont want any more laundry" i mean realy FREE blanket to help keep the dogs sleeping in cold conrete kennels and FREE high quality food and you dont want them?
so i put it all in the truck and they wer realy apreciative today.
got an email back from the pwerson with the crate...she might have someone comming over tonight for it...they aparently emailed after I did but "said they needed it more"...
*sigh* so i told her, if they dont come let me know and ill be over in the morning.
we'll see.
frutrating though...
good news this morning.
the mail man brought my box of chemical warefare pt.2
topical stuff arrived this morning. breakfast first, then to apply on all 3 adults (and the cats when they decide to join us for breakfast (they rushed out this morning)
have to set aside a few drops for the pups since there not old enough for another week and a bit.
so that will get tubed up capped and set aside somewhere dark. (need to get my hands on some tiny amber gladd vials lol)
the Postie also suprised me with a $4.89 check from ATT...turns out when they combined my bill they somehow managed to tack an extra almost $5 a month on to my bill that way without me knowing...(i just assumed it was some kind of state fee or yay an extra almost $5 that i didnt have before.
unforuntatly he negated that +$5 with a -$14 water bill LOL!
gas bill should be here in the next few days its not due till the 11th but they dont send it out untill the last few days of the month. itll probably be here friday.
Today i have to give the county clerk a call to find out if there open so i can go get my plates sorted, also need milk, oatmeal and puppy pads for the babies playpen.
i ALMSOT made it to the end of the month without spending any more money LOL!
advantage applied to eveyrone that can have it (cats and dogs) now to see what happens.
No negative reactions in the first 15 mins so thats a good start. lol.
now just to keep the fingers crossed that this works.
The vet said if im still seeing fleas after 2 weeks i can re-apply this month, because of the flea lifecycle sometimes it needs a double dosage once theres an theyre suggesting a repeat around the 10th (which is when the pups are old enough for their first dose too) and then respraying my furniture on the same day.
Cindi i have 1 tube of the friponil left in the 45-88lb dosage if youd like it. i know you said frontline is still working for you so if ya want it its yours ill just set it aside for you
now it realy is time to ket my tushy in gear.
ive got to go get the registration for my car done and get some groceries.
thursday i have to head up to jackson with the dead fish (3 barbs and a guppy (its the last day of their guarentee period)) to get those sorted and ill go to TSC and pick up the vaccines for the babies and Dozer (last round for him ) while there...
Dozer is officially 19.6lbs today and will be 12 weeks old on the 1st
right now while im still guessing for him to be around the 75lb range full grown, calculators are pointing to about 95lbs full grown as a possbility. lol.
did i mention hes a big boy lol.
so scary reactions yet so i think its safe for me to get dressed and go get this registration sorted out.
well that was a waste of gas.
and i feel entirely stupid...
i thought i had the title and registrations. turns out i just had the registration and origional bill of sale...
even better...the car was initially registered in my dads name (for the insurance, it was cheaper as him as primary owner even though i personally paid for it)
o i cant regiter the vehicle untill dad signs and sends that title and a leteer stating transfer of ownership (at no cost)
which means i drove about 25 miles for no reason...
then i stoped in walmart and managed to spend an extra almost $50 on nothing...*rolls eyes*
i picked up a harness for dozer (as i realized even if i dont use it for walking i need to be able to safely secure him in the car and a collar in a sudden stop is a good way to kill him...)
some blackberry mikes hard for new years eve drinkage
milk, banannas, oatmeal and the starter stuff for the puppy packs (blanket, tennisball, rope toy and sweeker toy.
need to throw in a bag of dry food and a couple cans of food each, a collar each, a pigs ear or bully stick and a stuffed animal.
Vacination records and paperwork will also get trown in the bag.
i had to buy the puppy kit stuff in the next 2 weeks anyway, and they had some cut stuff on clearance so i picked it up now. theyll get finnished up when i go into jackson on thursday.
i hate going out because i always spend more than i should...
i was SUPPOSED to buy milk, fruit, oatmeal and puppy pads.
didnt get the puppy pads because they only had the small bags in and it would cost almost double....
got puppy stuff and a harness for dozer instead and still need puppy pads. DOH!
Lists are your friend. I always forget something or get something I don't necessarily "need" unless I make a list and stick to it. I know where everything is so I just keep my head down and count floor tiles until I get to something on my list
sorry about the registration crap..I coulda told ya if I had thought about the situation. It's best to call these folks too...they can change laws at the blink of an eye and you'll need something totally different next week
its my own fault for not double checking...and CT's fault for being idiots, there the ones that initial told us we didnt need to do anythign about signing things over since im his daughter...*hrugs*
dad found the title, signed it and itll be in the post tomorrow...should be here by early next week so ill just go back and do it then.
iv aleready deducted the money for it form my check book register so i wont be tempted to spend the 55 that i "suddenly have extra" on something only to realize a week form now that "oh poop it wasnt "extra" lol.
the good news is, the harness that i bought Dozer, FITS! woot.
i was origonally going to get him the medium...then a little voive in my head said "are you SURE?"
so i took the medium out of its box, messed with it to see what the biggest it would go was... (16-20" girth) then took the large out to se what the smallest it would go to was (21-something else lol) my mind said hey hes a puppy he doenst need a large...
my eyes said, he needs a large...
yup...he needed a large...the medium would have fit at the neck but even at its largest would have been tight on the rib cage. the large should last him at least a couple of months its not on the smallest itll go but ive till got a good amount of expansion room.
his martingale wont be useless as ill be using that for actual walking/training...
but at least when were going in the car or going to places where socilizing is a little more top of the list in the beginning of the trip i can use the harness, then switch him to the martingale once hes a little more focused...or i can clip to the martingale with a coupler clipped to the leash and the hanress as a back up should one of the other ever fail/snap, ect. or i can attach a traffic/pull handle to the harness so that ive got a much easier control point should he ever get spooked ect.
i want him to walk nicely on a collar and leash, but safty comes first lol.
the other good news...
my "home made" pizza just whent "DING" which means dinners up! lavash bread, low sugar pizza sauce with added italian herb, onion and garlic, moz, colby, jack and cheddar cheeses, crumbled sausage and a dusting of more garlic
SOOO excited!
That pizza sounds delish! However, that rooster I just put on a homemade tortilla with homemade ranch with tomatoes and lettuce was pretty darn good too I never liked that roo better than I do today
The broth is AMAZING!! I lurve it! I have 4 more aging in brine...if you're over this way soon stop by and you can take one home with ya and get that crate for bigdog.