Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Oh btw, what color would ya say a Rex is if she's red with a dark gray undercoat?! The new bun has a very slate, nearly black undercoat beneath the red. It's really prettiful, but I have no clues about the colors and names of colors with these buns :hu I'm learnin :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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probably most likely to be a tort...but could also be a realy dark castor


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I was thinking maybe Castor, but then again, her color could change a bit as she matures too.

So anything with yours this morning? :fl


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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nothing on the bunny front this morning, no nest, no fur, no nothing.
this might be a no go folks, but then again bunnies arnt exactly well known for actually giving clear pregnancy signs...theyve got till this time next week before i rebreed them so theres still time...*pout*

in othernews, today is clean up day, and that woman is supposed to be comming this evening to meet the little peanut. *fingers crossed* shes very cute so i cant see these people not taking her when they meet her...showing up however is another story lol.
my little pepper plants are finally starting to send out little shoots but so far no signs of true leaves
ill have to get a couple of lights for next year and set up a proper rack if i want to get serious about this i think...

everyones fed, just having my breakfast and then its cleaning time.
Might go play with those last scraps of wood a little later and see if i can make one last planting bed out of them...i also need to inscrew a couple of the beds (the wood is so gone that the screws have poped) and put in some little braces or blocks to hold the corners might get that done this afternoon...we'll see what the weather decides to do.

but yeah....bunnies are NOT performing for me right now...
Friday is my "give up hope" day and next wednesday is my *hopefull* rebreed day. hopefully because im hoping bigwig is old enough to perform well. lol.
Rowan has untill March 9th before i try to re-breed her. she was in a cage with males, but shes still young so we'll have to see.
they need to develop an accurate bunny pregnancy test...
kinda wondering if id be able to pick up heartbeats on my stethoscope...i do that with Ruby (its the only way i knew for sure she wasnt haveing a false prengnany her first time because the x-rays showed NOTHING lol.)
might go take a listen in a little while...would be interesting to keep track and see if it is a viable way to tell, and it is i can start keeping track from early pregnancy and see how soon along it can be used to confirm...hmm...ysya experiment.
i mean, it may not work, babbits are so tiny, or the heartbeats may be indistinguishable from mommas ect...
In dogs a pups heart beats faster than mommas so its quite distinguised...who knows...

oh well


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well managed to get the ouse cleaned, dishes (mostly) done, cause well i did the dishes, then desiced i was hungry lol, buns checked..still nothing.
got that person suppsed to be comming between 5 and 5:30 to meet the kitten...productive but feeling a little lacking right now...

i feel like i should be doing stuff...but i cant afford the stuff i need to do.

oh and mum and dad are planning to come out in mid-late may...which is good because that means ive got untill early may to get that kitchen floor sorted lol.
there aparently going to florida in april, driving down, spending a few days with some frineds then taking a week to drive home up the GA/SC/NC/coastline with stops in savannah ga, the oterbanks and a night in atlantic city NJ...itll be nice for them to have an actual them only vacation...

and at least by may time ill should have some stuff growing...
and it gives me time to save up some money for the jobs i need his help with, the back door, the steps for the back deck and mabe the kitchen window...
id also like to get the shed down before they come so we can possible start work on the chicken coop while hes here...i keep reminding him though that i have NO if hes comming down here expecting to do all these tons of jobs i hope hes planning on a bank of daddy loan to do it all with lol.

so right now my plan for march april and may
march, get and put up the fencing aroudn the back yard, and fill the planter boxes
april, hopefully be in the throws of growing stuff, get the front flower bed planted, and hopefully get the shed torn down and my bedroom painted
may, kitchen floor gets done and hopefully the guest bedroom painted.

then when they come at hopefully the end of may im hoping to be able to get the back door, the kitchen window and the deck steps done.
and if im REALY lucky, a chicken coop built.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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here comes the rain...ewwies lol.

the good news, the people came when they said they were comming.
AND they took the kitten home with them. yay for another happy ending there.
Dozer needs to learn some manners when it comes to guests...when were out and about hes not too bad about his greetings, excited, but not over the top...
well tonight...he was over the top, the hubby LOVED him though, couldnt belive he was only 17 weeks old...
but he just wouldnt sit and be still for petting, instead he wanted to be himself but relay in the face about were definatly going to have to work on his method of saying hello...cant have him diving all ove rpeople when hes a giant...its bad enough at 45lbs lol.
i NEED to get the money together to get him in that training class.

still nothing on the bun front...gave both girls a good tummy feel and couldnt feel anything that felt like a bunch of little rabbits trying to get free...
but, i wouldnt know what a palpation at this stage would even remotly feel like so...

tonights dinner, ground venison in a marinara type sauce with spaghetti...its the last of the ground venison pack Cindi sent me home with, ate half of it a while back but kept this back...was in a serious pasta mood too so YAY! should be enough for 2 servings...but We'll see lol.

but yeah...tonights plan is faceoff on tv (love that show, special fx makeup) and then whatever else is on surrounding that...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well aparently im doing tater sacks this year...when cleaning today i found a bag of taters i must have bought in october/november time from the jackson farmers market, russets, theyd been put in the laundry room as i was going through a baked potatoe kick at the time, and then the kick left me and 1/2 a large bag of taters got literally forgotten...untill today.
the bag aparently decided it had a life of its own, ALOT of spud eyes sprouted strongly with lots of rooting going on too. so i sliced off al the good solid growth and there set aside, im told i should just leave them be for a few days to let the cut edges "seal" (which is fine because right now ive got nothing to plant them in lol)

i know ive got 2 mabe 3 of those plastic burlap saks in the laundry room i was going to make them into shopping bags but they may make good grow bags too...
i dont have any tires laying around as that would have been my first choice...but im wondeirng if its worth buying a cheap role of wire fencing and making wire barrels
id like to do 4-6 "barrels"

also in terms of growing medium, i know at least the first 6 inches needs to be actual dirt/soil...but on top, i was thinking of pretty much mixing the rabbit litterbox contents with some cheaped bag manure...would that work or would it be better to just get a couple bales of straw and use that to layer upwards? or a combination of the 2?
ive never grown taters before, ive got at least 50 little starts right now, which i know i wont be using all of (hey WBF want some?!)...

and in other news...Tempi my "champion mouser" insists on bringing me home a little gift now and again...
tonight i found out if i dont find that gift before the dogs do...they will eat it *ewwww* lol.
yup tongiht the dogs whent out and somehow jasper managed to get half a mouse and dozer managed to get half a mouse...
i caught jasper before he managed to bring it inside...but dozer managed to sneak his inside where he was happily going to eat it...i caught him before he got mousey guts all over my furniture, but EWWWW lol.

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