Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the good news is its a lovely day and i decided to go outside and paint something pretty...
was out there for about 2 hours, dogs were enjoying the sun, peice was looking good,

the bad news: a big gust of whind riped the peice right out of my hand (canvas board) sent it sailing over the fence and onto the dirt, where it then proceded to toss it around a bit in the mud and leaves before finally allowing it to safley land in what i think is the only puddle left on the property...
i see how it is mother nature...but seriously did your critique have to be so harsh?! so ive set it aside, gonna let it dry and see what the real damage is, most of the dirt shoudl dust off once dry but i dont know if the clay filled puddle has degraded it...

so ive taken that to mean mother nature does NOT want me painting pretty things outside right now and have come inside where ive opend a couple of windows around the house to let the fresh air in while the weahter is cooperating...

more bad news is, its nice today and that means the front of my house has once again become the communal gathering place for paperwasps of various species that seem to have gotten up a little early...
will have to pick up a WHY trap once i get hoping the next few days since its supposed to cool off again should kill off any that have woken a couple weeks early from thier slumber (march is usually when the new queens start emerging)
paperwasps are generally not agressive, BUT i cant use my front door when there crawling all over it...and it wont be long before they start on the back of the houe if this weather keeps may recal i had a major issue with them in the fall...need to nip it in the bud before it becomes a major spring issue too.

the good news...dozer aftersome playtime outside is currently lay on the ottoman by the open window in the livingroom, head on the windowsil enjoying the breeze lol.

im trying to see the sunny side of this beutiful day but mother nature sure gave me a kick in the hiney ripping my paiinting off me like that. lesson...if your going to paint outside, invest in a table and a table top easle to work with so nature cant be a big ole meany!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:( Sorry about your painting Pinky :hugs It was a gorgeous day though! Tomorrow will be a little cooler, and hopefully sunshiney!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sunshiney and WINDY, lol, my trash can is in escape mode again cant get out of the fenced yard but its making a valiant effort...

had to put the heat back on again :( after yesterdayit was kinda a downer to light her back up lol, but the house doesnt get any directsun in front and the house gets chilly fast...least i didnt need it at all yesterday or last night :)

dogs got their fleastuff on today it was due a few days ago but didnt see any buggies so held off, well this morning i saw one and it was fleastuff it was lol. good to know it seems *touch wood* to be working.

and now im thinking lunch and then off to hang with WBF for a little while this afternoon.
not yet sure whats for dinner...we'll have to see what time i get home lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the wind didnt realy die down untill after the sun whent down...which made a very bright sunny day kinda chilly instead, but we sat in the greenhouse for a while and it was lovely (and dozer was doing a very good at moving the straw/hay on the floor around and eating it..aparently "size of a small horse" means eat like one too...
this dog will put ANYTHING in his mouth...literally...

but we had a great afternoon, just chillin and chatting and dozer got lots of luvins, and plenty of snarking from kitty LOL...though, despite the snarking this is the first time shes actually stayed in the same room and even within eye shot of the dozey so i think as he gets a little older and not quite so energizer bunny on speed shell be fine with him :D
Cindi even fed me! WOOT for not having to cook dinner tonighe because id taken NOTHING out LOL. and dinner was delicious!
Dozer got home, barked at ruby a few times climbed into the dog bed and promptly fell asleep...LOL! hes deifnatly tuckered out and thats the way it should be lol. the way i like him...sleeping LOL!

today was deifnatly a good day :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Days like that are great - especially when they end with dinner cooked by somebody else and a tuckered out dog! :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:lol: Glad Dozey passed out from all the excitement :D Glad you enjoyed dinner, and hope all the food helps out! It sure helped me out..I was running out of room in the freezer FAST!

I passed out earlier than usual last night too so Dozey boy aint the only one :lol: I hope today is as pretty as the last few have been!!! I really enjoyed your and Dozer's company!! DH is in love with that dog, it's all he talks about when you two leave is how sweet and cute and good natured Dozer is, and Cindi WHY did you let her leave with our dog again!?! :lol: He is smitten with the am I ;) Nobody in their right mind wouldn't be!

Can't wait for the next visit :D and DUCKIES!!! :woot


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
lol, im glad you guys love him, he realy is a good boy considering his age lol. we both had a great afternoon!

today ive done very little...
but the neighbor just meandered over (his sons out back trying to burn his back yard down lol...aparently their method if weeding and getting rid of brush is to just light the grass on fire...(im not kiding either, theres a large patch between his house and what i assume was/is a veggie garden that they charred up the other not realy sure why because it wasnt weedy and there was no brush...
today at least he is out there burning brush rather than just killing the grass...makes e wonder if they plan on expanding their veggie garden this year and thats why...or if there ust pyros...
i will say he kept the charr on his side of the property line so im more then ok with that LOL.
but yeah he meandered voer and mentioned something about hes planning on putting up a privicy fence between us...he has the posts and stuff already so...
I made it as clear as possible that i want a fence but have NO money so dont come knocking on my door for supply reinburmsnet lol, but if he wants to put a privicy fence between us, hes more than welcome to. he showed me where it woudl go and hes planning on putting it right on the property line so that works for me...its one less section ill haveto fence later, itll expand from the front of the house all the way down between up to his veggie bed, which means one side of the planned orchard area will also have the privucy fence *yay*

we'll see though... not gonna hold my breath, and if its not done by the end of march im going to have to put some fencing up even if its only temporary as part of that privicy fence would be part of the rabbitry too lol...but hey if he does..awesome, saves me a couple bucks even if i have to patch the bottom ect.

but yeah...
nothing lse going on...think im going to get changed throw on my work glvoes and boots and go haul some more stuff out of the sheds that need to come down...
ive been putting it off, BUT the part i need to clear out now contains alot of old window frames and doors (and plenty of broken glass im sure) but they might be usable for other projects and i need that thing down asap so might as well clear it out while the weather co-operates.
just have no motivation today lol.

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