Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well what a beautiful day today turned out to be...

whent out to feed the buns and decided to clean out all the cages...
Managed to get a good layer of rabbit poop into the "eventually will be a strawberry bed" planter, they each got a handfull of fresh clover this morning too which they LOVED!
i spent the rest of the day alternating between messing about on the internet and sitting outside while the dogs ran around like idiots lol.

Tomorrow Dozers crate is supposed to arrive so depending on what time that gets here im hoping to get in a trip to Jackson for fabric to make him a dog bed
ts also day 12 since rebreeding the buns so ill try and palpate acorn and bluebell and see if i feel anything different this time, ill repeat again on Thursday which will be day 14 and see if i feel any difference again (some tell me day 12, others say day 14 so i figure ill do both)
tomorrow will also be 30 days since i brought the other rex home, so ill be checking rowan regularly to see if she startsny kind of nesting behaviour since i dont know if she were bred before i brought her home. so far no signs of nesting from her, if nothing by monday 5th then ill see if she'll allow bigwig to breed her. she should be old enough now :D
im kinda hoping shes bred would be nice to have some baby buns in the nest box to give me a little boost of confidence lol.

gotta get to the post office tomorrow too, got some bills to mail out, nothing else planned for the rest of the week, but hey who knows, something might come up.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Glad you got to enjoy the outside! I will get some time to do that tomorrow while waiting for the furnace repair guy. :rolleyes:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the good news is Dozers new crate arrived

the bad news is i got the fed ex driver in trouble.
see when i first moved here i got 2 deliveries and they were BOTH left ON the street by the gateway of the first house on the street, now the first house on the street is empty, its CLEARLY empty, theres some boards over the windows, the bushes are all over the place, theres no mail box and theres huge great padlocks on the doors. but the guy left 2 large packages leaning against their (what used to be) gate post...
now i didnt say anything because at the time MY house didnt have a mailbox or numbers on it as it was literally the week id moved in and i hadnt gotten a chance yet, my stuff hadnt arrived and i was out at time of delivery, so in reality MY house looked empty at the time too.

well today i get an email confirmation that my package had been delivered...
umm, no it i called fed ex, let them know and then a little light whent off in my head, told them id call them back and took a wander down the street, and theres my package, lent up against the back door of the first house on the street, now...again this house LOOKS empty, no mail box, no umbers, no vehhicles, and the door he leant it against has a padlock suitable for fort knox locking it up and boards over the windows.
MY house however has a car in the driveway, an BRIGHT pink mailbox and my house number clearly marked on both the mailbox AND the front door...NOW theres no excuse...from where he must have sat his truck to deliver the package you can see the other 2 houses on the street, both obviously lived in...both clearly numbered...but instead he just left the package leant against the back door of an obviously empty house. he didnt even come up the street to see if he could find my house...
so i carried this huge 50lb box (weight wouldnt be so much of an issue but this is a very large object, i couldnt drag it and my arms wernt long enough to lift it and lean it against myself so i had to haul it up and sit it flat ontop of my head so i could get a proper grip of it to get it home...
then i called fed ex back, explained where it had been left...i also explained that my house is clearly marked, other delivery companies have had NO issues finding me (gps brings you to my doorste for goodness sake) that this isnt the first time this has happend and that the house he did leave it at is clearly empty as evident by boarded windows broken glass, no mailbox or numbers of any kind ect...

the first time, fine, my house wasnt numbered you wernt sure, whatever...
but this time, theres no excuse, you can see my house, you cant miss my mailbox its BRIGHT PINK! (and i did actually leave that as a note with the shipper and it is written on the delivery label as a "note" (it actually says "home has very bright pink mailbox") its not even like the place he left it has ANY mailbox...
Grr arg.

id understand if my house was hidden away form the house on the corner, hidden in some trees, or something...but its not...when you get to the house on the corner you cna clearly see mine and my neighbors can see my pink mailbox form the post office for goodness sake, which is where he was parked about 30 minutes prior...
Well there "going to talk to him" because "theres no excuse for that" she even said "he didnt even drive down the street to make sure?" nope...not a drive by, not a nothing...
Oh well, not my fault he screwed up...

anywho, crates here, its perfect, room for him now and enough room for him to grow more too, which, no doubt...he will do lol.
checked all my fabric and dont have enough of anythign to make a bed for him for it so going to have to run up to town for the fabric store. ive got $14 on my credit card i can itll have to be that i guess...
Also got to stop by the post office and get my bills mailed thats the plan for after lunch.

gave acorn and bluebell a feel up this morning...i cant be sure right now but i thought i felt some little squishy things...will do again on Thursday and see if i feel anything different then after that its a waiting game.
my biggest worry is of a "miss" with bluebell, shes got some guncky above her tail that i havent combed out yet, she had some when i brought her home, but i cant be sure if theres mroe and if so if thats a result of her not raising enough and a "miss aim" from the buck...but we'll wait and see.
nothing on the nesting front from rowan...but shes got untill monday before ill consider her empty.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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Just a suggestion but how about instead of the fabric store you buy used curtains or sheets to remake into a bed for dozer? it would be a lot cheaper.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, great minds think alike and ive been looking on my local craigslist and free cycle all morning...noones offering up any sheets or curtains (and i dont have any extras unfortunatly i own enough curtains for the house and 1 set of sheets lol) i was hoping to have enough fabric in my craft cabinate so id just need to buy a couple bags of polyfill, but i im going to have to price up whatevers on sale and see what the absolute cheapest way of doing it will be.
i need 2 yards of fabric of some kind and then somthing to make a pad/cushion with...
the fabircs not so much of a big deal, 1 yard of fleece for the top and 1 yard of whatever cheaper poly/cotton type blend of something for the bottom...
i just need to figure out the stuffing part, right now ive got the option of hihg loft batting, poly fill, foam or a cheap matress topper so itll be a case of price everything up and see which option comes out the absolute cheapest (and if it would be any heaper to just buy a cheap bed from walmarts pet dept after all the math is said and done LOL.

oh in other news...
its Rubies birthday today! happy birthday my little fluffer nutter!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Happy Birthday Ruby!

Ruby Tuesday - you crack me up CL! :lol:

Pink - I bought a big thick, twin size, blanket from WalMart for $3. I cut it to size, used what was left + some left over batting I had, to make a bed for my horse-dog. He loves it, and I do too, because I can flip it, to get a little more time before it has to be washed :D

Bummer on the Fed-ex guy. Every Fed-ex guy I've had to deal with has been very helpful. When I lived down a private drive, with a very poorly marked house, they had no problem finding me, AND he always brought a treat for my dog (we had a big, SILENT, husky mix, who usually faked out delivery drivers! I had to explain that, even though he seemed like a friendly, well mannered dog, they should NEVER step between him and our son, or they would pay the price!).


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, 1 $4 wallmart special flat sheet and a $9 50oz bag of poly fill later, i have 3 new beds for the dogs crates :D

I stopped at goodwill first, figured mabe i could get a cheap comforter fold it up and tada...they wanted $15 for a twin sied comforter in less than good condition...*blink blink*
so contined up to jackson, checked out hobby lobby, and joanns (had to price up paint and brushes anyway for a future project) found a fleece i realy liked at joanns but at $7.49 a yard on sale, it wasnt going to happen this month (i plan on getting 2 yards of it at a later date to turn into blankets for the dogs crates though :D) then headed to walmart...their fleece was $7 a yard for the nice stuff and $6a yard for the think plain stuff and no pattenrs i liked and at almost as much for flannel and cotton i took a look isle was a no go $30 for a bed big enough for dozers new crate and they wernt quality either, materess toppers were thin and expensive...then while in the bedding dept looked at sheets, the twin sized were $5 perfect but nothing left in the color i liked...then on an end cap with a red sticker, 1 flat twin sized sheet marked to $4 in the color i was looking for...YOINK. back to fabric where they had the 50oz bag of polyfill for $9 (hobby lobby was doing 12oz for $2.99.
tada i win...
got it home measured up and realized, theres enough sheet here ot not only make dozer a bed, but to recover the cresties beds, and by the time i finnihsed filling doeres bed i relaized the was enough pollyfill to divide up to give the cresties beds a little more fluff to them lol. so... $13 later this is what i have


as you can see jasper and rubies crates fit quite nicely ontop of doers crate...i invested the extra $5 in the double door crate so i could oriantate it this way


(while it doesnt lok like it theres about 3 foot between the end of the bed and dozers crate lol.
so i managed to do what i set out to do, and stay on budget PLUS do more lol.
I like the fact that they all match (and will eventually have mathcing fleece blankets too) and given my rooms colorscheme is pink and green, its going to work well :D (the green actually perfectly matches my comforter which almost perfectly matches the green on my walls in the livingroom and kitchen...

speaking of walls...

heres the green on the kitchen walls next to my funky mustard yellow cabinates...


part of me says hey it looks fine (its the lazy part that doesnt want to give myself more work) the other part of my says while itll work for now, the yellow cabinates STILL make the room look dingy and need to go...ive got a feeling theyll be painted white before next spring LOL.

and since im sharing pictures...
this is my "kitchen garden" area... the steps off the deck will eventually get put in on the left side of the deck behind the double decker (strawberry) bed


that big grey wall behind is the laundry/utility room, eventually id like to get some of those closet shoe organizers and hang them on that wall for herbs and strawberries (i can bring them in in the winter and hang them up in the house lol)


but yeah...feeling quite acomplished, planning chicken enchilada casserole for dinner so gonna go get that started i think.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't feel bad about getting the Fed Ex guy in trouble. It's his job to do it properly, and it reflexes on the company if he doesn't do it properly. You're just trying to help them do a good job. :D

As long as it's Happy Birthday Ruby Tuesday, and not Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday, that's good.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
:/ I didn't think about the rest of the lyric! I just saw Ruby and new it was Tuesday! :p I'm pretty sure though, that Ruby ain't going nowhere! :lol:

Nice pics Pinky! That's a cute house! That's the kind of siding I would love to have been able to put on our place! Your raised beds look great! I really like the double-decker! :D

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