Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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noing yet from Rowan so i think ill probably be breeding her come monday...
today was a lovely quiet very lazy day, after cleaning i made some sugar cookies (not form scratch i got a care package with some refridge cookie dough and it needed to be used lol) and otherwise have eben trying to fgure things out, specifically what i need to get one for march...

now this lovely weather weve been having, i know its going to cool down some in the next few days but it reminded me that i ripped off the broken screen from the back door because it kept trying to kill me by slamming on my ankle just as i tried to step i need to fgure out a screen option. my mind immediatly goes to the magic mesh commercials, i mean how wonderfull woudl it be to just leave the back door open and the dogs could come and go without the worry of bugs...
but at $20 its a little pricey so im wondering if i could fashion my own magic mesh of sorts using replacment screen and fishing weights, i figure if i overlap it in the center i dont nessicarily need it to "snap" shut behind me, if its properly weighted it shoudl just fall closed, but im trying to find ideas online to see if anyone else has made anythign similar...
the other option would be instead of doing a split in the center, just do a hanging mesh pannel, weight it heavy enough that itll fall closed and then just push it aside whenever i need to come in and out...
im also realizing that by the time i by fishing weights and screen it might be cheaper to buy amagic mesh door LOL.

but yes...
march projects:
1: pet friendly screen door for the back windows will be open as much as possible and since the kitchen windows dont open at like to be able to leave the back door open instead...
2: t-posts and fencing supplies...i want to get that back area fenced for the dogs and ducks by the beginning of april.
3: dirt for the planting beds, they need to be filled with dirt and filled with things that not expecting tonns of produce this year but i want enough to help my summer salad addiction (i tend to eat alot of salad when the weathers warm lol)
4: plant at least 4 fruit bushes of some kind.
5: paint my bedroom (guest room will get done once the ducklings move outside in April)

so those are the goals for march.

im also planning on doing a march 30 day challenge
im setting myself 5 things i must do every day for 30 days

1: be creative for at least 30 mins, this can be anything from building something to painting to drawing to just taking photos ect...but something for 30 mins every day to wake up and stretch out my very sleepy muse...

2: get back to keeping a food journal, my weight isnt currently suffering but ive fallen out of the habit of writing down what im eating, so i need to write down everything that goes into my body food and drink wise to make sure im being true to "the rules"

3: excersize for 30 mins every day...i go through these phases with excersize and i need to get back into this will be 30 mins of actual excersize be it on the wii fit, zumba class, yoga, swimming ect (hey cindi, any public pools in this area?)

4: cut back on the carbs...i dont eat that much right now but my meals are still a little carb centric...i want to stay under 100g of carbs per day right now im probably averaging closer to 150-200g per day. and they need to be "healthy" carbs (whole grain, fruits veggies ect)

5: DRINK DRINK DRINK...i shoudl drink 64floz per day, ill be honest and say im lucky if i drink i need to fix this, especialy with a hot and humid summer ahead of me with alot of work to do...i need to get ontop of the hydration.

ive also decided if i stick at this and complete all 5 tasks every day for the month of march i will treat myself to something nice in the beginning of April. not sure yet what...(i was supposed to treat myself for hitting my wieght goal and i havent lol) but i promise to do somehting nice for me, im thinking either go get my nails done, or a hair cut, or buy an entire new to me outfit...just...something.

so yeah...thats been the thought pattern for today. and on that note...i think its time for dinner :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i love my parents i realy do....
but its nights like tonight when i wonder why the heck i bother...

talked to dad as i usually do and we were chatting abotu what id done today whats going on this weekend, what im up to ect..
i mentioned the goats plan...which led into me telling him that i had a bunch of ideas for how i wanted to build the goat house but wasnt sure yet if it would be better to do something light and portable and move it with the pen (ill be doing a small pen and mvoing it every couple of days untill the property is cleared enough to build the goat paddock), or if it would be better to build a perminent house and then walk the goats each morning to their fenced area and back to the "goat house" each night
this somehow led to him telling me i need some kind ofvehicle (tractor) to move stuff...which led to me talling him oh im not worried about how to move it...if its portable itll be made in such a way i cna move it without help, and if it cant be then its not movable lol...but im more worried about cost and getting the supplies home, i cant rent a truck legally due to my health condition (drivers license fine but my insurance wont cover in other vehicles)
which then led into him going on and on about me then getting a truck, part eing my current car for a truck ect...
told him that would be great but 1 id still need the remainder balance for the tuck, plus costs to get it titled and registered and all that fun stuff, and more in gas if i had to use it as a main vehicle...and i just cant afford that...
WHEN i get a truck itll be a seriously cheap (working) SECOND vehicle used specifially and only for hauling, i couldnt run a truck as a main vehicle unless that truck could run on scrap wod and roofing shingles some how?!
so i tell him "a truck will come along when i can afford it, got way too much other stuff to focus on before i can set that money out for a vehicle that right now ill only use a few times a month. (further down the line definatly but right now?! i dont NEED it for daily use...)
which then brings him into the "you NEED to find a way to bring in more money" (you know, cause im sat here twiddling my thumbs expecting my nickle tree to grow?! wtf, im TRYING to think up ways to bring in additional cash...) and he just spent our entire conversation with this tone in his voice that always comes across so dissaproving telling me what i NEED to do, and acting like im some clueless 5 yr old who expects him to bail her out..
I mean seriously, you ASKED what i was up to....why did it have t turn into a half hour of you trying to tell me about all the things i NEED to do when i already KNOW all this...
we started talking the day before yesterday abotu my painting and potentially turning it into a little cottage buisness, he offered to front the cost for some brushes paints and some start up supplies...thats awesome...
I told him so and i told him i would definalty price stuff up and see what we could do...and get this all figured out but it would have to wait untill march because ive got barley any gas in my car and im not driving all the way to walmart to price this stuff up just for the sake of a day trip...ill do it when ive got enough money to fll my car up and get my groceries while im at it...
well today hes going off about how i "need to realy think about it" and "id do it myself if i could paint" like ive brushed it off or something...
seriously its been less tha 48 hours since we started talking about it and i told you it would have to wait untill i can put gas in my car first...

most days our relationship is great...
but then he gets in these moods where im pretty sure hes not happy with his own day so everyone else has to feel it too and feel crap about their own...

*sigh* and it just realy frustrates me and is ridiculously and unessicarily upsetting.
*shakes head* he just has a good way of occasionally making me feel like dirt!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I may be than you :D but my Dad can still sting me on occasion! Mine's a 'beat around the bush' type - when he says "Well, it's YOUR life." I know he is POed, or disapproves of my choice, or something! Right now he's in a "Daughter? What daughter? I don't have a daughter." mood because I didn't visit him enough, or didn't ask for his help enough, or some thing or other - I get my info 2nd hand from my brother, cuz Dad got mad last time I called to visit because I didn't apologize for whatever it was I guess I didn't do, blocked my number on his cell, and according to bro the crazy old fool can't figure out how to unblock it :barnie

Families... need I say more? :rolleyes: :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, don't know if this would work, or if you'd want to try it, but next time he's like that tell him, you're obviously upset about something, want to tell me about it? And, if that doesn't work, or if you don't feel like listening to him, tell him you're not listening to me, and just getting me upset. Why don't we talk about something else, or I'm going to hang up and see what happens.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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deb, belive me i do, generally he does that feighned laugh and tells me "hes not upset" or "nothings wrong" and then hes got nothing else to "chat about" so he sits there waiting for me to try and re-initiate conversation...

i know hes frustrated with his own life right now...his job is a job he loves having it but doesnt love doing it...hes swamped in bills (he makes a VERY good wage but in CT that makes no hes frustrated that every penny he wants to set aside for this that and the other thing is having to go back out on an incresed water rate here "delivery charges" for the elctricity there and taxes ON his taxes...
some days he sucks it up and doesnt let it bother him, but i think yesterday was "pay the bills day" (i seriously should block him on bill day lol) and its that monthly reminder that he makes alot of money and by the time all the things are paid he ends up with nothing to show for it...
there not spendy folks either, they only buy sales/goodwill ect for clothes and food, um coupons, there not realy in tons of debt and dont "spend beyond there means" the credit card is for emergencies only thats gog to be even more frustrating, to knwo your trying to keep the bills down and just see them getting bigger anyway because there now charging an extra delivery fee or more taxes or a "we need new team jackets for our snow plow drivers tax ect..."

i didnt realize it was bill day so i realy should have known better...
not dismissing it as right...but admitting that im partilaly at fault for not just saying "hey g'night" and letting him get to me.

todays a new day though...
and the first day of my motnh long challenge...
and im going out today to see baby goats! *Squee* not getting any hopes up...but shes literally 3 miles down the road, i need to get out of the house and she has 19 baby goats on the ground right now (capricon farm WBF :D) so im going to go see her goats, see her set up, generally see how shes done everythign and see if she has any suggestions ect and take pictures :) (shes already ok'd pictures lol)
i figure i can spare a little bit of gas for a bit of a mental health day lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet wish i could go! Tell Deb hi for me! :D She might remember me :lol:

On the Dad thing..just love him through it. At least yours is willing to help and you have a GOOD relationship!!! My bio male parent is still alive, but my DADDY is deceased, and I REALLY miss him some days :( So I'm left with constant bossy disapproval and never any real love and support :/ Count your blessings sister!! :old


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ill definatly tell her hi for ya :) she seems like nice peoples so even if now is not the right time for goaties id like to still develop a relationship with others locally so...
mums the one that rebrought up goats so i told her flat out, you front the cost ill get them LOL.
i shouldnt realy use the gas, (im on 1/8th left lol) but it sholdnt be an issue its not even 3 miles one
charging up my camera so i can take pics and mabe ill come home wiht a few good ideas.

if not im probably going to go back to the cattle pannel shelter idea and just bring home 2 pannels for the shelter and then get rolled fencing for making the pen, im told we can get 2 pannels in the back of a flat bed...*hint hint* LOL.

suns shining so im feeling a little better right now about life again...

im 2 of 8 cups of water towards my goal for the day...gonna try and get another 2 cups drank before i head out.
when i get back i need to do the buns nails and try and give bluebell and acorn a bit of a comb out too.
i also started on a semi creative project this morning by sketching for 30 mins the desighns im thinking baout to go on my mailbox...(right now yellow sunflowers and purple daisy are definatly on the win i think they would look great against the hot pink with a little green in the leaves and some white accents :D)
id decided im going to do a mailbox garden but im going to keep it simply and relitivly "shot" and just do day lillies around it (no climbers) ill be planting a pink rugossa rose hedge along that area eventualy anyway as a pricivy hedge so i think then planting daylillies and letting them take over whats left of my dirt on that side of the road would be perfect

Sooo many ideas running through my head...
gotta find out when there planning on putting that privicy fence up between us so i can plan my own fencing needs. :)

oh well gonna go drink some more water and then go see some baby goats :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i had a lovely little bit with the goats lol! it was alot of fun and i ended up staying for over an hour...
they were all so cute, shes got a couple of little bucklings on the bottle now due to momma issues, one of which was a pretty cream boy who was just the mushiest baby, even after hed been given his bottle he was by my side for scritches and lovins lol...
she also had 3 other bucklings that gcuahgt my eye, the other 2 bottle bucklings who were a darck chocolate and a black and tan and a GORGEOUS caramel boy with grey moonspots...
If i were looking for a buck, that caramel moon spotted boy would have been snuck into the car LOL. PRETTY boy.
there were a few little girls that caught my eye too...and theres 2 that i realy think i need to figure out my butt and bring home. a beautiful black and tan with a single white splodge on her side, and a realy cute little tan girl with a black dorsal stripe and face stripes...
so now i find myself trying to figure out IF this MIGHT be doable some how LOL.

gah they were SOOOO cute LOL.
and the sun is shining and its a beautiful day i could have just sat out there with them for hours.

but yeah, now im home, and want goat...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the black and tan Doe

and the light Doe

the pair of them

i WANTS lol.
they are Nubians (exactly what im looking for)

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