Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the suns out, the ground not as soggy as i first expected it would be after that crazy rain yesterday so im going to put on outside clothes and get myself moving...need to frame out the roof for the goat shelter today even if i get nothign else done.
its going to have a 2 ft rise, figure that should be enough to keep any rain running off smoothly and will make the shelter about 5 1/2 ft tall on the side the goats will have acess too...hoping thats tall enough to keep them off the roof lol!

so yeah...the plan today involves a power drill and an jigsaw which should keep me busy for a few hours at least lol.

otherwise not much to report, Dozer has officially lost his mind, running round like an idiot, gona let hi play in the yard while im working...well see how long it takes for him to dig to china.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ooo im gonna need an owie pill tonight lol
but the pallet shelter is almost done.

i need to get some kind of paint on roof sealant/rust stopper, and i need some heavy duty bungee cords and eye bolts to keep the "gate" secure.

but otherwise i think its done and i think i did a pretty good job overall.
its made 95% of comepltly found/given materials, 4% of left over from other projects materials and 1% new (a couple bungee cors, eye bolts and the screws holding the whole thing together.

the roof has rust spots and lots of holes so im going to do a little reaserch on how to patch those holes up and what i can coat the roof with to keep it water tight and prevent the rust from spreading.

the whole thing is almost 4ft tall in back 51/2 ft tall in front, and 4ft wide by 8 ft long, 1/2 is made from pallets with boards very close together and the gaps blocked up with extra boards, that half will be the sleeping area, the other half i left the pallets as is to keep air flow in the summer, its in a very sheltered spot from prevailing winds on 3 sides so i dont think driven rain or drafts will be an issue.
its not tall enough for me to realy stand up in, but its plenty tall enough for goats even full grown to stand and it is tall enough (and small enough) that mucking it out wont be a back breaking job

its NOT pretty (ill probably paint it tomorrow if the weather keeps up nicely)
but once the roof is sealed it should be a nice dry cozy shelter!



from the "front" the pallet just slides over to close and will be secured with bungee cords.
not exactly a realy technical set up for a door, but i realized the only way i could hang a gate or something would be to buy some 2x4s or something similar to sink to provide a strong frame...i dont want to do that given this is a TEMPORARY shelter (hoping itll give me a year or 2) so...

one end.
this end is actually 2 pallets back to back, im hopign to eventually line the outer pallet with landscape fabric and plant it :D (itll be on the outside of the goat pen lol)

and from the back

(this is the side the neighbors se and i see form the back deck...this is also the ONLY side that wouldnt be "wind protected" as its open clover patch from there back.)

Im pretty proud of my shack lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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That turned out pretty nice Pinky! Not bad at all :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks :) im pretty proud of myself for my first bigger getting quite handy with a power drill and jigsaw LOL.
I think once its got a coat of selant on the roof and a coat of paint on the walls itll look pretty dang good lol.
now i just need fencing, something for them to climb on/play with/around and feeding supplies. lol.
would love to get my hands on an electrical spool but no way to get one home if i did.

trying to decide on names.

right now bunny wise there all watership down characters:
Acorn, Bluebell, Rowan, BigWig, Thistle, Holly, Hazel and Blackberry

id kind of like to stick with the "nature" themed names and id like it to sound good/make sense together.
right now some of my favorites are:
Dandelion (light doe)
Burdock (dark doe)
Ash (dark Doe)
Clover (light Doe)
Bramble (dark Doe)
ButterCup (light Doe)
Camomile (light doe) (shortend to Cammi)
Daisy (light Doe)
HoneySuckle (light doe) (shortend to honey)
Iris (dark Doe)
Lilly (light doe)
Poppy (either)
Daffodil (light doe)
Petunia (either)
Rose (either)
Violet (dark Doe)

Thoughts? additions, HELP?! lol
the lighter doe is officaly on bottle now, she was getting pushed off by her bigger sister so she wont be hard (and should be quite sweet) she was curious but cautious
The black and tan doe is form a very skittish momma (abused) so she wasnt realy nterested in mingling, but she was very playfull (and i think once on the bottle will be a realy sweet baby)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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dads vote is lily and poppy, gonna have to ask mum too lol

got to get my tush in gear today...
need a roll of fencing, t-posts, eye bolts and bungee cords and somehting to seal the roof with.right now im thinking a small tube of caulking and a gallon to the kool seal paint should work, caulk the holes then paint the whole roof, i dont think the koolseal stuff will actually fill in holes so id have to caulk /patch first i think.
thinking of painting the whole thing to match the rabbit hutches too lol.
I also need to rake the area that will be their pen going to use the leaves as bedding, then top the whole thing with a couple bales of straw too.
plus i need feeders. and when they come ill need milk...and lots of it lol.
yup thats me broke for this month.

and next month is fence the back yard and get the kitchen floor done so thats paril broke too lol.
im not meant to have money am i?! lol.

oh well hopefully 3 buns due this month (bluebell and acorn due around the 18th and rowan due at the end of the month) hopefully they all that means i should have some extra money comming in for may *fingers crossed*

and then i look outside and the sun is shining and i cna hear my duckies peeping from the back bedroom and i take a deep breath and think...i may be poor money wise...but this realy is the rich things mature around here ill start getting into a little rythm and things will start to get a little easier...its just the initial outlay that stings lol.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I agree Pink! It hurts the wallet getting it all set up, but the deep contentment I feel at the end of a Summer day, sitting on my porch looking at a overflowing garden, animals grazing and chickens scratching, is priceless. :D


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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SSDreamin said:
I agree Pink! It hurts the wallet getting it all set up, but the deep contentment I feel at the end of a Summer day, sitting on my porch looking at a overflowing garden, animals grazing and chickens scratching, is priceless. :D
So true!

Nice shack Pinky!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the shack should now be leak free
it got 2 coats of "kool coat" patch and seal "paint"...the stuff isnt paint, its GOO! its a fibered rubberized roof coating stuff, and in the can looks like doesnt smell bad, but my gosh itll stick to anything. you have to put a good glob on if you want to cover a hole and the bigger holes needed 2 good glops (1 dry then a second glop), but by the time id done 2 coats there was no light shining in through pin and rust holes in the roof. on some of the larger spots i also put a light coat over the spot on the inside too. then coated the exposed OSB board with the goop too, OSB is not outside grade so i figure this stuff is a uv reflector and waterproofer hey why not lol.
it should also help keep the goat house cool in the summer as its a "reflective coating".

i also managed to kinda sorta get the fence up lol. its not tight at all...and ive no idea how im going to get it tight without a fence stretcher and only with t-posts...ill probably just get some extra t-posts to give it a little more structure.
got it filled with an entire bale of straw lol, should be realy nice and cozy in there
i picked up a cheap laundry basket with larger holes that i think would make a perfect hay basket
the water bucket has to go on the floor for now untill there bigger but its flat backed so i can hang it on one of the pallets eventually.
set eye bolts for the gate into the pen and bungee cords to secure the gate into the house itself.

i want to make some toys for them too :)

i think once i set a few more t-posts it'll be good to go :D

the fencing and t-posts cost the most.
i also picked up a bag of goat feed so at least i have it.
in terms of feeding right now the plan is obviously bottles, theyll also get free choice hay, water and minerals, in the mornings theyll get a some food to try...eventually the only grain based feed theyll get will be during morning milkings
ive got enough browes around here to last a while lol.

and i picked up bottles lol.

i still need to pick up goat minerals and a small feeder for those.

Now im eating chicken nuggets and cheese "fries" (oven baked sweet potatoe "fries" with melted cheese lol)
been a crazy day and iother than food purchases im not allowed to spend any more money this month lol.

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