Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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3 more pallets courtesy of WBF means i should now have enough to complete my shelter...
loved having her over even if it was a short visit :D

then about 1/2 an hour after she headed out the lady for the duckies showed up with 4 of her kids in tow...all of which were animal crazy, so they stayed a little while met the bunnies, and jack jack and the dogs and chatted. lovely family.

managed to get a pot of 16 bean soup on in that time too (16 bean soup mix, tomatoes, onions, sausage, garlic, salt, pepper, a little bit of cajun seasoning,) the house smells yummy right now and it shoudl be ready for me to have a bowl for lunch :D

now im just taking 5 mins to check email and such then back to getting stuff done. the weather is kind of in and out, so i think ill get dressed, drag the pallets on over and mabe get them cable tied together, wont be breaking out the power tools today as it is rain not rain rain not rain...and i dont feel liek playing with electrickery in the rain... but if i can at least get the base teir together ill feel like ive accompished somehting lol.

then this afternoon i think im going to break out the art supplies and get some painting done :D

i will admit though, it was nice having company for a little while :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
Dawn, if you like the cayuga colorationbut want eggs, go for black runners, they gat that same stunning bottle green shine (thats why i whent black runners to, i wanted cayuga because of the color but i want them for eggs too so a cayuga wouldnt realy runners to the "rescue"
Sweeeeeeet! :cool:

Thanks for that info, pinky! :hugs

We've got a break from the storms so I think I'm going to do some research on where I can get black Runners. They won't be happening this year but I'd rather plan ahead and be totally prepared! :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I enjoyed the visit too...I then lost track of time and was late getting the truck into the shop :lol: It took a lot longer than I expected too. I just came home and got my cabbage plants transplanted into bigger pots :p Then my brother pulled in :hu Not much else getting done with company :p We did get a bit of tilling done today too though :woot I need to get DD's food started for her weekend trip anyway. *sigh* I can't seem to get out of the kitchen for very long these days! The short time in the mom cave did me good though :cool: Hope you're having a great day :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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if you have problems finding local, despite our delay with e-fowl im Realy impressed with the ducks sent, definatly worth checking them out :D
there all healthy, active, and it took them meer seconds to find food and water :D lol.

i will definatly be ordring from them again when im ready for more ducks/geese/chickens lol.
(im thinking of adding a pair of buff geese and some khakis to the mix :p)

in other news, managed to get outside and have tied together the pallets i have, i think this is going to work nicely, ive got some pallets i can pull apart to block some of the gaps in the not so closely spaced pallets. its in a wind sheltered spot anyway.
got to make a roof frame for it now. got a few ideas...ive currently got 2 peices of 4ft x 2ft ply left form the bunny condos, 1 of those peices i can rip down at an angle to make the end caps and set the slope for the roof, the other peice will make the rise for the front. i think ive got enough 1x2's to make a simple roof frame...then its just a case of figuring out what to use for the roof materials, i have the roofing tin back in the woods, if i can haul a couple sheets out it should be usable (esecially if i give it a coat of roofing tar/paint stuff) if not ive got plenty of shingles still laying around lol, but would need to figure out a way to get the plywood home in as large a sheet as possible. i think on a nice day with the top down i could fit 2 4x4 pices, which would be neough, then wrap them in trashbags and put the roofing shingles right on top.

im also debating "do i make a door for it...or dont i..." around the shelter is going a 48" tall fence set with 2 not yet sure if i feel secure enough that 4 ft would keep most general predators out, i know we have coyotes around here (least im told we do though i havent heard them singing) and theres a fairly healthy deer popoulaiton around here (and im sure living in my own back yard lol)
as much as id LOVE to put a couple strands of electric around the whole thing i dont have the money right now for a solar or battery operated system...
i just dont know if 4ft tall is enough to keep the coyotes out
probably not so ill probably end up putting some kind of doors on the whole thing (right now its a 3 1/2 sides structure lol)
but yeah got to figure that part out as well as the roof.
but im liking the footprint, should be plenty big enough for 2 doelings (heck even 2 does) and room for a hay feeder and water bucket.
im planning on stuffing straw into the "hollow" of the pallets in the bedding area plus a good thick layer of straw and leaves on the floor to snuggle into so it should be plenty snug and warm enough, it is sheltered so im not worried about wind, and the pallets used for th "bed" area have the boards realy close together (and the 1 that doesnt i have enough wood from another pallet to block the gaps too, so the little sleeping area will be draft free.
if i can salvage enough wood off another damaged pallet ive got i can block more gaps too and the whole thing shold be quite cozy.

if we couldnt tell, im quite exctied about the goats! lol.

and then the dark clouds came in and currently its raining pretty dang hard. but at least it let me get that done as far as i have...
thinking its time to do some painting...
but first got to get those leg bands off the duckies.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
E-fowl was the first hit I got on the black runners. I was a bit taken back by the price for them, at first, but I don't mind spending a few extra bucks (when we've got them) to be able to get exactly what we want. ;)

That you are really impressed with your order from them is a huge help, too! Okay, I'm sold!!! :lol:

Glad you managed to get a break in the hasn't stopped here yet. I'm glad I gave the birds extra food and water yesterday...I'd either drown or blow away if I had to do so today. :gig


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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e-fowl are certianly not the cheapest (and then theres small order charges on anything less than 16 duckies) BUT you dont pay extra for shipping (which saves a huge amount on the end price as most places charger $25-$30 for shipping alone) so the price you see in your cart is the price you pay.
I get so frustrated on other hatchery sites when your looking at $3-$4 a bird get your order together and then find out theres another $25 in shipping costs ontop...

Its rained none stop since about 1pm...
so i got creative.

now as we know my house is little, and my kitchen is only 8ft wide by 11 ft space is at a premium in there especially, i got wall mount folding table so i could actually have an "eat in kitchen" but what about chairs?
well i decided folding chairs would be the best bet..and a couple of hooks and they could easily hang on the wall out of the way...
but lord their ugly...
so...if they HAVE to be out for the world to see...
why not make them at least SEMI pretty...


this took about 2 hours to complete...
when i get my other chairs (i could only afford 1 this month lol) ill paint them in similar themes so each one becomes its own little peice of wall art.
i would have perfered white chairs...but aparently you cant get them locally and they cost a fortune black it is lol.
And it seems sunflowers have become the kitchen theme lol.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
That is beautiful! You are so talented! I prefer black, but then I have 3 kids, dogs and cats, and the occasional goat in the house. White would be ruined within a week here.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
It looks great Pink! It reminds me of Donna Dewberry :)

I have a book of hers, and USED to paint paper grocery bags, to use as gift bags for larger items. Went over like a lead balloon with my/DH's family, so I quit.

I need to get back into it, just for me stuff - especially after seeing all the neat things you're doing! Hmmm... I have a garden/welcome sign that is in desperate need of a redo... :p

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