Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, glad you like.

i thought about doing wood posts, but the thought of digging all those holes scares me LOL.
wil deifnatly try the Handle and lean trick though. i think my biggest issue comes form the fact that the ground is sloped AND bumpy too lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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To even it up you can dig a little trench and sink a bit of the wire to straighten it up to get it tighter, plus it'd keep the dogs in that you want in and the ones you want out will stay out that way ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im with you cheerio...peopel seem to think IM the odd one, i men i have 3 dogs and live in "the countryside" so why dont i let them have "some freedom" :barnie

you know the freedom to run around and potentially get caught in barbed wire, or get in an argument with a truck, or a bull, or a shotgun...
I love my dogs enough to give them as much space as i can while still being able to watch them properly, i respect my dogs enough to make sure there in a secure area and i know my dogs well enough to know that im not doing them any detriment by making sure they are safe and secure.
but im the "odd" one because "dogs need to run" yeah...and they can...inside the fence. and eventually as money permits this entire property will be perimiter and corss fenced (and lines with the thorniest bushes i can find along the outside of the perimeter fence) and the dogs will be able to have even more room...but untill then i keep my dogs controled..."you" keep your dog off my land!

i know theres a different pace and style to life down here...but this attitue towards letting dogs go wherever KILLS me, and one day might kill their dog because if it ever gets loose and starts on my livestock (or my dogs through the fence again) ill have to SSS and thats NOT the kind of thing i want to do...especialy nto to someones "pet" (no matter how emotionally neglected the dang thing is)
gets me even more is the son comes asking about what breed Dozer is...told him "oh hes a mutt, american bulldog and mastiff mix..." "oh thats what mine is, american pit bulldog..."
*in my hes an american pitbull terrier which is a completly different breed than a bulldog or a bullterrier...*
him "you wont know what this means but..." and he gets this big grin on his face like its somehting to be proud of "hes all colby blood"
Me "oh i know the colby lines, great pig dogs"
he looked confised for a moment
me "so is that the reason you keep him chained in the backyard?"
i tried to resist the snark, but he didnt seem to catch it anyway as he smiled and goes "yeah hes a good dog"

if yoru so damned proud of your dogs bloodlines you wouldnt be keeping him chained up, especially a pitty who NEEDS human companionship, this dog is beautiful, and despite being on a crappy ol-roy diet in good condition...but his attitude is all pit, hes high drive high energy and as we found out yesterday DOG agressive...he needs a job, and he needs to be INSIDE with his people, and he needs to be kept behind a proper secure fence when hes not INSIDE with his people.
I swear if i could actually catch him (hes afraid of me and usually bolts) hed be off to a pitbull rescue in a freeking heartbeat as he'd make someone a stunning best buddy...ugh. some people.

its 8:55am, goats, dogs, cats, birds inside, duck and buns are all fed watered and content...
Rowan kept all 9 babies alive and warm though the night last night and it got chilly last night compared to what it has been so thats a good sign, they were all wiggly and squeeky this morning when i took a peek and did a dead check.
first 2 weeks are the hardest so im not getting my hopes up, but fingers crossed.

gotta do some calling around to see if anywhere has t-posts cheaper than lowes, need to pick up milk for the goats too since ill need more sunday and sunday stores will be closed.
then its back here to start redoing the fence. got some ideas on how to hopefullymake it a little more secure.

dads said if i decide i want to put a bottom strand of electric up hell help me out on the cost (ill owe it him, but can pay it back little by little) tsc has a 2 mile low impedance for $30, i figure ill then need wire, insulators, a gate kit (as ive left one little section of the fence as a clip to so i can get through easily with the mower dads bringing me in May :D) and grounding rods as well as a heavy duty extension cord to run the charger to a more convenient spot.

Id rather not run something else electric due to the bill, but well see what happens. im hoping after the escapade yesterday itll eb at least a few more weeks beofre i see him running loose again.

anywho...ive got stuff i need to get done, so ill be back later


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, i THINK were good to go on the fence again lol.
got the stuff i needed this morning, bought it online and saved 20cents on each of the 2 tall posts and 5cents on each of the short ones by doing it online...the online prices and store prices ARE different on some stuff...sneaky sneaky.
anywho, ended up getting 12 4ft t-posts to add a little support between the full heigh posts and 2 more of the 5ft (which after sinking makes them 3 and 4ft respectivly, the fence is 4ft tall)
i also picked up a pack of landscape staples, a gallon of semi gloss white (gonna need it to finnish the kitchen and the trim in the rest of the house) and another gallon of the green...i need to give the kitchen a second coat...
i looked up the price for a quart and did the math and it wasnt much more to just get a full gallon. i can use it for other projects, touch ups and along the line a few years im sure the walls could do with a fresh coat so at least ill have it.

also picked out the color for my bedroom...its pink :D, my bedroom is going to be pink green and white themed...
and the color for the guest bed and bath which is a beautiful fresh aqua blue color, the guest bed and bathroom are going to be Aqua, chocolate brown and White themed and a gallon will easily do both rooms especially with the bathroom being small. but those paints will wait untill next month because i now have about $10 to my name (i have more in the account, but at the beginning of the month i take out ALL the money thats comming out on bills at some point during the month so my tv payment due on April 30th is already deducted form the account, same for internet and car insuarnace ect. this way i KNOW everythings paid...

the good news is though that i have pretty much anything i could need (and walmart had their "market fresh" bread on the clearance rack at 75cents for a 1b loaf, m pretty sure it costs more to MAKE bread than that so 4 loaves (1 seasame, 1 plain italian and 2 garlic and parmesan)
the only thing i should need throught the rest of this month is milk for the goaty girls and a bale of hay.

then i came home, and had lunch then got my tushy to working. redid the fence on the far side by the rabbit hutches, moved it into my property line by about 1ft, (this means if i do decide to plant something thorny or add electric it would still be on my property even thought it would be outside the fence
then i whent along and put the short t-posts along the OUTSIDE of the fence, so now it weves kinda in and out betwen the tall and short posts which has definatly added some strength to it.
then i whent along and hammered large metal tent pegs along the base of the fence every 4ft or so...
then i added the landscape staples inbetween the tent pegs...the landscape staples alone woudlnt have been that secure, but with the tent pegs i dont think dozer is pushing out under the fence line and i doubt anything is pushing in either.
then with the fence i had left over i put in the dividing fence between the og area and the duck/rabbit area. that fence is flimsy and dozer could push under if he realy wanted, but that fence is more just to keep the ducks in one area unless I want them itll work.
i also ran what was left of my roll of chicken wire (used it on the bottom rail to the floor of the deck to keep jasper and ruby from diving off the deck and kiling themselves) and wrapped the bottom of the deck in it going from the floor of the deck down to the ground so now the dogs cant get under there either *YAY!*

ill tell you that T-Post setter is the best thing on earth, it took it out of me setting those posts with the setter (its heavy) but without it i dont think i could have done the project in less than a full weekend...hammering the posts in takes forever without that yay post setter!
im TIRED now though, my arms and chest/ab muscles are feeling it and im sure give it 1/2 an hour my back will realize ive sat down and start complaining too lol...BUT i think ive got a pretty deacent fence considering...thats assuming Dozer doesnt find a new way to dash my dreams lol.

I stil need to make a gate to go between the main yard and the duck/rabbit area. im thinking of using one of the external doors i pulled out of the old shed. right now the "gate" is a tuppertote lol., salvage will work just fine for the gate though.

but yeah, getting kinda hungry, got leftover spaghetti and sausage for dinner, im covers in scratches from dealing with the fence, but...i got it acomplished. YAY!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the overnight was chilly compared to what it has been BUT the ducks and all the babbits did fine overnight so *YAY*
Day 3 and Rowan still has 9 babies in the box.

having a little "get up" issue this morning and just want to go back to bed...thinking its the aftermath of taking the pain killer and muscle relaxant before bed last night.

today im hoping to finish painting the base cabinate in the kitchen and mabe getting the upper set over the stove done too.
cant reach the one over the fridge yet so thatll be the last to get done. not going to do the walls untill im ready to get a start on the floor, (because of moving apliances out of the way) then ill move everythign around to paint behind thigns ect.
the white cabinates definatly make a difference :D

just waiting till im not so still half asleep anymore though lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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once i found my get up, we whent lol.
base cabinate is painted, 2 of the doors are almost ready to hang back on, the others need 1 more coat in about 1/2 an hour then an hour or so to dry to touch to be rehung.
excited to see what it looks like. Tomorrow gonna try and paint the uppers above the stove, then ill get pictures :D
its nice to have another room slowly comming together :)
hoping i can the cosmetics finnished before dad comes to visit in Mid-May. then we can focus on the steps for the deck, the gutter for the back deck and fixing the back door so it doesnt stick all the time. if it can be fixed itll get fixed, if not ill deal untill i can afford a new door.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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et up continued through the afternoon, got the upper cabinate above the stove and its doors and the window 2 coats of paint. they need at least another 1 coat tomorrow, BUT the kitchen looks SOOO much brighter already! and the ugly green countertop isnt so ugly against the white YAY! was origionally planning to refinnish that too, but hey, it look just fine as is with a good scrubbing so one less job i need to do! WOOT!
tomorrow ill get the final coat of paint on whats left of the stuff on that wall and whatever trim i can reach without moving appliances. then next week i think im going to try and move things and get the trim i couldnt get and do the walls :D
Floor and backsplash come in may and then its just a case of decorative finnihses...which will be the very last thing on the list as even the livingroom doesnt have its decorative touches yet lol.

but yeah, got more than i thought i would done today. now just thawing a peice of tilapia for dinner...not yet sure what ill be eating it with though, either baked sweet potatoe or sweet potatoe "fries" i think :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Wow pinky, you've been busy! I can't wait to see it! :D I'll be having fish for dinner tomorrow :D We caught more bass and catfish today :drool

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