Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so heres my quick and easy paint drawup of the kitchen.

the floor plan with the apliances removed.

each little square is 6", the kitchen is 8ft wide by 11ft long. backdoor is the brown thing at the back, window the blue thing on the side.

the CURRENT layout.

i mean it functions, the fridge door opens, the stove door opens the back door opens (with a little encoragment lol) but the light that comes in via the backdoor is comepltly blocked by ginormo the fridge freezer.
The main window in the kitchen is UNDER the carport and faced by the laundry room wall so theres no real "veiw" and very little natural light comming in through that window so pretty much what little light comming in is "eaten" byt the fridge.

And theres a 10 inch gap between the end of the counter and the cooker...*doh*

the proposed layout

fridge lives where stove is currently, stove goes to where fridge is (and eventualy a cabinate and counter goes next to stove)
the fridge door IS flippable so id just switch the hinge over, with the table where it is i wouldnt be able to open the fridge with the table Up (it folds against the wall) when closed however i would be able to open the fridge door ALMOST completly (and mroe than enough to function properly in terms of getting things in and out.
The stove is not as deep as the fridge giving a little more width to the floor, and the lack of heigh on the stove means any light comming through the back wouldnt hit a "wall" of appliance and would actually better fill the room.

i THINK the new layout would work nicely...hows bout you guys?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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The only issue I see is your stove. If electric, it should have 220 service (the big old honkin three prong plug :p ). If gas, you'll have to relocate the gas line. Otherwise, it looks like your layout makes more sense, and would be a better one to go with. You've already pointed out the only problem space-wise (the frig door when the table is up) and, if it won't bother you, it should open the area up nicely. :)

I have been without a range hood since we moved here. There is nothing but a hole in the wall where it should be (covered by a grocery bag, held to the wall with duct tape. Gotta love duct tape!! :D ). I told DH it will stay that way until we can afford the micro/hood combo that matches my stove and frig! Check back with me in a few years; my resolve may have weakened by then :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah thats my only concern with the stove, its electric but i havent been able to drag it out to check the plug, the stove IS older than me, that much i can tell ya lol, its about 28 yrs old lol
id have to figre that out to make it work. i dont think an electrician would come in here and rewire given that im actually working on an OLD fuse box (im talking little glass fuses!)
not that i could afford if they would lol.
but id have to check pull the stove out to check the plug. there is a regular socket right next to where the stove currently is so plugging the fridge in wouldnt be impossible...plugging the stove in however in the new spot however could be lol.

I wish i could afford to ditch it comepltly and have JUST a cooktop put in...
if anyone wins the certianly not opposed to donations LOL!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If it were me, and I had the money, I'd redo the kitchen completely. I'd put in a smaller stove and fridge, and have it L-shaped starting where you want to put the stove, and going to a few inches from the back door. I'd have a lazy Susan in the corner. Then, I'd put the table where the fridge is now.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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todays plan...
post office, town to pay gas bill and get cash for gas, co-op for critter feed then off up to jackson for dog food and groceries.
not feeling any motivation to do any of it
i wish i was better at this "going out in public" thing...takes me half the day just to pull myself together, gather the mental strength and get out there. could be worse i guess...i could be a complete shut in...

oh well...gotta get this stuff sorted and done...
Fun times, Fun Times.

of and Deb im 100% in agreence LOL...if i had the money, the kitchen woudl be gutted, new cabinates, gally style layout, new cook top (ill be keeping my monster fridge though, i do love that thing and use every ounce of space), new door and window, flooring...i have the layout all plannedout on the Ikea kitchen designer, cabinates and couter picked and everythign...LOL.
but thats a few years down the line... right now replacing the carpet and some paint might be my max if im faced with the 220v plug socket issue and cant move thigns around.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I can relate. I have suffered from acute agoraphobia in the past. Even now, I have to push myself to go out, but it isn't like before. Then, it was fear of going out. Now, it's more like I prefer my home/animals/family/etc to being 'out there', so I promise myself I'll hurry, so I can get home quicker :lol: I like interaction, or I'd probably make a really good hermit! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I can so relate! Hubby keeps talking about taking trips when he retires. I don't really have much desire to travel. A weekend is fine, but longer than that, and I want to be home! I'd love to own enough land where I could not only have my animals at home, but also have a place I can go canoeing, fishing, camping and horseback riding w/out leaving home.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i have "mild" agoraphobia, the doc thinks its a form of PTS from the sociial anxiety and epilepsy (fear of haing seizures im publice or being in ublic in general means i fear leaving the safter of the property, it makes sense...
certainly could be worse, ive known some agoraphobics who are literally shut ins so badly agoraphobic they literally cant leave thier home at all...i generally manage a once a week excursion as long as its "stress free" (ie the park or a flea market, anywhere i know i can leave imediatly...things like grocery shppping though realy freek me out, i hate the thought of being in a busy place lots of people so it tends to be a once a mnth thing with mid month stops for extra fresh stuff (like milk and banannas lol)

certinaly makes life interesting...
people dont get it cause when im out, im hyper polite, i smile and if someone says hello ill give a nod back or a hi, so they assume im "normal" its the conditioning lol. inside im a-mess lol
i also realy dont like driving in general, makes me nervous (and makes my back HATE me lol) so that just adds to the whoel thing.

the good news is i did manage to get my act together today, got my butt out there and got all the stuff on my grocery list. i need to make a tirp in the opposite direction at some poin tin the next week or so to the selmer co-op for Hay and straw, (my local one has straw but no hay, so i might as well get both while im at one place rather than going back and fort)
I resisted the overwhelming urge to buy 3 thornless blackberry bushes while at lowes picking up th T-posts...i wanted them, BADLY but i figure i dont know yet where id put i left them be. depending on how money is at the end of the month i might treat myself to a couple if im doing well cash wise

i picked out my flooring at lowes, its going to be a little more expensive than painting (but after pricing up a gallon of paint plus a gallon of poly, its only about $30 more) ive deicded to go with a "luxury" vinyl tile, its a little thicker than the regular stuff, and has more of a "slate" texture (as oppised to the shiney plastic texture of the regular stuff) and its a larger tile overall at 16x16 meaning less joints to worry about peeling up but a little more cutting. and at 99cents a square foot will only cost about $80 to do the whole room inc taxes. i think itll look nicer than paint and itll go with the room nicely. ive also decided im going to paint ALL the cabinates white. (especially if i cant move the apliances around any)
but im thinking the floor may end up waiting untill May. kinda hoping the current babbits will pay for it :p rather than putting it on my credit card.
mum and dad are plannign on comming the middle of may so as logn as it becomes an "early in the month" project...i should be fine. which means i can try and get the cabinates painted this month :) shoudlnt be too big of a job...theres realy not many and they painted in a flat paint too so a light sanding to rough up the current paint should be all it needs rahter than a full strip down.

and now im took alot more out of me than usual, and by the time i got back the humidity had started to climb so it was realy sticky putting everything away. i actulaly put the ceiling fan on for the first time (and wish id had the camera for dozers reaction LOL)

gotta go make up the girls bottles in a few mins and get my tuchy out there to feed them...then im going to take a muscle relaxant and a pain killer and if i fall be it lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, almost done with the back fence, then realized its almost 4pm and i havent had lunch, so gonna nom a bananna before i go finnish it up! :D

Make that 5:15 and the back fence is up...i need a couple more T-Posts.
right now i have the salvaged chainlink pannel t the side of the house, but since i dont have bolt cutters strong enough to go through the welded wire fence and enough welded wire fence to fill that gap im going to pit up 2 more t-posts for that spot, remove the chianlink gate and finniahs off the roll of fence. the chainlink gate can then go to the spot where i want to divide the mian yard from the rabbitry/duck area so when the dogs are out the ducks have a safe dog free zone, or i can open up the gate between the 2 areas and the ducks can weeds the entire yard while the dogs are indoors. i can also keep the ducks out of the mian yard when i need it kept poop free ect that way.
ill still need a small amount of some kind of fencing to finnish off that "dividing" fence but that could easily be done in something alot chepaer/shorter with no issues.
itll be hidden eventually anyway as i plan on planting some fruit bushes against it. infact eventually the enitre fence will be hidden by plantings :D

the dogs had a blast running around and ruby likes to lay in the clover, i warned her bees also REALY like clover lol :p

so not a bad day, got my house cleaned, trash is out (just need to put it curbside) and the back fence got done...
yay productive...but now im TIRED lol.

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