Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i didnt get arund to cookies, but the pizza dough turned out nicely. had pizza with sausage for dinner, set 1 portion of dough aside for tomorrow too, thats going to turn into pizza pockets, and 2 in the fridge. 1 batch made 4 good sized balls, and each ball makes enough for 2 servings for me so it works out nicely.
need cornmeal fo sprinkle on the baking pan though to keep it from sticking (i dont have a pizza stone yet lol)
i used flour tonight and id didnt work quite as well as i hoped. i also think the sauce i used was too i need to get a good THICK pizza sauce recipie. ;)

then i finnished it all off with a small bowl of icecream :D

its been raining since mid afternoon, the ducks LOVED it, it seemed to bring those odd little quackers to life ive never seen them so busily running around nibbling on grass and such. the goats however...not so happy, i found them sulking in thier house when i took their evening bottle lol
the goslings are quite simply getting huge! i never imagined an animal could grow so much in such a short amount of time. thre so cute and today when i was cleaning out the brooder i let them out to run around and they were running around like big angry geeseys, neck stretched out "wings" out chasing eachother and then i sat down and they came running over and hopped in my lap and started playing with my hair. there so cute!

got to plan tomorrow out, figure out where the closest doable of the vacination clinics are, the closest is 8-10am and in order to get there id have to leave here no later than that might be cutting it a little close. but theres aparently a few going on tomorrow so im sure we'll find one.
itll be our first time out with his new headcollar...hes not so much of a "puller" as he is easily distracted so im hoping the halti head collar will help keep his focus on me. Hoping to get him in basic OB in June.
need to get this boy trained up! lol.

as a side note, pulled a tick off me the day before yesterday it had JUST bitten, and ill tell you somehting, today the bite is itching like crazy, ive never had an itchy tick bite before...its annoying lol. its not swolen or odd looking and no bullseye so i think its just a reaction to tick puke (same kind of stuff that makes you react to a skeeter bite)...GAH, sooo annyoing

ill be to bed early tongiht i think...i r sleepy! and feeling a little Yick.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Tick bites always itch me to death, and make me feel yick for a day or so too. Hope ya sleep well sis! Oh, and I have you another pallet if ya want it :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I saw a bunch of pellets out in the trash the other day, free for the taking. If you want them,...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, id need a teleporter :D

well my body woke me up at 7:30 must have known i wanted to get an earlier start, so everyone outside is sorted and everyone except jack jack is sorted, just need to feed him, get dressed and get on out to jackson for the morning.
stop 1: rabies shot for dozer
stop 2: a quick wander around the feed store (its crowded and cramped and im sure itll be bustling with people since its saturday so itll be good for dozer)
stop 3: Tractor supply, there the only place that has UN-medicated chick started for the duckies and goslings.
Stop 4: Lowes for the garden center.
Stop 5: pet smart so dozer can get his luvins and treats
stop 6: walmart, i need milk...again
stop 7: Home

so yeah, talky later all!...or shoud that be Y'all? lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:lol: I knew we could turn you into a country girl Pinky! :woot The "ya'll" looks good on ya ;) :lol:

Have a great time out sis!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im home, safe, and tired.
dozers harness is borderline no longer fitting so next month hell need a new one. his new halti head collar though worked wonders...he ws NOT happy about it, and it didnt do much once he was super excited, BUT it did make the act of wlking him alot easier. i think once he gets used to it itll be alot easier overall to keep his focus.
there having $20 special for the beginner clas if signed up by my 6th...but i cant afford it if i want to do my kitchen floor..
we'll hve to see, getting him through a ob clss is kind floor is realy yicky...desicions desicions.

anywhoo, picked up milk for the goats and myself should have enough now to last to the end of the month...
picked up a lemon balm and a lavender form lowes (their bonnie herb pots are 1/2 price for the next week, i wish i could have afforded more but im
sure there will be more specials before the end of spring.

Dozer got his rabies shot...THAT was fun. considering it was a vet and vet tech doing them they were CLUELESS about retraint, i warned them that hes a LARGE HYPER 6 month odl puppy who LOVES LOVES LOVES people...they gave me the "we know what were doing" look so i leashed him up et him out of the car and handed the leash to the took them 10 minutes of him wiggling before the tech gave me his leash back so he could "restrain" the dog...another 10 mins of dozer pretending he was an alegator crosses with a rodeo bronco (the tech is just stood over him trying to hold him as dozers ROLLING over...
heres me roling my eyes so i told the vet to give me a second to calm him down, got him in sit gave him a fuss then straddled him and told the tech to just "hold his tush so he doesnt back out"
if theyd have let me help in the first place it would have taken 2 seconds...if legally i could give it myself it would have taken less, but no, im just a crazy dog owner without a clue..who Oh BTW was a vet tech peopel...i knwo how to retrain my own dog and when i tell you hes a LARGE HYPER PUPPY (and you can see how large he is through the car window) i MEAN hes arge and HYPER.
he just wanted to give the vet lots of kisses, but still either bring along a tech with a clue, or when i say "ill restrain him for you" let me.
Anywho...hes now officlaly "legal"

i have 1/4 a tank to last me through a week and a half, shouldnt be a problem as long as i dont have to run back up to jackson...
they only had chick grower at TSC, so i got a 25lbs bag instead of a 50lb as its a little lower in protein so i dont know how well they will do, the ducks should be fine but it might not be enough for the goslings...

we walked aroud petsmart alot, dozer got lots of luvings...1 kid was kinda annoying though, she asked nicely the first time to pet him...but then kept grabbing his paws off the ground to try and get him to jump up...hes 57lbs and weighs more than this kid so i told her, "no he cant have attention unless ALL 4 feet are on te ground" but she kept comming back aorund and grabbing at his feet so i told her if she couldnt pet him properly she couldnt pet him at all...she wasnt happy about that *grumbles* but seriously kid he weighs more than you and i said no, pack it in if he hurts you WE suffer not the other way around.

good morning, but now its 1pm and im i think im going to betaking a nap kind of exhausted. doesnt help that its also damp and chilly here today, definatly hibernation weather.


Jun 27, 2011
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The halti saved my are with Buddy when we first got him! DH is embarrassed to use it on him but not me and Bud is a perfect gentleman when I walk him! I didn't know we could not give rabies. I do know that we can't use a Fort Dodge base in the rabies for a schnauzer. They tend to be allergic. It almost killed one of mine.

Good luck with picking obedience or flooring. I think I would go obedience first just because he would be a month younger getting it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup in most states its ILLEGAL to administer your own rabies vacination, its the ONLY vacination that you cannot give yourself under most state laws

as of right now Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, NewYork, North Dakota and South Carolina, have nothing written in terms of WHO has to give the vaccine
Pa allows "state lisenced kennels/faclities (ie puppy mills, ect) to be "examined by the state dept to allow the owner of the facility to adminiter the rabies vac

In all other states the rabies vaccine must be administered by a vet, under the direct supervision of a vet or by someone certified by the state dept of Health.

as far as i can tell those are only the rules for dogs cats and ferrets, im not sure if the same rules apply for livestock as i havent yet looked into it further...

ive offically broken the law with Dozer as in TN its supposed to be given by 3 months of age but i will never ever ever give a dog or cat under 6 months of age the rabies vacine EVER!

next clinic ill pack up the cats and take them for theirs, there both due for thieir 1 yr boosters next month and then can go to the 3 yrly schedual after that.
ruby and jasper arnt due for theirs for 2 more years.


Jun 27, 2011
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I've never understood about the 1 year or 3 year rule either. Mine got a three year in TX and we were told it was only good for 1 year in AZ. Money?

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