Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks guys :D made me smile to get good feedback from these folks and to know ive got a customer in a few months for minis, and im hoping they will "spread the word" too :)
plus it means i do actually have enough money to run out next wek and get another bag of bunny food cause ive got a feeling what i have right now isnt going to last a whole week and a half lol.
also need to start picking up the odd BIG tote or small trash cans as we go along too, the mice despite the cats best efforst are getting into the launry room and chewing through bags so i need a way to 1 get the feed out of the laundry room (not enough space for their stuff pls MY pantry lol) and keep the mice out of the feed bags
would also have to be waterproof.
the plastic trashcans are too deep to be any kinds of realy easily acessable, so im thinking mabe the big rubbermate storage totes might work, itll stay in its bag but sat in the tote with the lid clipped tightly, so going to have to do some pricing up i think.
need 1 for the rabbits, 1 for the duck/geese and 1 for the goat food

not a bad day done nothing this afternoon but sit around, i think ive got a bit of a bug comming on as i feel kinda...i dunno if yick is the right word. but i just dont feel quite 100%
so i think im going to spend the next few days doing very going to go out and plant my lavender and lemon balm in a few mins, and tomorrow the rabbit and duck houses need cleaning out...but that doesnt take too long.

so is warmer, heater is on low and the dogs are more comfrtable now but im still chilly, so i think after i do some planting im going to change into my pjs, make myself a hot drink and snuggle under a blanket with my dogs and a movie for a few hours.
beyond the goats bottles tonight and locking the ducks in i dont need to go anywhere/do anything so might as well get cozy.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The Rubbermaid totes are no good if you have squirrels. Wanna ask how I know :/ Wonder if Dozer likes squirrel meat? :p Sorry you aren't feeling well, get better! :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
Hope ya get to feelin' better! :hugs

It's been chilly here, too, and we're supposed to get down to 36 tonight. BRRRRRR!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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left the fire on last night and im glad i did, i slept pretty well, which mens i would hav been frozen had it not been on, im one of those that doesnt sleep well unless the rom is the perfect temperature.
still feeling a little ick today, think its a mild headcold as im feeling slightly stuffy this morning
but i got stuff to do today so.
need to transfer paypal money out of paypal and into the bank
mail out my internet and cable bill
hit walmart for cat food (some months they barely eat and others forget it its 2-3 cans a day!)
hit the feed store for rabbit and goat feed. ive got enough for the rabbits for tomorrow and mabe 2 days left on the bag of goat feed.
think im definatly going to have to do 100lbs of rabbit feed each month with having the girls breeding. the 50lb back has thus far lasted the girls about 5 weeks, so im figureing i should probably get 100lbs of that in a month too now they wont be getting thebottle as much. once i get to taking them out for brows every day i shoudlnt use much but if i can keep the mice out of it it should store so ill have a "buffer"
will have to put a gallon or 2 in the gas tank while im at it too to see me through with having to go back out again... so that leaves me broke...again LOL.

i also need to put bluebell in with bigwig while im cleaning out the rabbit cages get her rebred, this will be her last litter untill late summer i think, looking at the way the temperatures go i i think having them wean their litters by the end of june, and having july and august babbit free then breed neer the end of august. and again for babies ready to go for christmas and give them jan/feb off so i dont have to worry as much about frozen kits during the coldest months
so right now the plan is, bluebell gets bred today, the mini rex get bred next weekend (one on saturday one on monday as thistle will be a first timer too) rowan and blackberry will then be bred the second weekend of may (friday and sunday) that way i have multiple does due together incase i need foster mommas.

ive also got to get to thinking on the goosey house for the goslings, there HUGE already! will need to get new pictures, i cant belive how fast geese grow, they make the ducks growth seem so piddly in comparison lol. its either build/find them a house VERY soon...or make goose diapers and let them loose in the guest bedroom as give it another week and there NOT going to fit in the brooder LOL.

but yeah, first things first, feed jackjack whos making baby dinosaur cries at me cbecause he wants his breakfast (which he will promptly eat 3 peanuts and throw the rest about like confetti), got to get the goslings and linnies sorted too and feed the cat who is currnety yelling at me because she doesnt want to eat the dry food and MUST have caned food or will starve t death in the next 5 minutes....
then get dressed, think im going to run to town FIRST then do litterboxes this afternoon when the suns had chance to get above the trees.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Yup, offically broke again but ive got 50lbs of rabbit and 50lbs of goat feed and enough cat food to last till next wednesday and enough gas to get me out and home on thursday AND back out to a gas station next week.
will be definatly doing the co-op for my hay, straw, rabbit and goat feed from now on, goat feed was almsot $6 cheaper for the 50lb bag, and the rabbit feed was $4 cheaper, straw is the same price but hay is $2 cheaper.
Will also get my duck/geese/layer food from them in the future too as they now have none medicated feed (which they didnt when the ducks arrived)
this means ill only be buying my dog food from the feed store in jackson and hopefully by next spring ill be raising enough meat to put them on a raw diet so thatll "save" a little money there too. (its more expensive to feed raw if im buying the meat, but if im growing it myself, raw is going to save me about $30 a month on dog food.

saw my first "amish of walmart" today...they pulled into the parking lot on their black buggy and lovely looking horse to do some shopping lol, kinda novel realy lol. (at least i think they were amish, could have been memmonite)
give me a couple years with gas prices like this and ill be doing the same...only my horse will be a flashy paint draft cross or a fjord or 2 and my buggy will be PINK!
ok so itll look more like a girly girl hippy and a gypsy had a kid than an amish buggy...but still! itll work for me!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wish we could find a good co-op or feed store around here - every one of them we've checked are MORE expensive than TSC! :rolleyes:

We have a lot of Amish all over this area. Even so, it was a little strange seeing them at Meijer's (in our 'big city' )the other day - they do tend to shop mainly at WM! The Mennonite's here are allowed to drive cars. Actually, other than their style of dress, I'm not sure they have restrictions like the Amish, maybe it differs by group :hu We get invitations all the time in the mail to come check out the local Mennonite church. I enjoy the 'benefits' of having so many Amish here - we have two excellent Amish stores and a really nice tack and boot store that's Amish run. Used to have a nice Amish bakery too, but they closed :(


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The Mennonites here do the buggy and/or drive black vans. Two different groups of Mennonites here. I don't think we have any actual Amish folk around here, or at least not that I'm aware of. Pinky....there are TONS of buggies that go up and down our road. It's a country passtime here, and ANNOYING :p They get on my nerves around this curvy no business :rant I have almost ran up their nonexistant tail pipe several times around the sharp curve before you get to my place, so be careful if you come over this summer, on the weekends especially. Just watch for poo patties and you'll know they're up ahead somewhere, and they're almost always sloppy drunk too. They're good people for the most part, but they seem to have a few screws loose :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've known Mennonites that I was shocked to learn they were Mennonites. I think it all depends on the area, and the order. The one around here, the ladies dress no differently than I do, though it may be different when they go to church. They drive cars, have electricity, the ladies can have short hair, etc.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah theres a memmonite that goes to the store across the way and he drives a big white van...he called himself "amish light" and was dressed in similar style to the amish but in actual colors rather than the black and white.

These folks were wearing black and navy blue with very traditional head coverings so i wasnt entirely sure.

Lol no worries, MY buggy will be so bright (and lets face it probably strung up with bells) youll KNOW im there fomr about 6 miles away, even with the curvies LOL!

in other news. rabbit cages cleaned...
I got new pics of rowans litter now there starting to get active, and there so alike that i cant realy tell some of them apart so they all got various dabs of food dye today so i can keep track...
aparently Bigwig is a PINK maker, in bluebells litter 2 of the 6 were boys...
in rowans litter 2 of the 8 are boys!
and the biggest in the litter is a black otter doe! with the smallest being the black otter male this time
the 2 boys:

Black Otter:

the 6 girls:
Himi 1:

Himi 2:

Black otter 1:

Black otter 2:

Black otter 3:

Black otter 4:

and heres the first rose on the first rose bush i planted

and my "what the hell is that" (turns out its southern evening primrose)

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