Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't know about other states, but I can't give the horses or goats their rabies. It's a pain because it costs so much more to get the shot done by the vet.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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W.TN and paranoia

the 3 yr rabies and the 1 yr rabies are actually the same vaccine, and by that i mean they draw the "1 yr" and the "3yr" from the exact same vial, and its given at the exact same dose, theres no different types, no different dosages, no special treatment, no difference at all in the 1 yr and 3 yr.

the problem comes in
1: with vets
you have the vets who are worried about the money so theyll either refuse to offer the "3yr" or theyll charge you extra, this IS a rip off, as again the 1 yr and the 3 yr come form the exact same there simply charging you extra for "your conveinience" (which in my opinion my "conveinence" is the safety of my animals health, not just because i dont want to pay for the rabies shot every year.
you then have "the old vets" the ones whove been in the industry for so long, these old vets often REFUSE to accept new protocal, if it was good when they strted its still good now, or they simply just dont keep oto of new protocals at all...those "set in their ways" kind of folks. for these vets the thought of every 3 years for a vaccine is blasphemy and youll never be able to tell them any different

2: state department of health
their problem is primarily paranoia...there worried that these freeky hippy new age folks (even if they are lisenced veterinarians and scientists) are just a bunch of whackjobs and have no idea ALL govt programs, Big pharmacuitcals are BIG money, the folks promoting vaccines put alot of money into makeing sure state depeartments THINK what there told by big pharma is right and that all those hippy dippy new vets are nutjobs...

i do understand why the vaccine should be given under supervision of a vet. the rabies accine is considered a "high risk" vaccine, reactions are incredibly common, as are administration problems.
its also a relitivly expensive vaccine to create and ne of the longer development times, (there are actually shortages on human rabies vaccine, so there is money to be made in selling animal rabies vaccines to black market sellers...(which i find odd as i hate getting my rabies shot lol its not somehting i would get if i wernt a vector species rehabber, and since i cant do bat rehab in TN i probably wont be oing it anymore...)
also when the "average joe" gives their own vaccines theres realy no way to be certain the vaccine was given...and wiht somehting like rabies being so high risk...(ive known people "steal" lot numbers ect) they want to be sure it was given...
but it is realy annoying and vets use it as a rip off, the vabies vaccine itself costs aproximatly $5 a dose, a syrnge aproximatly 10cents. now i dont mind paying $10 for a rabies vacine at a clinic because then i knwo im paying "normal retail markup" aka $5 for the vacine and $5 for the vets time to administer it or a 2x markup...
HOWEVER i flat out REFUSE to pay $25+ for that same vaccine under normal circumstances, theres absolutly no reason for it to cost that much (and many vets wont just give the vaccine you also have to pay for the office visit plus a "medical waste disposal fee" ) so a $5 vacine turns into a $60 vet visit!

the markup on vaccines is insanity and one of the things i hate about vets.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i love skype...
each night i chat with mommy or daddy...its nice to be able to see them when i talk to them.

well tonight dad asked about chickens...told him id definatly like to get some before fall this year BUT id have to figure out cost of building a coop of some kind and build it and a feeling hes added it to the "things im going to try and do while visiting" list...hope he realizes that by "cant afford it" i mean, lowes wont accept dirt and clover as payment for building supplies lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, after resisting turning the heater on...jasper and ruby were both shivvering and my fingers feel like ice blocks, so the heat has offically gone back on
i tried to resist i realy did
but my thermometer says its JUST 50 degrees in here (its almsot 60 outside) and THAT is too cold...i resisted yesterday and it was 55 in here so aparently somewhere between 50-55 degrees my body says YOU, too cold! heat now.
and its not like im not layered anyway, tank, long sleaved t, sweater AND

did manage to do all the bunnies nails this morning, the only ones that gave me issues were thistle and holly 2 of the mini rex...they didnt want to be flipped onot their backs so i could get to thier front feat easily but i talked sweetly to them for a while and gave them multiple breaks and it worked out...
heck even rowan who will try and eat your hand if you go neer her food dish (and yes i have figured out its NOT her babies shes protective over...its her food dish...aparently shes STARVING lol...once out of the cage though she let me do what i needed to no kicking scratching or attempts at biting so YAY, hent alot easier than i thought.
now if only it were that easy to clip jack jacks nails, there like razor blades!

cats for their advantage today, that stuff along witht he enforcer on the furniture does seem to be keeping the fleas away, dogs are due mid next week so theyll all get baths tomorrow and then flea stuff on tuesday.

waiting on the lady who bought the broken black otter and the broken blue chin bunnies...there due pretty much any time, she already paid in full so its just a case of hand em over and tada, 2 down. they may stay and chat for a while, dunno yet whatll happen/how chatty they will be, its a 2 hour drive for them one way so...

then...then when they leave...its time for lunch! pizza pocket! nom!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well an hour and a half later, they came for 2 rabbits...left with 3 LOL. so all Bluebells litter have been claimed. 1 more baby to go home and my 2 retained babies.
Her frinedwants to be informed when i have mini rexs as she wants a couple for her kids :)
great people, chatted for a while, they were Serioulsy impressed with the personality on these babies so yay lots of handling from birth.
there oging to be 3 very spoilt little babbits!, 3 little girls to spoil them rotten, thats if they can ever pry them out of their mothers arms lol. pocket.
lordy im hungry!
after lunch, update the website and take down the craigslist adds and update my own records and after that...nothing planned!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Cool deal on the sales Ms. Pinky! :thumbsup

On the thick pizza sauce... just use tomato paste as the base rather than tomato sauce. Add as much water as you prefer, and add the seasonings. It can be as thick or as thin as you need it to be that way, and it's just as tastey too ;)

50 degrees would be well beyond no go for me BRR! 60 is my limit, even layered, because I HATE for my toes to be cold :old


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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We have our gas fire place on....its chilly. Good deal on the sales as well!

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