Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well turns ot theres only 2 avian vets in TN, one in North jackson, the other in Memphis LOL.
ive been looking for an avian vet as a "just in case" for jack jack..and over the lat month or so ive been bale to handle him less and less as his claws have been getting sharper and sharper...
i have multiple pedicure type perches in his cage, but there fairly useless aparently as his nails end up needing to be done every 3-4 months or so in order for me to actually hold him. (there almos tas sharp as a hawks talons at this point... and he has this game he plays where hell hold onot your hand and then "lay" backwards as if hes fainting...but he holds on...TIGHT he does a similar one where he holds your hand or arm and flaps as hard and fast as he can but again he hold on...tight, like ancoring himself (hes fully flighted right now too so he CAN fly) in the mean time hes having a blast and it feels like hes making attempts at shredding your flesh off...

So i called the vet in jackson whos the only one in this general area who does avian...$10 and shell cut his nails and give him a quick once over (and will do his wings if i decide i want them not sure yet on that front, i generally reserve wings for behavioural issues, (knocks em down a few pegs when there hormonal/acting out/being teenagers) but well see. shell also give his beak a light file for me too. wont need much there THATS what he uses his pedicure perch for lol.

but yeah, i let him out in the mornings but i just cant hold/play with him right now cause there too sharp, so hes suffering because he cant stay out (hes not an "on his cage" kind of parrot, he wants to be on you (or trying to eat my fish tank))

so YAY jack jack nail time.
then i can at least start taking him out for walks again (yes i have a leash for him).
Id LOVE to one day get him an aviary for the back yard so he can go outside on nice days...especially here, its warm and humid enough during the summer im sure to be about as close as one can get to the rainforrest without being in it LOL.

anywho...that means at least 2 trips to jackson in the first 2 weeks of May, i have to go up there on Thursday or Friday and buy dog food and wood for the goose house (and groceries) and then go up the week after for the vet visit...i hate going up there for just 1 thing so ill probably pack his leash and take him for a walk around petsmart...he loves attention, whether hell actually go to strangers is always hit or miss...(he tends to choose people who are nervous, i think he finds it funny lol) but he LOVES being talked to and oood and Ahhhhd over.

in other news, i think i finally got my eico payment sorted, ive been trying to get the auto payment date pushed back by 2 days (its supposed to come out the day before i get paid) now i can go on the website before its due each month and push back the payment...but i know my luck and one of these months im going to today i called and it looks like theyve finally managed to get my auto payment schedualed for the 4th! WOOT! the difference 48 hours makes LOL.

and yeah. gonna go play "clean the laundry room" in a second...need to hook up that washing machine and sweep out in there, theres a mouse residing behind the freezer i belive so i need to start measuring up for shvles for in there so i can get stuff off the floor, and so the cats have easier going to shove a few traps behind the washer and freezer too as the cats wont be able to get back there, then a cat door is going in so the girls can get in and out. Im also going to put in a couple of comfy boxes and that way on bad weahter days if they get locked out for whatever reason they have a dry warm place to go hide.

mum and dad are also now talking about comming out the first 2 weeks of june instead of the end of may...this is actually ehlpfull, it means i can wait on rowans kits to sell so ill have money for the kitchen floor and get it done before they come, and it should give me enough money to buy the needed materials to build the steps off the back deck too (a job i want his help with) i MIGHT even have enough money and time to get the bedrooms painted...MIGHT...

hes talking about bringing down a bunch of tools and a lawnmower to leave here...this is AWESOME...yay tools to mka edoing things around here easier...BUT...where am i going to put them?! so now hes talking about getting a shed/chicken coop built...*blink blink* hope hes planning on paying for it...but at least ill have my "free" money in june (i wont have any in may with some of the projects i need to get done) and mabe i can get the old shed Torn down before they come out...i told the neighbor (he offered ahiwle ago) that it needs to come don asap and he can have the tin off the roof in exchange (i dont even need him to haul the trash i just need it puled down so i can get to it, hack it apart and put a burn pile togther) if i can get that area cleared, thats where i want to build the chicken coop, so at least it would be one hurdle down. anyone have a buldozer they want to just let be borrow for a few months...a bulldozer woudl take care of ALOT of my problems LOL!.
heck a realy big truck with a plow would probbaly work too lol.

I figure an 8 x 16 shed would give me eough room to divide it up, part chicken/ guinnea coop and part tool/mower storage for now.

i have SOOO much i need to do. *thud*

i also need to get my head into the freezer and figure out what i need to put on my grocery list for the month.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, built the stand for the washer dryer, hauled them both out of the way, utstand in place, hooked up washer put it in its spot, popped dryer ontop of stand (not an easy task) i need dad to instal a new dryer vent behind it but the washing machines is good to go, got it as tight as possible and will be periodically checking for leakage (im paranoid lol) and the plug is easily acessable so it doenst have to be pluged in all the time.
did some rearranging and sorting in there, so there is a little more space and itll be even better once i get shelves up int here and totes/baskets to store loose bits and actually get organized as its going to be "the pantry" (and overstock/dry stuff) but yeah, felt good to get that sutff sorted...will probably do a load of laundry tonight and well hope for the best lol.

pulled some leaf lettuce and the neighbor gave me some raddish, ive never had raddish so we'll see how that goes, i do know that the rabbits can eat the greens though so that works for me, even if i dont like them lol.

i do have to thin the beets tomorrow there looking a little over crowded so the buns will be having some good nommies tomorrow.
got my maters steaked and tied today, and theres a few little fruits forming and lots of flowers already. hoping to get a GOOD crop of maters as those i eat the most of.

but yeah.
tonights dinner, sloppy joe and a side salad. im not yet sure what desert will be though...i have those little bananna muffins but there kinda dry...mabe ill figure somehting to do with those and pudding :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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may is panning out to potentially be a slightly insane month lol

first job on the line is building the goosey and new ducky house (the space under the hutches that they live in right now is just not cutting it...its got the right sqftage but its long and narrow and just kinda arkward now there bigger) so thats a 4x8 structure to be built. going to re-use some of the wood already there to help on costs, but the geese will have a 4x4 space and the ducks will have a 4x4 space, the main difference being the goose house will be 4ft at the highest and 3 ft at the lowes while the ducky house will be 3ft at the highest and 2 ft at the lowest
i havent yet decided if they are going to have a common wall or if im going to simply build 2 seperate 4ft x 4ft houses
got to run the numbers do the math and figure it out.

i also realy want to get the kitchen floor stuff this month, even if i have to wait for dad to come to instal it...i want to have it handy, and id like to get the bedrooms and bathroom painted too.
but those are 100% dependant on selling all rowans kits...

ontop of that i want to try and stock pile some rabbit and goat feed as well as stock pile some hay, shavings and straw...
this also means looking into somehting to store feed in...thoughts? i need somehting that will store about 100lbs of feed, CHEAP. needs to be chew proof. (this would also mean i can store the feed Neer the animals there feeding rather than in my laundry room)

and i need to buy a bottle of ivomec for the dogs/cats (heartworm prevent) which will suposedly kep the ticks at bay too. *fingers crossed*

and i need to figure out a clothes line for my laundry

going to be a little bit of a crazy month...
but at least i got my washing machine hooked up and it SEEMS to be doing ok...

Mouse in laundry room is confirmed also which means cat flap in laundry room door is on the list.
i aparnelty also have a mouse SOMEWHERE in the house (primarily in the closet) no visual on the rodent, BUT there was a hole in my laundry basket and theres mouse poop, no clothes chewed, but it looks like it was thinking about nesting in the laundry basket that means going through the closet and figuring out where the little beasty came from. it also means sorting out my clothese removing anything "not cat hair frinedly" and leaving the closet door open overnight when there in...i try to keep them out of the closet because they curl up on the clothes...but mousey needs to GO... i can only assume hes comming up from under the house as thats where the water heater is plumbed in and miceys can fit through some itsy bitsy holes.

got plans to go to first mondays, with al the other stuff planned cant actually buy anything, but hoping to take a look a round see what its all about, prices ect. im sure ill end up comming home wiht something either way, but still.

and today i ran out of dog food, again...a 50lb bag just isnt making it through the month, im comming up about 1/2 a week short. and dozer isnt done growing yet...
oh well...
ill get there.
week by week, week by week. lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I have a pallet for materials to get you started, may be able to get more...I can see, if that'd help you out on the duck/goose thingies. I also have a live trap for Mr. Mousey that works like a charm, then you can relocate him wherever ya want. And.....I have a spare square bale I am NOT using/not gonna use as I has no more goaties. You're welcome to all of it. I have a few more things for you as well IF I can EVER get a day to be able to come see ya! So, does that help any? Maybe? :lol: Oh, and I can take Dozer boy off your hands ANY TIME...I *think* I can feed him :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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LOL, pallets i can always use, and hay, well that never goes to waste between the goats and the buns...yay.

odly enough dozer doesnt seem to eat all that much compared to his size...but still those last 3 days lol.
its always the way lol.

in other news, first load of laundry in my "new" washing machine done...(and by new i mean i bought it used brought it here and only got aorund to hooking it up yesterday "new" lol) and im pleased to say its a great little machine, my underware came out practically dry so it must have a great spin cycle. its only a small machine so it would be USELESS for a family lol but for me, im more than happy so far. got a few loads to do tomorrow and once im all caught up (and get myself a few new pairs of jeans) i should be able to get away with 2 loads a week i think for just me. YAY!

gotchicken in the oven, smells good, going to have it wth "salad" (lettuce, raddish and grated carrot since i have no tomatoes right now) and some italian bread (nom chicken sammich).
got to go get everyone situated in a few mins so it should be ready by the time im done :D

neighbors duaghter is back today with her 2 dogs...they kept them off my property this time but instead were tossing the ball and letting the dogs poop on the enighbor across the ways lawn...neighbor across the way has already made it clear she doenst like loose dogs she thanksed me for keeping mine "contained" and i made it very clear that i hate people wholet their dogs wander too...but she didnt come out to say anything so...the kid did kick his ball down my driveway though which prompted an interesting "interaction"
I was putting my laundry out on my little wooden drying rack...i put it under the car port because its the only slid ground i have right now (it doesnt stay up very well on the dirt) i arranged it in such a way that form the road you see the end of the dryer and not my actual underware lol...
but she comes over to get the kids ball and goes "you know...thats REALY distatefull, rolls her eyes and walks away before i even thought to she walks away she goes "discusting, i dot need to see other peoples underware...thats why the dryer ws invented"


firtly lady, MY yard, anythign beyond that tree is MINE you dont need to be ON my property checking out my underware.
secondly...realy?! do you not own underware? its just socks and panties for goodness sake! (and mostly socks) grew up out here in "the country" the neighbor across the way line dries all the trying to tll me your not used to seeing peoples "unmentionables" hanging in the breeze?! :lol:

*sigh* what is the workd comming to?!

so now i have to try and find out exactly what her "visit" schedual is and make sure i save my underware laundry day for the days shes comming by :clap itll be entertaining!

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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If you know she is going to see them... take an old pair of undies you don't need anymore and smear a line of dirt on the backside and hang those out. Hehehe:lol:


Jun 27, 2011
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Glad your washer works well! Laundrey as entertainment, huh? Good luck with your neighbors!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Do you know her name? If you do would you PM it to me. Funny thing about small town living is everybody knows everybody around here. I love to embarass people with the truth that they have no clue how I know. She is asking for it :p Folks around these tiny towns like to push outsiders around a bit sometimes to see if they'll just take it or not. I can't stand an arrogant bully :rant I'd fly my drawers on her frickin car antennae next time :old

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