well the rumblies seem to have stopped...the rain has slowed and the humidity has gone UP LOL.
the bad news is we got so much rain so quickly that 1/2 of the duck coop looked like a pond and the other half is wet (its just shavings on the ground sothe ground has soaked through so badly...ive never seen if flood and we have had plenty of rain since i built it so...
just confirms that i NEED to build them a new house.
and confirms that it needs to have a a floor of some kind so i can raise it off the ground so this doesnt happen again, so that adds a little cost, it needs to be drop through and sprayable im thinking plastic of some kind would work well...
the beginning of the month whent by fast but this past 2 weeks have just hit a dead stop.
probbaly because moneys tight again this moth...it shouldnt be, i had extra come in from the rabbits, but its gone...the extra T-posts fr the fence and obviously a number of other "bits and Bobs" snuck up and bit me on the ass aparently...
*sigh* its always the way though i guess.
alot of it was the milk for the goats i think, its gost me $64 in milk this month, and i know im going to need to pick up 1 more gallon before months end...thats alot of money that wasnt in my origional budget plan, there down to 1 bottle a day though and should be able to be completly weaned in about 2 weeks so that should be no more than 2 1/2 more gallons.
yup i think thats definatly a big part of what threw my budget right out the window this month...
i need paper for the goose brooder too...
Shakes head.
some mornings i just onder what the heck im thinking
todays plan involves doing very little, i need to run my electric bll over to the post office and buy a stamp for that...yay roll of pennies lol.
oh and get this, i found out that with the card fiasco at the beginning of the month my car insuracne auto payment idnt come out (dispite me changing the account on it in time) so now theres a $4 late fee on that *GAH* the money is in my account for last month so its not like the money has dissapeared or anything...but still talk about fustrating, im not a "late on my bills" kind of gal so it sucks to see "amount past due" on the bill. *sigh*
oh well, just having an off day i think...
didnt sleep well per-say and i feel like im stuck in a mud puddle this morning just spinning my wheels...
who wants to buy it for me?!
im fairly certain that tractor was built specifically for me!
as a side note...
got my first jehova at my door early this afternoon...
the barking dogs definatly made her very uncomfortable...
but she was a cute little old lady so i closed the door behind me and let her introduce herself...
I told her straight out, "look, im pagan, im happy and while i apreciate your just doing as your bible tells you to, im realy not interested."
we all know that doesnt stop them...but i KNOW there just following the rules as they have been taught, they dont get their eternal life unless they put in the hours and "foot work" to try to bring more to the fold...
i dont understand it since thier rules clearly state that 144,000 will get to ride the special buss, and it seems to me recruiting more people may mean they get the golden ticket rather than you...BUT there just following their belifs...so i give them one chance at niceness...
She started her schpeil, asked if id read the bible, (i have) she pointed out a few verses in reference to "the end" and "eternal life"...
she was very nice about it though, there was no condesention in her voice live ive heard from others...and unlike other she actually did let me get a word in edgewise lol.
I told her i belive the bible has alot to teach no matter what diety (or not) you belive in and that we are human beings have a job on this earth to look after her for future generations...and ill be more than happy to make sure im doing as much as i can on my own part to make sure i leave this mother earth we have in good condition for their everlasting life...
i thanked her for her niceness once again, told her she can keep her seat on the bus and i apreciate her devotion to her belifs but hope she doesnt let those belifs taks such a hold that she doesnt get to live in the time between now and the end.
She said she "felt a special place in her heart" and i "made her feel warm" and im a "very special person, here for a reason more than I can Comprehend" (i as in she)
Im sure that means shell be back in a few weeks to see if my open mind was open enough to read the watchtower publication...
next time shell get a "thanks but no thanks" and a please dont come back...according to their own doctrine they pretty much get 2 tries...not that many stick to it, but i am familiar enough with the jehovas rules to let her know quite clearly that while kind and polite im not going to answer my door every week for her.
I feel bad being mean to folks like that off the bat...but no means no so im hoping shes not so bored as to make a return visit.
anywho. had chilli for dinner...got a home made apple crumb for desert a little later...got to grab some hay and feed for the goats and go put them in for the night and put the puddle ducks in too and let the dogs go potty.
in other news..the 2 little raspberry sticks have done nothing...im wondering how long i shoudd leave those nekkid little sticks before i decide there just too far beyond my help and pull em... i wanted raspberries
Hoping ill have enough at the end of May to grab a couple before they start taking them off the shelves at Lowes, i dont know when they stop selling their fruit/herbs around here for the season...
But Well see.
i had a dream last night of a hammock house...essentially an arbor with a big brazilian hammock under it, it was surrounded by a beautiful flower bed and climbing roses and clematis...id REALY like to build that eventually, ive not given myself a huge back yard for maintenence and i know the dogs will get itno much of what i try to make pretty if i do too much...but i do want a few nice little areas where i can sit back and enjoy...so ive decided i want a conversation set under the car port, a bistro set on the back deck, a table and chairs in one area of the yard and a hammock in another spot...
I want lots of little nooks and crannies but i also need to leave plenty of lawn for the dogs to run around and be crazy on.