Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the is only the second time iv seen the daughter since i moved here 6 months ago so i think she only visits every couple of months so its not too bad lol. as long as she keeps her dogs off my land i dont care
i think it got me more that its disrespectfull and distastfull of me to hang my undies outside...BUT its perfectly fine for them to allow their dog to poop and pee all over someone elses property....
I feel bad for my direct across neighbor because as odd as firey rake is, she is meticulaous about her yard and i know i hate stepping in dog poop when its my own dogs, its worse when it belongs to someone elses... :sick


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well I hope she steps in a nice big hot stanky pile in her bare feet tomorrow then.

It was disrespectful of her to TRESPASS and then spout off her stupid mouth WHILE TRESPASSING IMO. People get on my nerves :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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good fences = good neighbors...and once i get the fence up and have a defined bounfdry line a no tresspassing sign is going up. (eventually ill have a bunch of them along the property lines too but i figure at the very least one where my property starts and public property ends would be good lol.)

this morning starts a few "new" phases in life.

1: i re-started my food journal, been meaning to do that for a while now and now the progress is stopping, and this week i put on 3 lbs which im pretty sure is bloating/bathroom issues its still frustrating as ive eaten healthier this week than last lol. so back to food journaling to see where my pitfalls are.
i know i get snacky in the evenings so i need to start keeping healthy choices around
im also going to reflect this in my shopping list.

2: the dogs got raw this morning and loved it.
im trying to figure out if its just worth saying "screw it" and going raw with them now...
Each gets 2.5% (dozer could go up to 3% being hes a growing puppy)
that means at current weights ruby gets about 5 oz per day, Jasper about 3oz per day, and Dozer 1 1/2lbs per day, thats about 61lbs of meat bone and organ each month to feed the 3 of them currently (dozer is growing so itll go up some)
i currently spend $32 on their bag of dog food and its lasting me a little under a month. going raw would NOT save me any money while im still buying meat...

cindi, when you process, do you keep the organs and necks? Chicken necks make perfect items for the dogs so if you dont use them, dont toss them :D
need to see if i can get chicken backs, and chicken and turkey necks anywhere locally (they tend to be "cheap") if not i need to find deals on whole chicken untill i can raise my own.
This would mean a couple of meat rabbits to up rabbit for meat production (as i need to sel the rex to pay for the set up lol), and the quail set up needs to get started and i need to figure out a couple of tractors so i can raise chicken meatballs.

ill figure it out, may just stick with dog food for now if i cant find a cheap source for chicken, im talking under 70cents a lb cheap...if i can get under 50 cents a lb even better...

today is clean up day, shopping list day, and figure out the goose/duck house plans day, so it is going to be a mentally busy day mostly lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well most of the laundry is done, the hosue is clean, the shopping list is compiled, freezer is organized, dozers toys took a visit to the stuffy doctor for a stitch up session...

just need to do a serious figure out on the ducky/goosey shelter and get a materials list togehter.
goslings are in as it started to rain...still have to put the ducks and goats in but there fine for another 1/2 hour or so.
storm rolled in and humidity suddleny whent sky high lol.

today the dogs got their first ever true raw meals...rabbit this morning and this afternoon, they all did realy well, no hesitation on the little guys about crunching those bones...though i had to prompt dozer to chew this morning lol, he was licking it and not NOMMING it lol.
they loved it so it looks like Raw its going to be., just got to find a source for necks and backs and deals on all other cuts.

had chicken stew and dumplins for dinner...NOMMY

now just need to figure out the goose/duck house plans...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, its confirmed
mum and dad are coming for 2 weeks, last week of may, first week of june.

oh much to do LOL.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I know roger's supermarket in Corinth has the leg quarters for 68 cents a pound this week, which means Selmer WalMart can be ad matched to get them there. Chicken livers are pretty darn cheap too. The lady who helps me butcher is Asian, she takes the organs, feet, heads, and necks. You could check Rickmans meat market on the way to Corinth too for cheap cuts of meat/bone. I hate to waste anything so I am glad she loves those parts :D I love livers but give them to her for the help. I dunno how I could help on the raw diet for the dogs, unless maybe they eat fish. I could shoot you some squirrels :lol: We are overrun with the stupid things here. I still have some of the kalamari, if you think they'd eat it, you are MORE than welcome to it too. I'm about ready to clean out my freezers and toss it. I'll keep my eyes open for the good deals for you :) Roger's has excellent deals on meats and usually has something if not a few things for under 70 cents per pound. I'll scan prices at the meat market for you too, and I know a guy who processes deer and hogs, I'll check with him as well and see what we can come up with there. Ya might be able to feed them for a bit of gas money on free stuffs. That'd be helpful :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that would be awesome...dont think theyd eat calamari but fish in general they can have, but if your cleaning out and come across anythign freezer burnt you dont want the dogs wil take freezer burnt :D
deer is good, as is pig, pretty much anything cheap/free is great, heck squrrel works too i just have to make sure to freexe it for 3 months to avoid parasites lol.
liver, kidney and brain tend to be the majority organ meats of choice.

got some lists and going to ask, i havent been to any of the meat markets or anything (didnt know there were any) so ill be needing adreses :D also if theres any asian grocery stores, im told they usually have good deals.
poops were normal this morning as far as i can see and they all ate again this morning with gusto so seemingly no upset tummies

just gotta finnish feeding everyone inside and clean out the brooder, then its measure the car to make sure i can fit the 4x4 peices of ply in with the roof up (incase it rains) and then its off to jackson for shopping day.

With mum and dad comming at the end of may-beginning of june im going to have to look for a few meat deals for myself too, lol.
I know theyll help out on the grocery bill though while here so no real worries there.

Oh well, gonna get finnishd up and sorted.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well my pig liked the calamari anyway :lol: Most of my excess will be going to him for the next several months to fatten his hiney :D After that though, I will be saving things for my sweet sweet Dozer doggie and his little bald cohorts :love I'd try it with Kita, but she gets upset stomach just over cooked chicken skin :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah skin in general can be "tough" on the system so generally when starting raw you go skinless (and most of the fat removed) and go a little heavy on the bone compared to what would eventually be a "normal" raw diet (hence backs and necks being great) then you slowly introduce more fat and skin (if you want)

the cheapest i could find meat wise was .69c per lb for leg quarters, and im just not budgeted yet for $55 a month in meat just for the dogs so i boughtour regular kibble...this month is going to be tight as it is so $30 is cheaper than $55 lol.

did manage to fill the cabinate, put some goodies in the fridge ect so did well there and got everything i need for the goose/duck houses (that got some interesting looks form the guys at lowes untill the guy that cut and helped load my last rabbit huthc project came out and goes "oh its you and your magic truck car..." the guys looked realy confused but we quickly had the car packed with 4x4 sheets of ply and 4ft long peices of 1x2 and 2x4 :D

so tomorrow im hoping to get the whole thing built, and ready to move needs to be built and roofed so i can move the babies in...i probably wont get it painted untill sunday but as long as i can get them moved asap im happy :)

took out some cash for the fleamarket on saturday...not planning on spending anything but didnt want to risk seeing something usefull and not being able to get it...

it was a long day and my back is ACHEY...but i got everything i wanted to get today so...
If mum and dad want anythign special theyll have to send me some cash or wait till they get here and ill take them to the grocery store...BUT i think imanaged to stratch the food budget quite nicely :)
now watching dreamcatcher and chilling with a glass of milk and a brownie bite :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well this is odd, dont know if i slept funny last night or what but boy my hip is achey.
this sucks.

Oh well, itll have to just deal.
got to build the goose/new duck house today...
no if's ands or butt...
jus thoping it doesnt rain too much on me (there saying 20% for my zip but its kinda coudy/grey out there)
shouldnt take too long to build realy got some basic cutting to do but its not an overly complicated design.
probably take me longer to salvage more shingles than it will to build the thing lol.

just hope my hip decides to co-operate.

other than that, no plans for today. Willow is on due dillegence for a mouse in the house she was chasing all last night. so ive got to pull the dogs crates away from the walla little as thats where shes currently staring so i think it got back there
got some laundry to finnish up and yeah thata about it.

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